- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 3 months ago:
Last change made by Evolution, commit message “ehh good enough TODO fix in next release”, 500 million years ago
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
The proof assumes that the monkeys mash the keys at random and that there is a nonzero probability to write any chunk of text appearing in Shakespeare’s works. If there is a section that the monkeys cannot generate, for example if we removed the letter ‘e’ from their typewriter, the monkeys will never write the complete works of Shakespeare regardless of the amount of time spent on it, so their point still stands and it depends on the assumptions you make about the monkey typists’ typing skills.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
Quacks get banned/shunned because they’re usually obnoxious and abusive, not because they hold fringe ideas. If it was only the latter they’d fit right in in most fields.
- Comment on Homeowner baffled after washing machine uses 3.6GB of internet data a day 11 months ago:
Botnet node? 3GB sounds excessive even for a company that’s notoriously invasive.
- Comment on bioluminescence 11 months ago:
Don’t let your dreams be just dreams and peer into the infrared spectrum where you, too, can emit visible light!
- Comment on Young adults set an earlier bedtime as they navigate economic fatigue, wellness trends, and a loneliness epidemic 1 year ago:
“Economic fatigue” nice newspeak for being piss-poor as a consequence of legislative failure to curtail wage theft over the past few decades.
- Comment on We live in a post scarcity information society and we still haven't moved on from capitalism. 1 year ago:
Unfortunately for the post scarcity information society, the capitalists are in fact moving on — to fascism.