- Comment on Even Apple finally admits that 8GB RAM isn't enough 8 months ago:
This is my biggest lament about getting a 2060 without knowing how important vram is. I can make it perform better and more efficiently a bunch of different ways, but to my knowledge, I can’t get around the 6GB vram wall.
- Comment on I guess that yellow part is where 'destroy your furniture' is located. 8 months ago:
Protect family.
- Comment on Not to mom shame... 8 months ago:
Correction: someone did a study at MIT about aluminum helmets, not tin foil hats. The important distinction being aluminum vs. tin.
Word to the wise: Only buy tin for your protective day wear, as it hasn’t been proven ineffective at blocking radio waves by MIT, unlike aluminum. Stay safe out there!
- Comment on The Eurobean Mind Cannot Comprehend 10 months ago:
What’s so hard to comprehend? 4 inches to a hand, 3 hands to a foot, and 5280 feet to a mile. It’s a straightforward pattern!
(I hope it’s not needed, but this is definitely sarcasm)
- Comment on This is what peak performance looks like 10 months ago:
“Hand forged in the deepest basement, this keyboard has ultimate compatibility! Every key from every language, at my fingertips! 38 usb cables with the raw power to transcend operating systems and control multiple computers simultaneously… Oh ho ho, but that’s not even the true power of this keyboard. See these skulls? These are all that remains of the former owners… Lost souls, desperate for minimal latency, all lost their minds, and lives, by using the forbidden Synaptic Link. The one I will use to defeat you!”
And then he plugs a cable into his brain or some shit and they play a round of starcraft. Feel like I started in a corner and wrote myself into a different corner.
- Comment on This is a Test 11 months ago:
Is this multiple choice or just a suggested series of steps?
- Comment on This is a Test 11 months ago:
E twice.
- Comment on Amazon "search through reviews" is blindly just running an AI model now 11 months ago:
This is the only truly responsible usage of chatbots.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
First I’m hearing of Tiny10 and starting to consider my options for jumping ship on windows. Anyone willing to give a short rundown/ weigh their opinions of linux/windows/other OSes. Video games are the main factor for me, with user control a very close second.
- Comment on To the moon 🚀 11 months ago:
Guile, is that you?
- Comment on Reddit started doing what they always wanted to do, sell user content to AI. 1 year ago:
For text, AI training AI wouldn’t be all that great for giving data sets a little poison ivy rubdown, because at the end of the day, the message is still moderated by a non bot. I think a better way would be to write more unconventionally, but heavily contextual so that if specifics texts are ripped and tossed into the bot blender, it’ll make no sense without the context alongside it.
Slang, edge case wording, and verbing non verbs would likely do a lot of heavy lifting in that department.
- Comment on And how's there a car in a mall? Life's important questions 1 year ago:
Caught my pants on fire from a welding spark and by the time I noticed, it was most of my leg on fire. Didn’t even think to stop drop and roll, I just took off my pants.
Couple of points of advice:
Don’t wear frayed clothing while welding.
Fire can’t be seen through certain welding masks. If you feel warm, lift the fucking mask.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
96% of mammals by biomass. Still a what the fuck moment, but a noteworthy difference between that and all animals.