- Comment on [BBC News] Claims that smart motorways tech leaves drivers at risk 10 months ago:
Weren’t “smart” motorways originally just supposed to be automatic detection of traffic to apply temporary speed limits and reduce traffic? When did the ‘while we’re at it turn the hard shoulder into an extra lane to save the cost of expanding’ plan get tacked on?
- Comment on If you find a way, please tell us! 10 months ago:
You just got Sturgeoned, your husband has been arrested for embezzlement
- Comment on Life was better in the nineties and noughties, say most Britons 10 months ago:
When asked to think about their own lives, Britons are most likely to say that the best years of their life so far have been their twenties. Three in ten Britons aged 20 and older (30%) nominate that decade as their best, a figure which is largely consistent however old they are.
While the 90s was a bit of geopolitical stability, these findings seem to be more influenced by people enjoying the freedom of their youth
- Comment on Hope yall enjoy your weekend. 10 months ago:
Seems like he finally listened to everyone’s suggestions that he get on the bin
- Comment on Keir Starmer: Labour wants to increase defence spending to 2.5% 10 months ago:
Update now I’ve actually bothered to read the article:
Writing in the Daily Mail
So yes, I think I was right!
- Comment on Keir Starmer: Labour wants to increase defence spending to 2.5% 10 months ago:
“as soon as resources allow”
Sir Keir’s aim matches that of Chancellor Jeremy Hunt
Just a tactical statement to win over any floating voters for whom this might be the deal-breaker, with a caveat that there might never be enough resources to allow it then?
- Comment on Den Fujita's (the founder of McDonald's Japan) prediction for the year 2971 is a shitpost in itself. 10 months ago:
That was the stereotype in the west too, it only reversed when having a tan meant you were wealthy enough to have been on a summer holiday somewhere sunny!
- Comment on Are you as smart as Ben? 10 months ago:
What’s NSFW here?
- Comment on Pupil behaviour 'getting worse' at schools in England, say teachers 11 months ago:
Much better when they were sent off to war, or down the mines like in the good old days, eh?
- Comment on Medicine 11 months ago:
This needs the massive IN THE USA disclaimer slapped over it. Sure, doctors are massively overworked everywhere, but if you’re supporting the NHS then you get people banging pots and pans for you, which I’m sure makes it all worthwhile.
- Comment on Liking an OS isn't a personality trait ❌ 11 months ago:
What is an “online persona”? Stop trying to turn my tech support forum into Facebook!
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Where shitpost?
- Comment on UCL bans lecturer from China course to protect its “commercial interests” 11 months ago:
“My parents didn’t pay through the nose for me to study my own culture at a prestigious foreign university for them to say things that go against the party line. I didn’t come here to learn, I came here for networking and a door-opening piece of paper!”
- Comment on "Gems stolen from British Museum seen for first time" Bruh, how are you going to get mad someone stole what you stole? 1 year ago:
Down with this sort of thing
- Comment on AI companies are violating a basic social contract of the web and and ignoring robots.txt 1 year ago:
these days
When, at any point in history, have people acknowledged that there was no social change or disruption and everyone was happy?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
So what happens if they don’t make any tips? Surely they still need to make the legal minimum wage?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Based on my quick search I’m assuming by “they” you mean the NBER and by “we” you mean the USA? It seems the rest of us have agreed on the definition being 2 quarters.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Do you not have a minimum wage?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
taking money out of service employees pockets
Doesn’t your employer pay your wage?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
not tipping at a restaurant is cheap
If you actually believe this then they’ve already got to you. This is Stockholm Syndrome, or the Sunk Cost Fallacy, or good old peer pressure.
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
Recession has a specific definition. Unless you’ve had however many quarters of negative growth or bad GDP or however the fuck economists define it then you’re not in recession.
- Comment on Resume morbiusposting 1 year ago:
How desperate must they have been to think no such thing as bad press, eh?
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
Congratulations on understanding the joke!
- Comment on I miss windows 1 year ago:
OP is clearly a pirate, leave them be
- Comment on Saying "Fuck Israel" is apparently a call to violence 1 year ago:
These shitposts are getting more and more surreal
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
It’s interesting how words change meaning. For instance the National Spastics Society changed their name to Scope when “spastic” started being used as a really bad slur. On the other hand words like “idiot”, “cretin”, and “moron” have really horrible historical uses as slurs against the disabled but they’re all understood to be pretty casual insults now.
- Comment on This is so true 1 year ago:
entry level Fiat 500
Way too “girly”, needs to be an every-level BMW 1-series (brand new but on a lease, of course)
- Comment on This band is truly a national treasure 1 year ago:
I prefer NicKillSwitch EnCage
- Comment on Government bonds anyone? 1 year ago:
Wow, you really shouldn’t have your money in any accounts that aren’t giving above-inflation interest
- Comment on Government bonds anyone? 1 year ago:
Bank accounts, you mean the one place most people specifically do get interest, the opposite of what this post is pointing out?