- Comment on Reddit embracing all out enshittification 10 months ago:
Plus it explains like the reader is kinda dumb
- Comment on I knew it 10 months ago:
Have you seen our world?
- Comment on don't tell iceland 10 months ago:
High pressure washer style
- Comment on it works! only 99.99$! 10 months ago:
Ecosia uses the money they generate with ads to plant trees 🌿 (I think it’s bing on the backend)
- Comment on This was the first result on Google 11 months ago:
Actually when I lived off grid for 80 years, we used 7 AAA batteries on a rotation and recharged them by rubbing them on our wool sweaters, so those guys are totally right.
- Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago:
Yes, but they only deliver in s radius of 3 villages anyways. You can learn to navigate that turf quite quickly, I bet.
- Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago:
They still do that here. Not every Dönerladen has an app, only chains have dedicated apps. Some shops have websites with an online order possibility, but it’s mostly calling.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
We also use two different alphabets. Lower case and upper case. Upper case is basically Latin script optimised for stone carving, lower case was developed for ink writing (I think in the Carolingian era). Now we use both at the same time without batting an eye.
Add cursive in the mix and we also have 78 letters instead of 26.
- Comment on Mongolian. Like the barbecue. 1 year ago:
Was at the airport in Buenos Aires, English didn’t help me. Luckily I had learned a handful of useful phrases in Spanish.
- Comment on onlick 1 year ago:
- Comment on Lemmy has taught me that Firefox is the way 1 year ago:
How many McDonald’s are there compared to general tso’s chicken?
Both comparisons are irrelevant. It is about how much control and access China/US have over tiktok/Google and the user data and algorithms.
- Comment on Why does incest result in birth defects? 1 year ago:
Recessive isn’t always bad. In fact, many (maybe all) genetic traits have a dominant and a recessive information.
For example peas. Let’s say there is a gene for colour. The dominant variation of the colour gene carries the information “green”. Let’s call this gene c for colour. Then there is a recessive variation with the information yellow.
We’ll write the dominant information as capital C and the recessive as lowercase c.
Now there is a pea with the genetic information CC (one from each parent). That’s a green pea.
Then there is one with Cc (father green, mother yellow). But you see the pea and it looks just like a green pea. Because the green gene C is dominant and the yellow c is recessive. You don’t know, that this is a mixed variety.
If two seemingly green peas pollinate each other, but under the hood, they are Cc, then they might produce a cc yellow pea.
For a lot of genetic information that’s not a problem, they are just different characteristics and not harmful.
But if you have B = your blood coagulates normally, and b = your blood doesn’t thicken, you just bleed out and die when you have a paper cut…
Then inheriting b from both of your parents is a terrible fate. This happened in the House of Saxe-Cobourg and other nobility in the 19th century.
- Comment on Doing the important work 1 year ago:
K and an E and a T and a T E and an R and an I N G T and an O and a W N Kettering Town FC!
Shout out to the K-Town massive and the Weetabix crew