- Comment on How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals 9 months ago:
Welcome to Lemmy, new account!
- Comment on what's your fav recipe manager? 10 months ago:
Tandoor recipes
- Comment on What is a simple server solution for Jellyfin and Nextcloud? 10 months ago:
Ansible-configured Ubuntu-based server rollout, with tag-based installation already available for the apps you listed.
Great docs & support Discord; simple yml configs for quick setup changes.
Single command updating entire server, Portainer for Docker management, rclone for NAS fusemount (cloudplow for syncing), & lots of additional software available to add to your setup.
Highly recommend.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x01 "Red Directive" and 5x02 "Under the Twin Moons" 11 months ago:
Sure, bud.
Somehow you think I think “her project was the tractor beam”, whatever that means.
She was disabling ship engines via phaser. Antares was tractor beaming to delay, causing warp field deterioration; endangering Burnham, the warp field, and the potential integrity of all three ships. Warp field deteriorates so low due to tractor beam that Antares captain quits his game of chicken.
Cause of warp field deterioration is now over, she could now continue to disable the engine via phaser.
Or she could stay attached to the ship and disable nothing. Starfleet is currently tracking and communicating with her, and thus the vehicle she is attached to, preventing escape, which made the “how will we track” dialogue silly. Just stay on!
Instead, the warp field is fine after the tractor beam is removed, thieves come out of warp to drop distraction warp flares to shake their tail, and reenter warp.
It was sloppy and nonsensical.
Next you’ll tell me there’s a Federation directive not allowing offers of buying stolen artifacts from thieves, so they must be fought and chased around for a season.
Loved earlier seasons, too bad this season is off to such a bad and predictable start.
It’s obvious from the selective distortion of the Romulan scientist’s Schrodinger’s mayday message, that the threat is NOT having this technology in everyone’s hands. They will spend the season trying to stop anyone from getting it, when everyone in fact needs it.
Based on Stamets’ desire for a legacy, the Progenitors likely created the mycelium network, and that is what the key will unlock. Not some weapon or danger.
Good day. Enjoy the bad writing.
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x01 "Red Directive" and 5x02 "Under the Twin Moons" 11 months ago:
Warp failure being imminent was due to the tractor beam, which was removed prior to her exiting the vehicle.
So… guess you can’t?
- Comment on Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Discovery | 5x01 "Red Directive" and 5x02 "Under the Twin Moons" 11 months ago:
Hard to watch, honestly. Bad writing.
Have made a lot of excuses for this show, and generally have enjoyed it.
But, can anyone explain to me why Burnham needed to get off of the thieves’ ship, whose engine she was (according to herself) moments away from disabling with her phaser, other than the need to set up a season of find-a-map-hint-per-episode trope by letting them get away?
Mind boggling dumb starting plot point that ruins the whole season setup.
- Comment on As a precaution, houses of worship in New Jersey are getting bleeding control kits 11 months ago:
Houses of worship with security make me chuckle.
“Look, we don’t really believe.”
The premise of their organizations is assurity in God’s plan for their lives and an afterlife.
If someone comes in and kills them the worst that happens is a beeline to heaven, according to their supposed beliefs.
Security (or emergency medical care, in this instance) only delays when they get to reach the place they claim they want to go, and insinuates they aren’t true believers.
Funny stuff.