Django backend developer.
Also likes anime, sci-fi, beer and mexican food, and not always talk about himself using the third person form.
- Comment on Why Software Engineers like Woodworking 1 year ago:
I guess we are just addicted to building things xD
- Comment on Why Software Engineers like Woodworking 1 year ago:
Before studying programming, I used to work as electrician, haha
- Comment on Why Software Engineers like Woodworking 1 year ago:
I’ve been software developer for +7 years, and I must say I also love woodworking. Since is something completely out of my scope as developer, it requires patient and is pretty relaxing working with your hands like this. No client changes, no meetings, instant feedback… and no dependency managers.
- Comment on Devotion to duty 1 year ago:
Classic XKCD. I’d pay for a Die Hard version like this.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Makes sense.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Hello fellow candidate, we’re moving forward with other candidate, thanks for your time, regards.
That’s all what I need, tbh.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
In the end I found something which I really like. But the search was painful, due to the bug amount of no responses. Not even a call to ask me about my background, or an email saying they’re going to move forward with other candidate…
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Some Spanish newspapers and blogs are blaming “the remote work trending” for this, and claiming 97% of companies can’t find good candidates. Well, maybe this is because they’re looking for devs who waste their time into going to the office, because productivity, when there is studies which say working from home has even better results.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
As I said, this is my experience in Spain, not US.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Yes. Today I had the last interview (before accepting the current one), and they offered me less money, for a job position where they require +4 years of experience. Well, I’m almost there, but the top salary they want to pay is just high for a junior…
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
As an applicant, I’m really thankful for your response! Actually, and thinking it deeply, during one of the very first interviews I got, the interviewer asked me about my opensource collabs and projects on GitHub. But looks more like he just read it over, and that’s all.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
True! I made this using SankeyMATIC, but I should generate it using Python, Pandas and Plotly (which was my very first idea) to avoid this.
Also, instead of 10 first interviews, were just 9. Good eye.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Yeah. Today I read an article saying last year there was a huge increment of layoffs on IT, and “75% of companies can’t find what they are looking for”, so I guess they’re looking for slaves. Or someone who can read the job application emails.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Several years ago, I got an offer. I said I was interested in, and no response until 4 years after that, when the same peson, send me the same offer, like “hey, are you still looking for job?” xD
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Actually, the otherwise. Unless you’re pretty senior, since remote work is going to disappear, finding something which fits on me is complicated.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
I have some of my projects linked into my personal website, which is available through LinkedIn and rest of sites. But during interviews they never ask, and idk how to feel about it.
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Currently, mid/senior. Some companies give me senior grade, but for most of them I’m still in mid level (+3.5 years of experience as backend developer, almost 7 years coding)
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
Thank you!
Actually, I hope so. The team seems pretty nice, also the rest of the company. Also, considering my previous job, I think almost any position with good salary is worth. Being unemployed is stressful.
- Submitted 1 year ago to programming@programming.dev | 47 comments