- Comment on madlad 11 months ago:
- Comment on Mmm yesss 11 months ago:
Whose idea was this? Who paid for it?
- Comment on firebirb 11 months ago:
Here in Australia we don’t stop at dropbears and birds that try to use themselves as missiles if you look funny, we also have BIRDS THAT WILL PICK UP BURNING STICKS AND CARRY THEM AND DROP SOMEWHERE ELSE TO SPREAD THE FIRE
- Comment on madlad 11 months ago:
I don’t get it, could someone please explain?
- Comment on How to self host public services without legal trouble? (USA resident) 11 months ago:
I don’t really know anything about this, but good luck :)
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Truly talented
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Yeah I think we need a banana for scale for scale
- Comment on New Jean just dropped 11 months ago:
A jioneer
- Comment on They're on a date. 11 months ago:
This should be marked nsfw
- Comment on Caption this. 11 months ago:
Oh no, not the dino-economy! (when the meteorite landed)
- Comment on Hunger 11 months ago:
Thanks I hate it
- Comment on Mood. 1 year ago:
🎶always look on the bright side of life🎶
- Comment on buying coffee 1 year ago:
I don’t drink coffee, I don’t like avocado, and I don’t buy random junk. What gives?
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I think that FOSS games are cool and can often have better hardware support and modding communities, but they often seem to focus on being FOSS rather than being a good game. However, if you can avoid that, making your game FOSS would probably be a good choice as long as you aren’t trying to make heaps of money. Some other FOSS games that I like are minetest and veloren, and classicube is also pretty cool.
- Comment on But isn't it dead too? 1 year ago:
Houseplants: “man I really don’t vibe with this dirt”
Wildplants: “what dirt?” - Comment on Priorities 1 year ago:
Aight thanks for the heads up
- Comment on I’d rather stay up anyway 1 year ago:
Have you tried 12 hours?
- Comment on OpenAI boss Sam Altman wants $7tn. For all our sakes, pray he doesn’t get it 1 year ago:
Bruh I’d be jumping on ceiling with 700 AUD. The hell is he gonna do with 7000000000000 USD?
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
Nah that quote’s from the foreword
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Hey I think you mistyped “iPhone 27 plus pro max premium giga ultra: enjoy what android’s had for years”
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
“Because never in my entire childhood did I feel like a child. I felt like a person all along - the same person that I am today. I never felt that I spoke childishly. I never felt that my emotions and desires were somehow less real than adult emotions and desires.”
—Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game - Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
Yeah that last one about the kids making the bike ramp happened a fair few (~7?) years ago and all the signs are still there
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
It’s not that they basically don’t work, they pretty much don’t work full stop. Most of my experience with them was in ios 12 but even in 16 they’re still crap
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
“Why don’t kids play outside nowadays” Look out the window. What outside? How do they play there? They could go to a park, but how do they get there? They could play in the city, but would that be safe? They could go bush, but how? They could play around the neighbourhood, and then what, make a bike jump by digging a bit and gathering some dirt from a drain and get reported and then have the council put up signs saying that the area may be under surveillance despite there not really being anywhere to put cameras?
- Comment on Can someone explain why authors do this? 1 year ago:
”Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people”
— some fella on the internet - Comment on Close enough. 1 year ago:
Hello there
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
No worries, I should’ve been more specific in my comment
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
I meant “see how long you can go” as in “see how long you can go without drinking, I’m rooting for you”, it was meant to be supportive. Sorry if it didn’t come across like that.
- Comment on Useful information 1 year ago:
Thanks, imma save this for next time I go there
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
Give us an update when you get a new job, see how long you can go :)