- Comment on Is there a device to help turn stoppers with an o-ring? 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Someone should research, why older people struggle to identity whose phone is ringing, if it's their own. Even if no one else in their social circle is using the same ringtone. 4 weeks ago:
It’s because they don’t care, it’s not important to them. They are usually right too
- Comment on Solar should be packaged with consumer appliances 4 weeks ago:
DC power is very inefficient at low voltages. It’s hard to get 5v to stay steady at distances over about 10 feet
- Comment on what exercises work for you to avoid back pain? 1 month ago:
Pull-ups were the key for my back. Once I could complete a set of 10 with body weight only it was like magic. Though, I do think that the pull-ups forced me to strengthen my core, which had a major impact. Then once those muscles were able to keep up it made everything else easier too.
- Comment on Why is it that clasped hands tends to be the norm for praying? 🙏 2 months ago:
The Christian cult has big influence in the USA
- Comment on Do you do a squat right after putting on your thong or string so it sits correctly between your buttocks? 5 months ago:
Butt hole. For clarity
- Comment on Would I get banned here for being over active? I got banned from reddit because they thought I was a bot. And don't want to repeat the same mistake here. Thank you ahead of time. 7 months ago:
This seems like a bot, too many ads on that link
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Ai should have thought of this fact on its own
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
Exactly. Its value becomes evident when a version gets to the stage where they can’t work. Very different from those that choose not to work.
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
Same as I do now, working 20 hrs/week doing fun stuff. Basic income wouldn’t be enough to support what I do to make myself happy.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
By then we won’t own computers, it will be a subscription model only
- Comment on Why are mental hospitals run like prisons? 11 months ago:
That’s not a lot of paragraphs.
- Comment on 10 years ago, a person would be insulted for filming a video in portrait instead of landscape. Now, old landscape videos are being cropped and resized to fit in a portrait player. 11 months ago:
One day TV makers are going to switch to 9 by 16 screens, vertical portrait mode TVs on the wall. Im from the future. Check back in 10 years, you will see.
- Comment on What is on your "things to 3d print" list? 11 months ago:
Mine does too now. But I got a bad batch of pla and I could have sworn the sender was the shittiest printer on the market. It was off line for a year before I tried again. I recently switched back to that old roll because I wanted the color, and that shit peeled up and warped to hell again. Now I know for sure that spool of PLA is bad
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
mAh are a terrible way to measure capacity, look for watt-hours instead. You need to know the voltage for it to be a relevant measurement
- Comment on Cable can't compete with 5G home internet, so it's cheating 1 year ago:
The internet is free and public. You can go to any mcdonalds and go all the internetting you want. At home, its all the buried cabled that have to be checked on and maintained that you have to pay for.
- Comment on Apple’s iMessage is not a “core platform” in EU, so it can stay walled off 1 year ago:
The US can’t even stop robocalls
- Comment on NSFW for obvious reasons 1 year ago:
- Comment on Cable firms to FTC: We shouldn’t have to let users cancel service with a click — Customers may “misunderstand the consequences of canceling,” say lobbyists 1 year ago:
That’s exactly the point. There should not be any consequences for cancelling a monthly subscription.