- Comment on Eight solar farms pass into community ownership in 'biggest ever' UK transfer 1 year ago:
I think you’re right. These type of infrastructure investments tend to be Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). As they are hard to exit from and risky, only “sophisticated” investors can invest, i.e. no retail investors can.
- Comment on Misadventures with my first server (On a old laptop) #1 1 year ago:
Oh man, I’ve managed to get far enough into all this that I have a few things working well but i went through so many periods exactly like that.
The family nagging really hits home! “This should be working, I did everything it said” only goes so far haha.
My latest one was that I was helping my neighbour with their internet setup so was on their WiFi. Of course I completely forgot so when I was home trying to SSH into my headless server, it just would not work but I knew my server was working because I was watching Plex on my TV. It took my way longer than it should’ve and I even restarted the server manually before realising I was just on the wrong network…