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- Comment on Apparently ‘William F. Guile’ Is Street Fighter Canon? — Thrilling Tales of Old Video Games 1 week ago:Ah yes, Lieutenant William Guile, or as I like to call him, "Bill Guile the Sonic Guy"
- Comment on Landing page for all my services 3 weeks ago:Homarr is more or less turnkey, as long as you use Docker to deploy your services.
- Comment on ElevenLabs: "Say hello to Santa!" 2 months ago:Spoiler alert: this is actually the Elf on a Shelf in disguise
- Comment on Max is getting ready for its own password-sharing crackdown 3 months ago:People are still unwilling to just go without Big Media and boycott it entirely. Until they do, they will keep abusing their clients.
- Comment on Transparent solar cell technology could allow smartphones and cars to self-charge 5 months ago:
- Comment on ChatGPT’s much-heralded Mac app was storing conversations as plain text 8 months ago:@leo Well, which one doesn't at this rate... Still waiting on OpenRecall to actually do something about encrypting its internal memory in some way.
- Comment on Moscow stock exchange stops trading in dollars and euros 8 months ago:@The_Che_Banana Not sure if Russia deals with shekels, unless they're sourced specifically from Palestine
- Comment on Moscow stock exchange stops trading in dollars and euros 8 months ago:@BrikoX Now they're stuck with what, the Renminbi-Yuan?
- Comment on USA | In Wyoming, Bill Gates moves ahead with nuclear project aimed at revolutionizing power generation 8 months ago:@BrikoX While I appreciate the fact that sodium cooling requires less space to build a plant than the former water-based technologies, and that it requires less human intervention to avoid an exclusion-zone-degree accident, I'm not entirely sure how will the Natrium technology reduce nuclear waste to an acceptable level, both of quantity and of safe storage conditions.
- Comment on Former teen models accuse magician David Copperfield of misconduct 9 months ago:
Never have heroes
Never let talented people be in positions of fame or power
Never stop questioning "models of conduct"
- Comment on xkcd 2879: Like This One 1 year ago:I'm a computer engineer investigating federated services, like this one!