- Comment on COVID: German man vaccinated 217 times had no side effects 11 months ago:
His 5G reception must be amazing.
- Comment on How does lemmy differ from reddit? 11 months ago:
moderators come under admins and that wasn’t a thing on reddit.
That is EXACTLY how it was on reddit.
- Comment on In The Matrix, how are babies made? 1 year ago:
When someone dies in the Matrix, their body gets reconnected to another baby in the Matrix
But why would the bother with this? How would that help with anything?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Haven’t notice that.
Though hating something that no longer exists seems a bit silly to me.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Thanks, fixed it.
- Comment on Why do some languages use gendered nouns? 1 year ago:
But that comment is in response to a another comment that is direclty about the title … did you just miss the context of the entire conversation only 2 replies in?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
It’s all about supply and demand.
If there is 150 more applicants coming in after you, they simply don’t need to treat you well, they can just wait till someone comes along that doesn’t have outrages demands like “respect” or “dignity”.
My advise would be to get skills in an high-demand area, then recruiters have to kiss your ass!
- Comment on Why do some languages use gendered nouns? 1 year ago:
Who said anything about gendered nouns?
The title of this post is “Why do some languages use gendered nouns?” …
- Comment on Why do some languages use gendered nouns? 1 year ago:
I agree that German is concise. I just don’t see what the gendered nouns are contributing to that quality.
- Comment on Why do some languages use gendered nouns? 1 year ago:
How do they make things easier? (Asking as a German).
- Comment on I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system? 1 year ago:
I think “That’s the US health care system for you” or “Yep, that checks out”.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
If you keep it at 80% it doesn’t take a day to charge to full. As long as you know 1 or 2 hours in advance, it’ll be full.
But yeah, if you’re use-case is that you spontaneously need to leave your charger and require your full battery capacity, you should keep charging it to full. Maybe even get a powerbank as well.
- Comment on Why Charging Your Gadgets Over 80% Is Such a Bad Idea | iFixit News 1 year ago:
But you can still choose to charge it to 100% when you anticipate you need that extra 20%. So it’s not really “already degraded” it’s just “on demand”.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
I’d be really curious to know what happens to you between your early 20s and your late 30s
You’re supposed to grow up and become independent.
- Comment on Why do (desktop) PC have so few USB ports ? 1 year ago:
I guess I’ve been using laptops for so long, the concept of not having a USB hub seems alien to me. But they are really cheap and you just need to plug them in (so much easier than installing a PCIe card).
Also some peripharals come with addition USB ports. My monitors provide 3 USB-A ports each when connected over USB-C. They are only USB 2.0 ports but that’s perfect for plugging in the mouse and keyboard.
- Comment on Why do (desktop) PC have so few USB ports ? 1 year ago:
You can get an USB hub to expand that number as needed. With USB 3.2 ports you can connect all of the things you listed over a single port without any performance issues.
You can literally connect hundreds of devices to those ports, if needed.
- Comment on Why is living with your parents considered a bad thing? 1 year ago:
Depends on how old you are. There is nothing wrong with living with your parents till your early 20s.
But if you’re still living with them when you’re going on 40, something has probably gone wrong for you.
- Comment on Imagine a man - born, live, die, in a shoebox. His universe is a constant air-conditioned 8x13x5. What does that do to his perspective, values, science...? 1 year ago:
Well, he probably won’t be thinking outside the box.
I’ll show myself out.
- Comment on Is HTTPS a scam? 1 year ago:
And if everyone would suddenly charge $10.000 for food, a lot of people would starve to death! Does that make grocieries stores a scam?
Your scenario is just absurdly unrealistic. Https and TLS are juststandards. No single entity controls them. If all the certificate provider would suddenly charge money, you’d have a bunch of new, free certificate provider the next day.
- Comment on Is HTTPS a scam? 1 year ago:
I’d switch to another certiciate provider …
- Comment on Is HTTPS a scam? 1 year ago:
No it’s not.
And it’s not really like the TSA on the airport. It’s more like “having a door on your plane” security.
- Comment on What is a good, healthy, unhurtful, socially positive way to express anger? 1 year ago:
Shouting and cursing at my computer. It definitely helps with debugging, too.
- Comment on PEMDAS is technically correct, but morally wrong 1 year ago:
Why can’t we just write equations in the order they were meant to be solved?
I mean, you can. No one is stopping you.
- Comment on What's your big "Oh, THAT'S how I do that" moment? 1 year ago:
Yeah, I remember Genji and Tracer. I suspect they were left a bit overpowered to push players to overwatch at the time. But they are both high micro, high mobility heroes, so I get they are hard to balance.
I think my biggest pet peeve was when they effectivly removed stealth by changing the effect from the decades old, proven StarCraft kind … to basically a milky outline. And at the time stealth heroes were already terrible in competitive play.
But I should probably stop being salty about it and try it out again. It’s actually still installed, lol
- Comment on What's your big "Oh, THAT'S how I do that" moment? 1 year ago:
That one is new to me, so I must have quit before 2019.
I have a lvl 15 Brightwing myself (it probably isn’t the cap anymore). definitly my favourite healer along Uther.
Back in the day a couple of buddies from StarCraft an other games were trying to get into competitive after the HotS beta and it was a lot of fun for a while. But over time it just felt like Blizzard really pivoted to balancing the game around low elo QM games, which left more and more heros unviable for competitive play. It just took the fun out of it. And of course the entire lootbox shit, I hate it.
But maybe I’ll spin up over the weekend.
- Comment on What's your big "Oh, THAT'S how I do that" moment? 1 year ago:
Honestly, it was just odd to see an old game and hero I used to play pop up here. Wasn’t expecting that.
Is is still active?
- Comment on What's your big "Oh, THAT'S how I do that" moment? 1 year ago:
Heroes of the Storm: Alexstrasza in dragon form actually isn’t any tankier at all
I mean, you’re just wrong here. The ability grants a flat +500 health. That’s more tankier than not having 500 health. She also gains lifesteal from her melee attacks, adding more health.
And she gains reduced slow/root/stun duration, which also indirectly makes you more tankie.
Sure, she doesn’t become a tank, but saying “he isn’t any tankier” is categorically false.
- Comment on A pizza flavored Hot Pocket is just a calzone... 1 year ago:
Yep, that’s why do don’t have to call it “pizza flavoured”.
- Comment on The FTC isn’t too happy with Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard layoffs 1 year ago:
Ah good house cleaning at Activision Blizzard was long overdue …
- Comment on Microsoft revives aggressive Windows 11 upgrade campaign with intrusive popups for Windows 10 users 1 year ago:
I guess I’m lucky I just get the “System requirements not met” instead of the Win11 update option.