- Comment on Do you leave your consoles on? 4 months ago:
In ye old’n times we would leave the console on as a stop-gap way to save the game between in-game save opportunities. Because ye old’n times game design philosophy believed that the added difficulty of crazily separated save points was “fun”.
In modern times I sleep the hardware if I expect to be back within <24 hrs, and power off if I expect to be longer.
(Thank god for saving memory states in emulators!!! Elsewise I probably wouldn’t play retro games at all.)
- Comment on My new favorite way to play 6 months ago:
What do you mean? That’s the same layout as the SNES controller, & it’s what most of the retro handhelds use.
Also, it’s running Linux so it’s easy to remap the buttons to a custom layout if desired.
- Comment on Minecraft Is Being Ported To Dreamcast And GameCube | Time Extension 8 months ago:
This is a remake, not a port. And being so I wonder: “Why not just port Minetest instead? It’d get better longterm support that way. And why reinvent the wheel?”
- Comment on Handheld Linux Retrogaming recommendation? 8 months ago:
Sweet! You’ve probably already found this, but if you’re interested in these devices the Retro Game Corps channel on YouTube is an invaluable resource. That guy does a beyond excellent job reviewing options and giving quality advice!
- Comment on Handheld Linux Retrogaming recommendation? 8 months ago:
Yeah, for sure. The analog stocks work flawlessly & I love them. I use them for games where they’re native (i.e. ZDoom & mods), where they emulate a mouse (i.e. Minetest), or where they emulate a d-pad (i.e. psx games). All cases work great! For d-pad games I find myself switching back and forth between d-pad and sticks depending on the application (i.e. Tetris needs precision & is better with d-pad, NBA Jam needs adaptivity & is better with sticks).
- Comment on Handheld Linux Retrogaming recommendation? 8 months ago:
I have an Anbernic RG353M & it sounds like it fits your needs. Emulates up to PSP. Moddable: I run ArkOS which is Debian-based - so I can SSH in,
apt install
programs, run custom bash scripts I wrote, etc. I also ported a desktop game to run on it. So moddability points are high! Also dual-boots into Android, so Android games are available if that’s your thing. It comes with the Android dual-boot right out of the box!Downsides:
- It can be a little small in my hands for long play sessions. I have a custom 3D printed handle extension which works great and solves this problem.
- There’s a hardware problem involving the 3.5mm audio jack output where chip noise gets in the audio. Annoying, but ignorable. Switching to Bluetooth headphones is a fine workaround too.
- In long play sessions when the device gets hot horizontal bar artifacts show up on the screen. Like the audio thing, they are annoying but ignorable. When they show up I normally interpret it as a sign I’ve been playing too long and take a break while the device cools down.
Overall, it’s got those hardware quirks above but I still like it and I don’t regret it for the price (something like ~$100 a couple of years ago I think). Battery life is very good, even for graphics intensive games. It can go many hours without needing a charge, and generally it has better stamina than I do!
- Comment on Google Is Killing Retro Dodo & Other Independent Sites 11 months ago:
Google has way too much power & influence. BREAK THEM UP!!! This status quo is ridiculous.
- Comment on Always bet on Duke unless it was the 1996 presidential election. 11 months ago:
I wonder whether Nukem would consider running again in 2024?
- Comment on Shadowgate & The Immortal - NES Games That Want You Dead 11 months ago:
To git good you gotta
git commit
and keepgit push
’n - Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Well, here’s a list. If you write a script please share it, but it looks like quite an endeavor…
- Comment on A more relaxing way to play text-based games? 1 year ago:
A smartphone’s virtual keyboard would be worse (smaller) than the Kindle’s, wouldn’t it? Maybe I should try it though. I mean, I’m pecking this message on my smartphone’s virtual keyboard so…
- Comment on A more relaxing way to play text-based games? 1 year ago:
That’s not a bad idea. I keep a Linux machine in the living room attached to the TV with a wireless keyboard, so I’m already set up!
- Comment on A more relaxing way to play text-based games? 1 year ago:
Whoa! That’d be sweet! If you go for it please post updates with pictures!!??
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 21 comments
- Comment on oscilloscope browser display 1 year ago:
Super cool (except the Instagram link)