- Comment on Dating apps are as if someone turned the job application experience into a pastime activity 10 months ago:
Exactly this. Also it used to be that you would buy a subscription and that would increase the rate and quality of your matches. That’s no longer the case. Now it’s all transaction based. You have to pay for boosts, special swipes and shit to be seen.
- Comment on The invisible seafaring industry that keeps the internet afloat 10 months ago:
Such a great article. Also the images, videos and animations are so beautiful.
- Comment on Dell finding ways to absolutely suck as an employer 11 months ago:
This. Also if I have to change jobs every 2-3 years to get a market level salary why would I even bother. This is the reality they created.
- Comment on Apple ends block on EU app store for Fortnite-maker Epic 11 months ago:
I wonder what’s gonna be the next shit they will try to pull. They are acting like a spoiled child.
- Comment on Ubicloud wants to build an open source alternative to AWS | TechCrunch 11 months ago:
Such an unfortunate name choice. 🤦
- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
But with decision making that can affect peoples’ lives and livelihoods, we need to be damn sure the computer is going to make the right decision every time or not trust it to have full controls at all.
Yes, dystopia already arrived and we will all going to suffer. Here are just a few simple examples of blind trust of algorithms which ruined people’s lives. And day by day more are coming.
Before AI: ……/prison-bankruptcy-suicide-software-g…
After AI:…
- Comment on Are there any genuine benefits to AI? 1 year ago:
- Comment on How can a ugly and short guy compensate for his looks? 1 year ago:
First of all, it’s very common for a woman to say they like tall guys. Just like most guys would say they like girls with big breasts. But at the end of the day no one can get their ideal person. It’s either looks or personality. Everyone has to compromise.
But if your crush is obsessed with height then she’s a dispecable human being who doesn’t deserve anyone’s attention or love. If it’s any consolation there are a lot of tall fuck boys that will use and dump those kind of height obsessed women. And those guys will only pick the best of the best for romantic partners. All other women will be devoid of happiness and forever keep on searching. So scratch all women like that off your list!!
Now, you mentioned money to get attention of women. Although that would work to some extent, most of the attention you’d get would be from gold diggers. They are experts of manipulation and gaslighting, they would take all your money and will leave you in a worse mental situation than before. And no, it’s not that easy to spot a golddigger. Again, they are experts in their craft.
But there are some things you can do:
- As others mentioned, grooming and looking your best. I won’t go into depth here.
- Being funny. Women really are more inclined to like a guy that makes them laugh. The trick is to find the right amount of funny. You shouldn’t be a clown. Smart and a bit of sarcastic goes a long way. If you can also be able to make fun of yourself (a healthy amount) that will also show confidence. And confidence is always a winning feat.
- Success / Passion. One of the reasons (besides golddiggers) that women like men with money is that it’s a form of being successful. Be passionate about something and try to be good at it. Creative endeavors like art and music will attract a lot of attention. Make you more interesting. Yes, that won’t help out with all women but quite a sizeable amount of women. Also keep in mind that to some level everyone likes to show off their partners. A tall but boring accountant wouldn’t be as good as a partner than a short king who creates art, puts up exhibitions, being passionate about his subject, fun to talk to.