Just an ordinary German guy.
- Comment on Im looking for Houseplant Recommendations for 2 long Indoor and Wall mounted Plant Pots! 10 months ago:
Herbs are easy and useful in the kitchen. Thymes, Rosemary, maybe Lavender are pretty forgiving and easy to grow from seeds Oh and nasturtiums, super easy to grow, beautiful flowers which you can use in salads (the are a bit spicy like cress) and they give you tons of new seeds at the end of the season, which you can plant the following year. Other than that just have fun and try stuff.
- Comment on A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions 11 months ago:
Good to know, maybe it’s just the port then and their website (shudders) has been a year or so since I tried it. Yeah, I think it’s a good move and if it convinces other States even better.
- Comment on A German state is ditching Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice on the 30,000 PCs it uses for local government functions 11 months ago:
Oh hey, I’m from Schleswig-Holstein! That’s neat! I mean libre office looks like shit (they probably never saw a UX designer and high DPI scaling has been broken since like forever) but at least its not Microsoft. And if its functionally the same, why not? So yeah, good news!
- Comment on They'll make anything you need 1 year ago:
I bought my last calculator for school in 2009, I think? Now I’ve got the hiper calc app which is pretty decent. Ha! Take that, math teacher “you’ll never have a calculator in youpocket all the time.”
- Comment on Content is King? - How it sucked out the joy of personal websites 1 year ago:
When I’ve got some time to kill, I like to browse kagi.com/smallweb/ occasionally. It’s sort of a curated random list of personal blog posts.
- Comment on Climate denialists find new ways to monetize disinformation on YouTube 1 year ago:
You’ve got a point. However I believe a good amount of people are intelligent enough to see through the ruse, yet endulge in it, in a fastfood kind of way. Oh, I don’t know. Don’t read into it too much, I’m just ranting a bit, because I find the whole thing annoying.
- Comment on Climate denialists find new ways to monetize disinformation on YouTube 1 year ago:
Yeah YouTube monetizes anything with a drama clickbait title, ghost-dick-in-the-mouth-face, red arrow and circle bullshit. But then again, people click on it, so it’s our own fault. It’s just like that seo crap, people fall for it and rotten people know how to game the system.
- Comment on Your washing machine could be sending 3.7 GB of data a day — LG washing machine owner disconnected his device from Wi-Fi after noticing excessive outgoing daily data traffic 1 year ago:
Thanks for saving me the click.
- Comment on Call an expert 1 year ago:
Exactly. Just had to buy a hundred pack of M3 screws for drives.