If I’m posting I’m probably high so don’t hate on me
- Comment on Bluesky and Mastodon users are having a fight that could shape the next generation of social media 1 year ago:
I’m perfectly fine with the unwashed masses flocking to non-federated services, it means things will remain sane a while longer over here.
- Comment on ‘Enshittification’ is coming for absolutely everything 1 year ago:
So Capitalism, gotcha.
- Comment on These States Are Basically Begging You to Get a Heat Pump 1 year ago:
You’re also completely at the whims of your power company for your heating/cooling needs. Here in Australia they privatised the electricity companies and our power bills are astronomical unless you are one of the fortunate few who own their own house and can install solar.
- Comment on Amazon accused again of overcharging shoppers with Buy Box 1 year ago:
So is most of the junk they sell on Amazon. I’ve gotten so many fake and poor quality products in the last couple of years that I shop anywhere else I can first.
- Comment on ‘Enshittification’ is coming for absolutely everything 1 year ago:
Enshitification comes because of the unsustainable growth required by Capitalism in order to appease shareholders. Line must always go up!
- Comment on Mozilla CEO quits, org pivots, but what about Firefox? 1 year ago:
It’s pretty good now and you can install add-ons like uBlock Origin in it.
- Comment on OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion 1 year ago:
Motherfucker is going for the biggest heist of all time. What a colossal waste of money and resources.
- Comment on This Windows tool makes it super easy to debloat and cut down ads on your Android TV 1 year ago:
Good luck with that. Looking though the comments people are just installing and using this without any thought or scrutiny whatsoever and such a comment would likely be considered hostile by them.
- Comment on This Windows tool makes it super easy to debloat and cut down ads on your Android TV 1 year ago:
The Virustotal results are concerning though.
- Comment on Polluter of the year 1 year ago:
Hey company, here is a process that will heavily reduce or eliminate CO2 emissions, but you’ll make slightly less money.
Company: Nah, fuck that.
- Comment on YouTube Premium announces 100 million subscribers 1 year ago:
Firefox with uBlock Origin. Fuck their ad-riddled client.
- Comment on The U.S. economy is booming. So why are tech companies laying off workers? 1 year ago:
I’ve said this for years but my colleagues are all hooked on chasing payrises for themselves and won’t work collectively because they think it’ll hurt them doing that.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
Can it hurry up and give way already.
- Comment on Google Chrome Warning Issued For All Windows Users 1 year ago:
Whenever I’m forced to use Edge for work it reminds me of old IE that your grandma installed the Ask toolbar in. Functions about the same too.
- Comment on I took this community a little too literally this morning 1 year ago:
Not enough blinker fluid.
- Comment on It gives a tactical advantage! 1 year ago:
I really don’t think balls cam is desired though.
- Comment on Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice 1 year ago:
Last thing I had was a dishwasher by them a couple of years ago. Seals leaked about 6 months out of warranty and it cost about as much as a new one to replace them.
- Comment on Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice 1 year ago:
Last Haier appliance I had was a heap of shit anyway so no great loss avoiding their garbage in the future.
- Comment on Proton Mail says that the new Outlook app for Windows is Microsoft's new data collection service 1 year ago:
Thunderbird did get a UI overhaul semi-recently so it might offer what you’re after now.