- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
So misandry is A-OK as long as it doesn’t touch trans?
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
What he probably means is that due to supply and demand, meat is actually oversupplied and whether you buy it or not it will still be produced
Or some other economical shit like that idk
- Comment on [Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism? 9 months ago:
Because you’re annoying ass fucking puritans
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
It’s because of this disgusting American cultural puritanism, I don’t know why but Americans especially the boomer cunts lose their shit at the first sight of a slur
Remember Carlin’s famous bit?
- Comment on YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous as its war on adblockers 10 months ago:
Go to any major publication, and I mean absolutely any one, and there is a solid chance there is at least a single YT embed.
If they try to Reddit their API they’re going to lose much, much more than just giving it away
- Comment on Comedy has peaked ladies and gentlemen 10 months ago:
Wake up babe new EU slander just dropped
- Comment on Huawei's woes really were just a flesh wound – profits just soared 564 percent 10 months ago:
Huawei? I don’t know of any write-ups, but basically
There is a HongMengOS (Harmony OS) that’s a microkernel for embedded systems, there is also another OS by the same name that’s basically We Have Android At Home™, they have their own app store and their own app SDK that last time I checked, you needed to submit your real life gover ID and credentials to be able to download.
Imagine that, you want to develop an app and you need to give your full legal detail to Huawei for review and after you’re manually cleared you can be bestowed the permission of downloading the fucking IDE
- Comment on Huawei's woes really were just a flesh wound – profits just soared 564 percent 10 months ago:
Or as I like to call it, “it’s not Android bro I swear to God bro legit domestic OS broooo”
- Comment on Huawei's woes really were just a flesh wound – profits just soared 564 percent 10 months ago:
Huawei is the iPhone of China
The same level of garbage as iPhones too, nowadays they have a fully locked ecosystem that’s practically hostile to FOSS and they don’t seem to care much for GPL
Hell, Huawei was shitty before they got sanctioned, after that they are given free reign
- Comment on Huawei's woes really were just a flesh wound – profits just soared 564 percent 10 months ago:
I don’t think any wrong doing on their part was ever proven, with countries like Germany state intelligence doing their investigation and finding nothing
It was fear marketing, aka using fear mongering to buy shares for dying western Telecom companies. Seriously, a lot of 5G and 6G patents are made by Chinese people, what chances did slow glaciers like Ericsson have if the USA didn’t jump on their old red scare asian peril dick?
- Comment on Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining 10 months ago:
Would technically be doable in UEFI… But I’m not mad enough to bring this shit to the world
- Comment on eyecandyn't 10 months ago:
- Comment on 30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok 10 months ago:
It’s the same thing, the international one was called TikTok and the US version is handled by Oracle
- Comment on 30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok 10 months ago:
Because the USA strong armed them into giving their platform handling to Oracle Corp, a top tier US govt contractor.
But since pro-palestine cries can’t be silenced on TikTok as easily as Zio media, taking control of the platform is no longer enough
- Comment on Everything is Statistics 10 months ago:
Basically me
Statistics 1? Fine, not like I’m about to use this shit
Simulation of Discrete systems: “Hello, did you order one serving of ass fuck?”
- Comment on Edited in Signal 10 months ago:
A lot of Chinese phones use Snapdragon, so you can rest easy knowing Chinese companies don’t have access to your location or some other bullshit
Meanwhile NSA has their hands up your ass
This entire “technological sinophobia” is nothing but the evolution of yellow peril racism
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Shut the fuck up
- Comment on Tesla’s in its flop era 10 months ago:
It means it’s the first time ever the company made less years this year than the year before
Before this, they always had growth in their sales
- Comment on New best friend for life! 10 months ago:
Actually nostalgic
- Comment on Google fires 28 employees after protest over Israel cloud contract 10 months ago:
🤓 Employees violated company policy
Goddamn, the boot licking and cock sucking action here could generate a whole new PornHub category
- Comment on and they were roommates 10 months ago:
پشمام اینجا جای کوچیکیه واقعا
- Comment on and they were roommates 10 months ago:
برادر من چرا اینجا راه افتادی کسشعر میگی؟ از هزار نسل قبل تا امروزه بچه بازی و شاهد بازی جزو کثافت ترین و رزل ترین چیزها محسوب شده توی تاریخ و فرهنگ ایران وحتی هیچگونه ربطی به گی بودن نداره و درواقع نوعی پدوفیلیا هستش ما لازم نیست بیایم رویزیونیسم فرهنگی راه بندازیم که جلوه بدیم آره مثلا فرهنگ گی توی ایران بوده آقا نبوده، اولین قدم برای پیشرفت قبول کاستی های نسل های قبله و شاهد بازی و بچه بازی هیچ گونه ربطی به گی بودن نداشته و نداره
- Comment on The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS. 11 months ago:
Cope and Seethe
- Comment on The DMA already having an impact. Brave Browser installs surge after introduction of browser choice splash screen on iOS. 11 months ago:
Brave is garbage. It’s a cryptoscam adscam browser based on Chrome. For the love of god, use Firefox (or Vivaldi if you absolutely need chromium)
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
… The videos have comparison charts, have you actually never watched one
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
YouTube has a search function you know
Just search GN channel for the part you want to buy
It’s much better than a narrow benchmark like PassMark and they show actual real world performance
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
Go watch tech channels on YT, there are many great channels. Gamer’s Nexus also has a website (completely ad free too) that has all of their benchmark results.
- Comment on I had to design a simple general purpose language for university, so I tried creating "ZoomerScript" with Jetbrains MPS 1 year ago:
We think alike friend
Don’t lose your passion, doing things the shit old way can also make you a better programmer in the newer paradigms
Although, I recommend you at least learn C++23
- Comment on Intel accused of inflating CPU benchmark results 1 year ago:
Not incorrect, just very technically irrelevant and misleading. The article in question isn’t outright lying, yes if you completely rip out the cooler when the CPU is at maximum it can be damaged, but they warped that into this supposedly big scary defect
- Comment on Intel accused of inflating CPU benchmark results 1 year ago:
At the same time as Tom’s Hardware made a very wrong and bogus claim, Intel was sued for bribery and unfair practices for multiple offenses and in multiple regions. I don’t think something that has been proven in court is a grand conspiracy, especially considering that particular outlet has had some really shining moments of journalism lmao