here we go again
is also: @experbia@kbin.social
was: /u/experbia
- Comment on California’s new law forces digital stores to admit you’re just licensing content, not buying it 5 months ago:
“get” or “acquire” or “add to collection” or “snag”… or any other vomit inducing roundabout corporate speak
- Comment on My Tool phase 5 months ago:
I love how there’s basically nothing but love for Tool in these comments. I’m a big fan of whatever Maynard James Keenan’s touching. I adore Puscifer and listen constantly (Grand Canyon is my current obsessive-replay song… once again), APC literally always fucks hard so it’s always an option, and Tool scratches an itch I can’t get anywhere else. Saw Tool live finally, too, just like last year.
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
These products are not built for consumers.
they’re often built for investors. they are feasible enough products that some people will even buy them, so you get investors. then, the thing is always just “one more issue we need to fix” away from “mass adoption”, “for real this time”… to keep milking the investors as long as possible.
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
I agree folks are overestimating how many will switch. but also maybe you’re underestimating too - a lot of browser installations are managed by the “family tech guy”. the father, mother, brother, sister, aunt or uncle who sets up everyone’s new laptops on Christmas and has the suggestions when you look for a new phone. we all know the type. a lot of us are the type.
setting up granny’s laptop? I’ll install whatever browser lets me automatically block the most “1000th visitor!” banner ads and change the desktop icon to the old AOL icon because that’s all she knows the internet as. she doesn’t know of care about the browser options so it’s up to me. Chrome used to be fast and simple so it was the right choice. Firefox has caught up a fair bit on UX simplicity and speed and now offers better blocking and general security, so it just stole the crown for these installations imo. I trust it more to not let her mess the computer up, so even if I’m not using it as my main personal browser, it gets use here.
- Comment on Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza 7 months ago:
same. I see outrage-obsessed people constantly talk about how using a custom domain or (gasp) running your own mail server is internet suicide and literally impossible because your addresses won’t be seen as real or your mail will never get delivered by anyone. I’ve been doing both for over a decade with no trouble whatsoever, so I wonder how badly these folks are botching their mail setup to be getting that treatment.
- Comment on Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor 8 months ago:
I agree with your general sentiment here (that such an arrangement is not trustworthy enough for me to feel completely private) but your delivery of said sentiment is really fucking rude, dude.
Even if it’s not secure enough for you or I to feel private, it likely exceeds the security necessary to satisfy most people’s threat models so they can not only feel private but objectively be more private than if they just used Google docs.
incremental or opportunistic privacy improvements are better than none, a fact that has seemed to be lost in elitist privacy circles these days.
- Comment on Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web 8 months ago:
bunch of fuckin art pirates. crying about software piracy while they have their own bots pirating everyone’s art.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
I always thought it should be “unlock”, because that’s more what is happening. they’re not buying it, renting has a connotation of a fixed term ownership time, but unlock describes the action… they’ve had the movie the whole time sitting there, probably in a CDN by your house already, but you’re not allowed to see it until you pony up. it’s locked away.
- Comment on ‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services 9 months ago:
same. I buy a lot of software/games and media/music/movies, and before I buy I always make sure I can pirate it down the road if I need to. if I can’t, I reconsider how much I need it. I’ll switch to my pirated copy at the drop of a hat without a drop of guilt. if it has annoying or unperformant drm? it makes me sign up for an account to use my paid software on my own computer? its servers go down and it won’t boot? switched.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
same. an ad for a thing means the thing is shit. they have to try and trick you to get it instead of letting its quality organically speak for itself.
when things are actually good, you don’t need an ad agency to tell you.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I don’t believe I’m immune to advertising but I don’t think advertisers are willing to admit that it’s just as easy to create negative brand associations as positive brand associations. when the only exposure you have to a product is frustrating and irritating and offensive, these feelings can bleed over when you see them on a shelf later.
after many years of trying to ignore advertising and pretending I’m not influenced by it, I’ve admitted I am, just like everyone else. so instead of resisting the effects, I try to turn the feeling of brand familiarity into a warning sign: if I’m drawn by familiarity to a particular product, I question why before I buy. if the answer isn’t “a friend or i have used it and found it valuable/good”, then i remind myself that it’s not good enough on its own. they have to try and trick me into liking it, so it can’t be that good. if it were good, they wouldn’t have to drop dump trucks of cash into an ad agency to try and trick people into buying it. an ad for a thing means the thing is shit.
- Comment on 'They don’t have enough’ – schools in England are running food banks for families as millions struggle to feed their children, researcher says 10 months ago:
the owner class says it has, so it has. they know better than us! get back to work, peasant, and I don’t want to hear any whining about expenses. you won’t make liars out of us!
- Comment on Microsoft is blocking Windows Customization Tools 11 months ago:
People who are modifying Windows this deeply are not going to switch to Linux
I did. I was a heavy Windows customizer and deeply understand it as an operating system and target for application development. I left because, at some point, I realized the OS I (one way or another) paid for was treating me like a product instead of a user, and I resent that. I don’t like the feeling of slowly losing grip on the OS as it slides into becoming adtech tooling for marketing interests instead of the thing that runs programs for me. Despite my entrenched Windows knowledge, none of my primary personal computers run it anymore, including my gaming PC. Adaptation is a lot easier than most people expect, in my opinion.
- Comment on I feel so old. 11 months ago:
I have reached the age where I find gags like this - and the massive cringe effect they inflict on young folks - fucking hilarious.
i’m comfortable with my fate. who ever really needed hair on their head anyway?
- Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago:
for real! I’ll use Google maps on my phone only if I’m going to a new place I haven’t been to before and I don’t have time to take a few moments to learn the route(s) ahead of time. that’s its convenience. but I hate being on that digital leash, being scolded by my phone if I take a different road to see where it leads or to stop for gas or a break. so, I tend to drive everywhere in my day-to-day without it, and my friends think it’s to weird.
one of my friends won’t start driving to the grocery store a few blocks away from his house without turning on his Garmin. he’s all “if I take a wrong turn I don’t want to have to pull over to look at the map!” like he can’t just turn around and get back onto the simple route he usually takes? same friend is among 3 of my friends who get visibly anxious when I drive them places without GPS and will pull up their phone in the passenger seat to “get directions for me”. had to tell all 3: “don’t give me directions unless I ask for them. I know where I am and where I’m going, I don’t need you telling me to make a turn 60s before each one.”
- Comment on 10 years ago, a person would be insulted for filming a video in portrait instead of landscape. Now, old landscape videos are being cropped and resized to fit in a portrait player. 11 months ago:
- Comment on Imagine everything humans could accomplish if we were not a commerce based civilization. 1 year ago:
came to say this. food is fuel, we are merely labyrinthine biological furnaces that chemically incinerates whatever unfortunate matter may enter us. the fuel’s affluence is not typically relevant, but I’m a little out of touch on the science, I might be wrong.
- Comment on Raspberry Pi is planning a London IPO, but its CEO expects “no change” in focus 1 year ago:
This is the same answer always given by every sell-out right before they sell out their users/customers, and it always collapses into a silent capitulation to enshittification not long thereafter.
To customers/users of a product or service, IPO should mean only one thing: Last call; FLEE NOW!
- Comment on Raspberry Pi is planning a London IPO, but its CEO expects “no change” in focus 1 year ago:
I’ve prepared for you a comprehensive list, here:
- Comment on Counterspell this 1 year ago:
no… no! Don’t remind me of Outlaw Star!
I’ll need to watch it again! It’s been so very long. It is such a core part of my aesthetic & genre preferences since I first saw it as a teenager, but I haven’t seen it in a good while.
- Comment on Why is Google allowed to remove purchases from our Play Store accounts without telling us? 1 year ago:
OK but piracy isn’t stealing it is basically a harmless free copy. The issue here is corporations want to have their cake and eat it too, but to prohibit us all from either having or eating any cake ever. Corpos like that have zero right to my consideration or care.
- Comment on The more you know 1 year ago:
not consistently. I find there are basically two schools of thought in 3d graphics:
the screen is a graph representing a 3d space: the x axis is horizontal, the y axis is vertical. depth, going ‘into’ the screen, then becomes the z axis. mathematicians and programmers tend to like this.
the screen is a camera viewing a 3d space from within itself: the coordinates to position yourself along a line is one dimensional: x. to position yourself on a plane as in a 2d game, two dimensional: x, y. to position yourself within a volume, three dimensional: x, y, z. humans are kind of inherently planar spatial navigators - it’s easy to think about our position in terms of “where on the ground” we are, then adjust for height. 3d artists and level designers tend to like this.
- Comment on Legendary exit for a legendary creator 1 year ago:
Yep, same for me. It’s hard to explain. It’s unfair, because it’s so arbitrary, but something about him feels somehow insincere, and it makes me uncomfortable.