- Comment on Fitness app Strava gives away location of Biden, Trump and other leaders, French newspaper says. 4 months ago:
Don’t be coy, tell us what you think we should be using it for.
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
It’s not technically possible with any model. Votes on Reddit are only kept private from other users – staff could look them up or reveal them to someone any time they wanted and you’d never know.
Even if you allowed voting without an account (which would be so easily manipulated that it would be worthless), you’d still be identifiable from your IP.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Yes, and there’s no genuine argument otherwise.
If you want Lemmy to grow and not be completely overrun with bots posting propaganda and signal boosting extremism, showing votes is the only way forward. It’s the only mechanism by which independent parties can discover and expose things like “every post and comment by this account is upvoted by these 20 other accounts that have never posted and whose names follow the same formula”.
The privacy you’re mourning never existed in the first place and it can’t exist on any platform. For Lemmy, it’s required for federation. On sites like Reddit, you have privacy from other users, but not from the company or anyone they sell that data to.
Since true privacy isn’t an option, it would be far better to be open about that lack of privacy. This thread is already riddled with people who thought their votes were private, rather than just inconvient to look up. That’s far more dangerous and deceptive.
This needs to happen, regardless of the ill-informed tantrums it may cause. If you want to upvote pornography without it being used against you, create accounts that are strictly for pornography and properly compartmentalize your accounts.
- Comment on Questionable methods. 9 months ago:
Read the damn article before commenting.
You, 46 minutes ago.
- Comment on Questionable methods. 9 months ago:
Okay, so you’re not upset, but still didn’t bother to find the answers for him.
Let’s just say you did decide to answer him though, what would be the very first thing you step you’d take? Would it be “type those questions into a search engine”?
I understand asking questions when answers might be complex or you’re actively involved in a conversation with someone knowledgeable, but I’m tired of this deliberate helplessness on social media.
- Comment on Questionable methods. 9 months ago:
You also could have done that, but you chose to get upset about me not doing it instead.
- Comment on Schools won't be allowed to teach children that they can change their gender ID, reports say 9 months ago:
Sounds like bullshit.
- Comment on AstraZeneca requests European authorisation of Covid vaccine be pulled 9 months ago:
Fucking bootlickers, learn to think for yourself.
I can’t, my brain is controlled by 4G now.
- Comment on AstraZeneca requests European authorisation of Covid vaccine be pulled 9 months ago:
If you’re going to advocate murdering people, you could at least make a token effort to be factually correct about why.
- Comment on How rental ‘libraries of things’ have become the new way to save money 9 months ago:
It also allows people to use much higher quality products. She’s pulling a power tool out in the picture and goddamn, there’s some garbage tools out there, even from quality brands.
- Comment on Rabbit was once an NFT company that it wants you to forget about 10 months ago:
Unfortunately, that nightmare is absolutely on its way. The moment companies work out how to secure their initial prompts, they’ll start selling product placement. As the technology continues to become more accessible, it will be used for astroturfing and manipulating financial markets.
A decade from now, social media is just going to be an endless flood of secret AI sales reps trying to convince other secret AI sales reps to buy their shit products, vote for their shit candidates or follow their shit investment advice.
- Comment on Extremist Militias Are Coordinating in More Than 100 Facebook Groups 10 months ago:
It catches the deeply stupid, but not the ones blessed with 3 braincells. Even the ones struggling by on 2 will learn from those mistakes.
- Comment on The budget reveals what Australia's governments actually care about. And Labor has chosen to keep jobseekers in poverty | Greg Jericho 10 months ago:
If you don’t want to be treated like a caller from a right-wing talkback radio station, try not sounding exactly like one.
- Comment on The budget reveals what Australia's governments actually care about. And Labor has chosen to keep jobseekers in poverty | Greg Jericho 10 months ago:
Sure, I can broaden the options: You’re either dumb as fuck, leaving out important context that won’t apply to most people or just outright lying.
Whatever the answer is, you’re clearly trying to give the impression that you’re morally above accepting welfare.
- Comment on Extremist Militias Are Coordinating in More Than 100 Facebook Groups 10 months ago:
“What if instead of convincing gullible people to buy healing crystals, magic water and psychic services, we convinced them to hate minorities?”.
- Comment on Extremist Militias Are Coordinating in More Than 100 Facebook Groups 10 months ago:
I’d say having these groups coordinate in a platform where government officials are able to gain easy access is better than banning them and forcing them to move to more secure methods of communication
It’s not, because extremism spreads like herpes. Making these platforms more accessible to government officials also makes them more accessible to vulnerable, stupid people – and there’s 1000 of them for every 1 fed who wants to stop a terrorist attack.
Also, the people at the core of these groups are absolutely aware of secure communication. The Facebook page might say “Rally for Freedom, 2A welcome” but behind that curtain, human dogshit are brainstorming things like “how can we get counter protesters killed”.
As dumb as most of the far-right is, very few are stupid enough to suggest plan crimes and conspiracies on Facebook.
- Comment on The federal government has given an online age verification pilot the green light. Here's what we know about it 10 months ago:
They don’t care if it never works because the true goal is to convert public funds into private profits.
- Comment on The budget reveals what Australia's governments actually care about. And Labor has chosen to keep jobseekers in poverty | Greg Jericho 10 months ago:
I’ve literally opted for.homelessness over Centrelink payments
Then you’re dumb as fuck.
- Comment on Spotify just hid song lyrics behind its subscription 10 months ago:
Spotify should be happy they get a song for fractions of a cent. Without the artists, they’d be nothing.
- Comment on histories mysteries 10 months ago:
I’m not sure if this is a hypothesis with any level of acceptance
Unless an actual record is found describing what they were used for, it’s all just guesses anyway.
- Comment on Recognize the mother of Wifi 10 months ago:
Seems like plenty of context to me. The CSIRO invented something that changed the world, back before neoliberals cut their funding.
- Comment on "I Told Them It Was The Muslims That Did It But They Ain't Buying It Anymore!" 10 months ago:
I’m not nearly stupid, young or damaged enough to fall for your grooming. Take your Mein Kamph conspiracy memes and fuck off back to your little fascist bubble.
- Comment on "I Told Them It Was The Muslims That Did It But They Ain't Buying It Anymore!" 10 months ago:
Oh look, it’s you again with more far-right dogshit.
- Comment on "No Atheists In Foxholes" Energy 10 months ago:
I’ve seen the same “joke” posted a few days ago, using a different image. Seems like someone is trying to groom themselves a little incel community.
- Comment on Artist behind Mona’s ladies-only lounge ‘absolutely delighted’ man is suing for gender discrimination 11 months ago:
His opinions are too important for things like “reading articles”.
- Comment on Judge rules YouTube, Facebook and Reddit must face lawsuits claiming they helped radicalize a mass shooter | CNN Business 11 months ago:
You mean the “responsible gun owners” who don’t properly secure their weapons from a child?
- Comment on Users ditch Glassdoor, stunned by site adding real names without consent 11 months ago:
Yeah, this reeks of generic neoliberal sabotage to me. They do the same thing with unions and political parties. If anything is a potential threat to profits, it’s infiltrated and undermined.
There’s simply no way that a team focused on employee rights does something like this. Everybody working there would definitely be aware that companies routinely try to identify and punish people for their posts. That alone would end any non-malicious plans for using real names.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Yes. Inflation is when billionaires think you’ve got a few dollars they haven’t fucked you out of. You have to sneak welfare past them already, so full UBI would be sniffed out by their snouts immediately.
- Comment on Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it. 11 months ago:
A man that feels he has nothing to lose is a dangerous thing
Especially when they’re a former “responsible gun owner”.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Does that mean they fixed the problem or did they simply make it impossible for people outside of reddit to see the extent of it?