- Comment on T-Mobile, AT&T oppose unlocking rule, claim locked phones are good for users 4 months ago:
For my past 3 phones I just bought straight from the manufacturer.
I recommend it and hope phone unlocking gets pushed through despite their whining
- Comment on Two Kinds Of Chocolate Available. You Decide 7 months ago:
I would expect a more even spread across the butt cheeks and not between them
- Comment on Choose your fighter 7 months ago:
They’re the one I can count on to not give up
- Comment on Trump Airpods 7 months ago:
That teleprompter glass do be loud
- Comment on There’s a lot going on here 8 months ago:
- Comment on This is not a stereogram. If you look at it a certain way it will not resolve into anything. 10 months ago:
Why can’t I ever see the sailboat?
- Comment on Catholic 'media ministry' defrocks AWOL AI priest after it told faithful you can baptise babies in Gatorade and that, sure, it can totally perform your wedding 10 months ago:
Obviously you don’t baptism babies in Gatorade, you use Mountain Dew Baja Blast.
These damn simpletons
- Comment on Tell me what it smells like in the comments! 10 months ago:
Corn flakes and dried pee
- Comment on You can travel just a 100 thousand years at the speed of light and already gross the galaxy. The Andromedan mind cannot comprehend 10 months ago:
Such a cute 10k light year bulgie wulgie UwU
I couldn’t help myself
- Comment on Computer game helps students get better at detecting fake news 10 months ago:
I actually looked it up, and it’s Bad News, a web based game.
- Comment on Can I Put it in my Ass? 10 months ago:
I’m learning more about the elements here in a meme comment thread than I think I did in school over a decade ago.
- Comment on Can I Put it in my Ass? 10 months ago:
Uranium is fine, but oxygen is going too far, got it
- Comment on Netflix Doc ‘What Jennifer Did’ Uses AI Images to Create False Historical Record 10 months ago:
A documentary is meant to be factual and historical so nothing fake should be injected into it.
If you trust a documentary like this then I don’t trust your reasoning. “Vaxxed” is a documentary that, incorrectly, talks about the dangers of vaccination.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
Gotta get my finances in order by then so I can buy all the “obsolete” computers I want
- Comment on Those free USB sticks in your drawer are somehow crappier than you thought 1 year ago:
I can’t help but think “Osii chan” when I see this
- Comment on neuron 1 year ago:
♪ don’t track my jet ♪
Or something
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
I only disagree with the “unless” clause. If they’re underpaid and the restaurant is doing it because they won’t be at fault then you should tip that much anyway.
At the least they will get more money and remember you as a temporary savior for better service next time. The unless clause basically just tells me “dance for your meal, peasant”
- Comment on Backdoors that let cops decrypt messages violate human rights, EU court says 1 year ago:
EU: “This violates human rights”
US: “Human rights? What are those? Are they in the constitution?”
Yeah, I wish the US could get some of those mysterious rights
- Comment on ACAB all cats are beautiful 1 year ago:
Those ones are cops though, so they’re bastards
- Comment on "tHeRe'$ n0 rEpL@CeMeNt FoR dIsPlaCeMeNt!!!1!!!1!!“ 1 year ago:
I agree, I’m just sick of cars and I drive one a lot for work
I don’t have solutions, I’m just complaining catharticly
- Comment on "tHeRe'$ n0 rEpL@CeMeNt FoR dIsPlaCeMeNt!!!1!!!1!!“ 1 year ago:
How about just no cars
- Comment on Smite inbound 1 year ago:
It could be any tree fruit. They only mentioned the tree of knowledge and the fruit gives knowledge of good and evil.
I vote kiwis, skin off = good, skin on = evil
In that respect I’m good and my gf is evil
- Comment on A powerful argument 1 year ago:
This is why when I get the blabbers, I just keep responding “k”
- Comment on Mothers know that this is a wholesome combination. 1 year ago:
Why are people out here attacking my pilk? (Pepsi + milk)
- Comment on The revenge of the video game manual 1 year ago:
It’s pretty much the only game where saying how to play, beyond basic movement and attacking, is spoilers because of how they implemented it. Definitely worth the play
- Comment on Meow 1 year ago:
I’d be giving the cat payment for taking my dick, not a trade to get it back
- Comment on I do believe they exist 1 year ago:
Yup, I don’t get nightmares anymore, only “nightmares”. Gore dripping from the ceiling, fires and poisons fill the air, and maybe my innards are now public decorations. The darkness soothes me.
IRL I’d freak the fuck out, but in Dreamland, it’s just another beautiful day.
- Comment on I do believe they exist 1 year ago:
I fall asleep to horror stories
- Comment on Waffle Squarf 1 year ago:
Finally, a good fucking restaurant
- Comment on Is it time for 6G already? Traffic analysis says yep 1 year ago:
There’s always at least one. This is why we still have to teach people how to computer