- Comment on Funny bad games reviews 8 months ago:
I wish gamewank did more
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
Do it. Such an epic movie. I was a kid when it came out and can’t help but watch it 2-3x a year. It really has held up well.
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
Never seen Big Trouble in Little China?
- Comment on Google will no longer back up the Internet: Cached webpages are dead. Google Search will no longer make site backups while crawling the web. 1 year ago:
I’ve been wondering for a while now if we’re even getting real results or if the seo results have made crawlers (as we know it) largely redundant. I doubt google has any real incentive to move away from the model that is now in place, unless they do intend to launch a paid service (free from the above mentioned garbage) alongside the existing service should competitors like kagi present a real threat to their business.
- Comment on Commercials Are Streaming’s New Norm, and Creators Aren’t Happy: “It’s Almost Worse Than Broadcast” 1 year ago:
There is a simple solution for that. Rotate your services every 3 months, watch the entire season and only come back when there’s something to watch.
Quality over quantity is something streaming services can’t do. There’s so much shit shoved in our faces that I find myself watching less and less. Is a crash on the horizon or can the market sustain the number of active participants?
It’s a real shame because piracy is bridging the service gap which the industry themselves managed to eliminate, albeit briefly, only to introduce it again.
- Comment on People who order "a decaff coffee with an extra shot" - why? 1 year ago:
You mean the basket. The portafilter holds the basket and is inserted into the group head. They can be bottomless (naked) or have spouts.
On to baskets. You can buy single/double/triple shot sizes (typically 7/14/21 grams) but you can also buy 18/20/22/24/25g baskets. You’ll find most serious cafes use 18/20/22g baskets. Barista’s almost always love to chat so don’t be afraid to ask questions. Just be nice and they’ll tell you just about anything you want to know about pulling espresso shots.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago: