Mastodon: @TiffyBelle@mastodonapp.uk
- Comment on Is my voice annoyingly high? 11 months ago:
If I heard this voice randomly somewhere it would be very unremarkable and I wouldn’t note anything unusual about it. It wouldn’t stand out as different to me.
- Comment on We are in Brave's search results! 1 year ago:
It’s a little disingenuous so say that “Vivaldi is closed source” and leave it at that. The vast majority of their browser is built on open-source code:
Only a small portion (~5%) of their bespoke UI code is closed. The vast majority of their source is published.
- Comment on Has google stopped working for finding anything? 1 year ago:
This isn’t accurate. DDG isn’t just Bing. They source results from Microsoft/Bing, but they also have their own web crawler and they prioritize results differently than just Bing. Implying DDG is simply a mirror of Bing is misleading.