- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
There is no standard what red USB A ports mean. Could be fast charging through some proprietary protocol or other special features. Or just a design choice.
USB ports with no symbol just don’t advertise what they’re capable of. Most phones support super speed data transfer. Basic USB-PD and display port output support is also common. They may also support other stuff, like pretending to be a webcam, audio output and much more. But you usually have to look in the manual or data sheet to know what is supported.
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 9 months ago:
I’m not eating from the tip of my penis.
Phimosis is completely physiological/natural for younger boys and actually helps to protect the head of the penis against infections.
If it needs washing, you can just spray water from the shower head into the opening.
But it’s also kinda like the vagina for girls. It doesn’t really need washing or special treatment unless it’s infected.
In any case, messing with the penis of your son and making them feel unhygienic or like their foreskin is a problem is likely much more damaging than a little bit of smegma.
- Comment on A conversation with my wife 10 months ago:
Why would it need to retract at 7 years old? It really only needs to retract once you start to have sex.
- Comment on Neurodivergents of Lemmy. Do you think of yourself as (A) Cursed by fate, permanently damaged and suffering OR (B) Gifted by fate with a nonstandard package of strengths and weaknesses? 11 months ago:
Neither, I am who I am and that’s fine, but it’s not a curse or gift.
- Comment on why don't people say mega meters 11 months ago:
When measuring lengths and time, metric units are super useful. Micrometers, Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters and Kilometres are easily and often converted in a lot of technical jobs.
Same with nanoseconds, milliseconds and seconds when dealing with time in simulations or other computer programs (e.g. game development).
Milliliters, Centiliters and Liters are commonly used in cooking.
What’s wrong with hectometers? I don’t know how often they’re used but dealing with a factor of 10 or 100 to the next “regular” unit (meters or kilometers) is no big deal.
- Comment on What kind of a gift can you give your teacher out of respect, but that doesn’t get mistaken for romance? 1 year ago:
I disagree, I’d love getting stuff related to my hobbies.
- Comment on How is it possible to start a business if you have no money and skills, but have an idea? 1 year ago:
You acquire skills and then start the business. Without skills, you won’t know if the idea is any good.
Like your idea could be to create and sell a software to design Lego builds, but without any skills in software development or law, you’d have no idea if that’s feasible programming wise, how much work it would be, or if Lego might sue you for trademark violation if you do that.
Ideas are easy, doing the stuff is hard.
Obviously you can outsource some parts, for example you could hire a lawyer to make sure you violate no trademark law, but when you don’t have much money, the reality is that you will start small and have to do most research and actual work (if not all) yourself.
- Comment on [Louis Rossmann] Google supports right to repair? Think again. 1 year ago:
I really liked his relaxing, calm MacBook repair and data recovery videos, where you could learn about soldering and electronics repair while watching. And I had no problem with a little bit of honest advertising for his own business.
While the right to repair is important, his videos about it are a lot of rambling and complaining about the same thing again and again. The titles are also often misleading or click baity. I can’t watch them either. I hope they work for the right people, though.
- Comment on Why can't code be uncompiled? 1 year ago:
The main difference is that when you compile a program for Windows, Linux etc., you have an operating system and kernel with their exposed functions/interfaces so even in a compiled program it’s pretty easy to find the function calls for opening a file, moving a window, etc. (as long as the developer doesn’t add specific steps hiding these calls). But in an embedded system, it’s one large mess without any interfaces apart from those directly on the hardware level.