- Comment on If Jesus can turn water into wine, but wine is still mostly made of water, can Jesus apply his powers recursively and create more and more concentrated wine? 5 months ago:
Take your upvote and get out.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
Double live is very bad and the cord becomes a literal short. If you’re lucky a breaker will flip or fuse burn out. If you’re not so lucky you have a cable thats either going to start a fire burning its insulation off and melting itself, or potentially exploding depending on quality and type of cable.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
On the one hand, there are legitimate uses for double ended male cords. On the other, absolutely none of those legit uses invovle christmas lights
- Comment on Elon Musk loses fight with ex-Twitter staffer, must pay $600K 6 months ago:
Sounds like by his own grading scale he is a dismal failure not worth what his title gets paid.
- Comment on Feeling cute. Might delete later. 6 months ago:
A minority would assure you that is not weird.
- Comment on Honestly, I couldn't even imagine living in such a country lol 9 months ago:
Fun fact, spiders took over updating that list in 1979.
- Comment on Now, if it was a Pixel... 9 months ago:
Dude I love club penguin
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
I work in residential therapy. If me helping people with serious trauma progress their therapy and develop healthier lifestyle routines and prevent self harming doesn’t constitute as solving societal probems then I want to know what the person defining who gets UBI is smoking
- Comment on ByteDance prefers TikTok shutdown in US if legal options fail, sources say 10 months ago:
Makes the children screaming we are taking their toy away seem even more oblivious when the billion dollar corporation gives absolutely zero shits about losing the business.
- Comment on don't listen to big gravity!!!!! 10 months ago:
Gravity wants to make the atoms touch and the subatomic particles touch too. ESF says nuh uh and pushes them apart, so atoms are >99% empty space. If the forces flipped the Earth would contract into a spheroid much smaller than the moon.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
China absolutely doesn’t want the US talking about Taiwan or the island of Taipei at all. They want the West to forget it exists entirely so they can “reunify” with it the same way they squashed out Democracy Riots in Hong Kong once the west got bored and stopped paying attention.
- Comment on House panel unanimously approves bill that could ban TikTok 11 months ago:
Each country has the right to say if businesses or entities of a foreign country can operate in their borders. The US Govt is rarely directly involved with operationing a company or business, with the biggest exception being the US Postal Service. So while they might make rules and regulations for how companies can do business, these businesses are privately owned, what information they gather on clients or users is for commercial use, typically for advertising purposes.
With Chinese companies, this is not the case, even companies that are technically privately owned are heavily managed by the CCP if not directly operated or owned by an official member of the govt. So while in the US if a company like Instagram or Twitter was told by the US govt to hand over information about certain individuals, without a warrent clearly defining what data to hand over and the reason for it, those companies can and in the past repeatedly have used legal means to resist and deny those demands. This isn’t a thing n China, and there is a lot of rumors that all the data these Chinese originating platforms collect by default goes to the Chinese govt, who can use it for anything from espionage, using insider information gathered illegally to manipulate markets or officials, to even things like blackmail or planning military actions in extreme cases. The CCP and all their associated companies have repeatedly shown in the past they don’t care about the rights of citizens in other countries, copyright laws or intellectual rights, and would be more than happy to turn every teenagers smart phone into a listening device into peoples homes and tailor content shown to individuals they identified as someone they can manipulate to radicalize them in a manner that suits them without any regard to that persons wellbeing.
If you think the US Government is untrustworthy (which, yeah it’s not) then you should be absolutely horrified at the thought of ever allowing the Chinese Govt and the CCP having access to any of your personal life or allowed to put software on your device and partake in a social network they curate and moderate.
- Comment on Akira Toriyama, the Creator of Dragon Ball, Dead at 68 11 months ago:
Japan’s standard of living and medical care available gives them a life expectancy of 84 years. Akira was also successful and rather wealthy by the standards of his country and thus had a access to an even better standard of living than most.
So yes, in the context, 68 is a rather young age to die given the resource available to them.
- Comment on You can never be sure 1 year ago:
According to Lower Decks the holodecks have filters the ensigns have to clean. One can just imagine what then hell a holodeck is filtering and collecting.
- Comment on God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story 1 year ago:
If thats your take away you’ve clearly never played the games and only read reviews about them second or third hand. No one is saying the og trilogy was bad, but according to Jaffe they were writing epics… Which frankly is a far cry from the truth and they only got better as he had less and less involvement to GoW3 being cslled the best of the trilogy, ironically the game he’s not involved in making.
- Comment on God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story 1 year ago:
Literally every person I know that played it loved it more than the 2018 reboot, which is saying something since the 2018 GoW put the franchise back on the map after its years long downturn.
- Comment on God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story 1 year ago:
Why are shilling so hard for a has-been whose most noteable works had to taken away from his creative control to actually develop into something beyond a juvenile revenge fantasy?