- Comment on AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants 1 year ago:
You might if it was a lower level position and you had like helped run your team or something like that. Or maybe university sports. I had hockey team and my high school band on my resume until I had real experience. Talk up things like working with a team and our fundraising stuff. Proves you probably aren’t a complete antisocial weirdo at the least.
- Comment on Well, it looks like verification photos might be useless now. 1 year ago:
I mean I wouldn’t bring it up to most people with how much some people shop their shit before uploading.
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck gets less than 80% of advertised range in YouTuber’s test 1 year ago:
Heh here’s one for people. In my province at least the best way to get cheap 24/7 fuel in every corner even the podunkest no stoplights villages is to get a free membership with the local fuel co-op (UFA here)
I regularly save 2-10 cents a litre and have 24/7 access and even shitters and showers in most locations all for no extra money or work on my end other than the initial sign up.
- Comment on Call an expert 1 year ago:
Strong flashlight. Even in a well light room, getting down there and moving a flashlight around will reveal little screws your eye wouldn’t have ever noticed without the changing contrast and reflections.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
Say I rent a server in Canada and let all my friends connect to it. Then they use that server to watch porn. How would the Montana Jack-Off Police ever know that people from Montana are watching porn? All they would see is that a bunch of people from Montana are remotely connected to Canada. Maybe that’s where my office is or were all just doing a remote LAN party.
- Comment on Pornhub blocks North Carolina and Montana as porn regulation spreads 1 year ago:
VPN can’t really be made illegal its required for business to function.
And you’d get the ISPs to ban pornhubs IPs not the other way around.
Pornhub is banning these states as protest to get attention.
Its dumb as shit of course since pornhub for all its faults is like the least shady porn site so it’ll just push people who aren’t tech savvy to shadier sites with more non consensual and stolen content and shitty popups
- Comment on Canada to announce all new cars must be zero emissions by 2035 1 year ago:
I dunno some intercity buses and trains would be nice… Like unless you can fly or rent a car I don’t know how you get to most of the country without your own car.
- Comment on Canada to announce all new cars must be zero emissions by 2035 1 year ago:
We’ll just have to carry gas generators on our electric trucks to drive to work in the bush I guess.
- Comment on Five People Founded Tesla, But Only Elon Musk Became Extremely Rich 1 year ago:
Yeah and if my province hadn’t sold of their public telephone company to private investors I’d be even more better off so I’m more pissed about that.
- Comment on Five People Founded Tesla, But Only Elon Musk Became Extremely Rich 1 year ago:
Starlink is shitty and yet where I’m at its still easily the cheapest, fastest, and most reliable option. Infuriating really.