- Comment on Adding storage - Best options? (External USB drives, automatic decryption, media, etc.) 6 months ago:
+1 for borg + hetzner storage box, though externals do give pretty good value for some uses. I have all my movies/tv on a 6tb external and it would have cost so much more to do it any other way
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
I’d vote for a candidate who only communicates via ouija board over Trump.
Give it a few months
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago:
Look rather than dunk on you, I’m going to recommend Mike Duncan’s Revolutions podcast, because it gives a fair overview of what the liberal revolutions were about, why socialism grew out of that moment, and how there came to be this irreconciliable beef between liberalism and socialism. The whole thing is great, but 1848 is the real crisis point if all you care about is the schism.
- Comment on Funny, those guys don't usually agree on that much 9 months ago:
Do you know what the word ‘liberal’ actually means
- Comment on Americans are asleep, post European windows 1 year ago:
Integrated AC ftw bebeh