- Comment on Nike’s Air Max 1000 are almost entirely 3D-printed 3 months ago:
You wouldn’t download…a shoe?
- Comment on I benchmarked 6 different metal USB sticks 4 months ago:
Any noticeable durability issues? Had my Samsung stick just outside of warranty window…
- Comment on Robot moderation could be coming to your town 4 months ago:
Careful, some might think you’re a jerk 🤣
- Comment on Belarus, following Kazakhstan, has blocked Russia's access to apples • EastFruit 4 months ago:
From first hand experience…yes
- Comment on World’s first semi-submersible floating offshore wind farm still smashing its own power records 4 months ago:
I guess is just a given feature (or even requirement) of a floating wind turbine based on the info in the article? Still pretty interesting nevertheless.
- Comment on Purple guy 5 months ago:
Pffsh there’s literally Johnny 5s head on ceiling while somebody making a very vague comparison
- Comment on OpenAI is now valued at $157 billion 5 months ago:
Alrighty then, just need to wait for fucking novideo stock to get back to what I bought it at and I’ll dump and switch (don’t have anything spare to play around with sadly)
I hear you though, I also had(have?) similar physical effect on things like toys as a kid or some electronics since then…just brake shit randomly without trying, especially if I don’t own it.
- Comment on OpenAI is now valued at $157 billion 5 months ago:
You guys want me to invest? I’m guaranteed to lower the stock value by ~30% within about a month with my shidas touch
- Comment on Please make sure to check the expiration date on your toilet paper 5 months ago:
All this investment…down the drain
- Comment on The UK section of my local supermarket is taking the piss 5 months ago:
That’s not a terrible price for Patak’s stuff…it’s like double that in Canada from what I’ve seen
- Comment on Valve lifts NDA on Deadlock, streaming and talking about the game is now allowed. 6 months ago:
There’s already some toxic muppets getting banned from matchmaking as well as rage quiters…not a whole lot but I have come across them in the week or so that I’ve played.
There are a few people who do want to coordinate or even use VC, more than the above, but not a whole lot
- Comment on Google Maps tests new pop-up ads that give you an unnecessary detour 7 months ago:
Did Osmand hange that bullshit where if you changed your device you can fuck right off with your previously bought maps and pay for them again because they didn’t tie them to store account
- Comment on xkcd #2933: Elementary Physics Paths 9 months ago:
Half-expected to see a wumbo boson in that article as a reason for “that” SpongeBob episode
- Comment on The Fallout TV show gave the Fallout games a huge player bump, as everyone remembers they like Fallout 10 months ago:
Same here, actually installed it the other day having never played fo76…
it played like shit (<15fps) with barely any hardware usage (GPU doing nothing, 14% CPU utilization) . Found out it needs to be played in full screen mode (on AMD cards at least) to actually utilize GPU, confirmed that was the issue and uninstalled it.But the game is apparently good if you can get it to work or look past some dumb shit like this.
- Comment on Can anyone help with my VLC issue? 11 months ago:
If you used a script and it worked first time, and you haven’t already checked that the script didn’t toggle itself off, I’d start with that. Always had that thing happen to me with a custom script I added to VLC and had to remember to toggle it each time I started VLC
- Comment on What would be a good glue to repair this spatula with that wont he toxic or come undone in a dishwasher? 11 months ago:
Who needs glue, if you’re hellbent on keeping it, stick the plastic back in and figure out a good place to put a screw/nail through and file it down if it goes out the other end.
If it breaks again you’ll most likely be forced to completely replace it though, which is a good thing as it will mean didn’t deserve the second life you’ve given it.
- Comment on What if 1 year ago:
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
*American Still watched and liked MASH in my country in 90s as a kid (although not my choice) enough to introduce my wife to it a year ago and she enjoyed it too, having never heard of it. No clue what the other 2 things even are.
- Comment on Truly inspirational 1 year ago:
Well it’s UK so I’m guessing now the friends goes: “skinny fuck” every day?