Yes, I’m screaming all that. Capslock is still cruise control for cool, y’all.
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
And another response about controllers. I just checked my post again, and I literally didn’t mention ANYTHING about controllers.
I don’t mind talking about controllers, but I’m genuinely curious. Why are so many people mentioning controllers, when I was only talking about mouse controls?
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
Why do so many people keep responding with comments about controllers???
I am exclusively talking about mouse settings. Was that somehow not clear? I mean, I never said anything about controllers.
I’m not mad, I’m just really REALLY confused.
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
That’s a really good point. I’m a full-palm-grip sort of mouse user, where I only use the fingers to click, and all the movement come from the arm itself. I suspect that means I’d get less utility out of changing the axis values.
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
I think I would actually lose my mind, trying to switch to inverted Y. Have you always rolled like that?
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
As I’ve said to a couple of people, I definitely have seen people set different X and Y settings on joysticks/thumbsticks/tilt-controls. I’m specifically talking about the mouse version, which I’ve never actually encountered anybody using, up until the testimony of these people, in this thread.
And yeah, my experience is the same as yours. It’s only been in the last six or seven years that I’ve really started to see games include options to set individual axis controls for the mouse.
In those most current years, though, it has been a very common option. The majority of medium-to-AAA budgeted games include the option. I did figure that meant some people were using it. I just wondered how common it really was. I’d never considered trying it myself, deliberately, until now.
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
The more people mention this, the more I’m almost starting to continue trying it. If you really get used to it, it probably does make it easier to adjust the Y axis for headshots, while you’re turning through the X axis. Basically, if you have to cover more Y axis space on the mousepad to adjust the same amount of Y pixels on the screen, you’d theoretically be less likely to move too much in that axis, and overshoot where you want to place the crosshairs.
On the other hand, I’ve been using the same values for X and Y for decades. There’s a lot of accumulated muscle memory to reprogram.
Now I wonder how many pro FPS players play with different X and Y settings…
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
I’ve definitely seen people use different X and Y settings, on all kinds of different joystick-style deices. I’ve even occasionally set different X and Y values on those, myself.
I’m specifically talking about the mouse situation.
Would be nice if you could lock them together, but that is a little more complex and requires more thought to do
I think the reverse is true. Up until a few years ago, it was VERY rare to see any games (or any other apps) give users separated control over each axis, for the mouse. Back in the day, there wasn’t ALWAYS even a GUI-enabled setting for sensitivity, at all. You’d just type a console command, and it would adjust the overall mouse sensitivity, which would be applied to both the X and Y.
I’m sure there were some of those games, where you could indeed use a different console command to change each axis, separately.
At any rate, once you’ve implemented a setting in the graphical user interface menu system for changing the X and Y, it technically would involve a bit more effort to provide an option to lock them together, so I don’t mind just adjusting X and Y to the same values, myself.
I was just curious whether anyone out there actually is setting their horizontal and vertical mouse movement to different values, at all, or if it’s just an option with nobody making use of it.
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
I’ve been playing FPS games since Wolfenstein 3D (and most people didn’t even use the mouse for those very early FPSes), and I have never considered trying that. As I said to a couple other people, I’ve accidentally set the X and Y to different values, and it just destroys my ability to aim.
But, ya know, I haven’t practiced it. It could offer an objective advantage, of some kind.
At any rate, I’m just glad there are people using it. It would be weird if it was a very common option in modern games, with nobody putting it to use, at all.
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
I’ve never tried it deliberately, but every time I’ve accidentally set the X and Y to different values, it has just destroyed my accuracy and made me motion-sick, into the bargain.
But I guess you could get used to it, and then it could give some kind of objective advantage.
- Comment on Who all is out there, setting different sensitivities for X and Y on their mouse settings? Does anybody actually do this? 10 months ago:
It’s probably useful in fps or with ultrawide/span monitor setups.
That might be the case, but I still think it would just give me motion sickness. That’s what has happened, every time I’ve accidentally had one axis set to a larger value than the other. It just makes me feel like my hands and eyes are disconnected.
But if some people dig it, that’s cool.
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 33 comments
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
I disabled all the touchscreen nonsense the VERY DAY that was forced to install Windows 10. It’s still bloated and inefficient and inferior to Windows 7. And 11 will be even worse, even if I can make it look mostly like the current version.
And yeah, I guess I was venting. I was also genuinely wondering if there was some specific benefit that Microsoft would gain from me upgrading, that I hadn’t thought about. The answer seems to be “nah, they just want to be able to advertise to you more effectively, and suck up your data.”
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
I honestly didn’t 100 percent know the answer. I was seriously wondering if there was some direct, specific reason that I hadn’t thought of. But it’s just the boring speculation that I could have done. I agree I shouldn’t have bothered.
As for toxicity, sure. I’m toxic. The world is toxic. It’s the new fashion. I believe we are all bearing witness to the Great Filter that keeps all civilizations from achieving high technology and exploring the universe (read up on the concept).
In essence, intelligence itself was nature’s greatest mistake. Awareness is a curse. All is vanity. We’re cresting the peak of our achievements, as naked apes, and we will shortly begin the painful process of erasing all our gains, and returning to dust. Good riddance, and I mean that. We are not a good thing for the planet, nor for ourselves.
But I don’t have to be all sweetness and light about any of it.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
You seem a bit agitated
I have the misfortune to be living in 2024. If you are not agitated, you are not paying attention.
And I suppose I was looking for a more specific answer than really exists, for this situation. From Microsoft’s perspective, they need me to upgrade, so that I can be part of the current version of their money-sucking system. Whatever. I’ll do it. Who even cares.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
Why do you think there is some hidden malicious reason, all software companies want everyone to start using their newest offerings as soon as possible
If they were asking me to pay money for their product, nothing would be suspicious about their behavior. But I’ll be getting it “for free.” And yet they’re acting as if they’re selling it to me.
You don’t think that warrants suspicion?
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
That’s fair enough. I suppose it’s cost-effective enough to try and nag people to switching, as soon as possible, as I noted in another comment.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
It costs money to make a brand-new OS and keep it patched and secure. Why do they want to do that?
I suspect it’s got something to do with selling everyone’s data and/or advertising to them, and/or selling them products and services.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
My dude, the first operating system I bought was MS-DOS 6.22. I went miles and miles out of my way, because there was a community college in my area that was (possibly crookedly) selling it to people with the student discount, even if they weren’t students. I have forgotten the exact details, because of all the intervening years.
Then I got Windows 3.1 pre-installed on several machines, then bought the Windows 95 upgrade package, then Windows 98, then XP, then a machine that already had ME, then one that already had Vista, then I bought 7, then I bought 10. They were all annoyingly expensive.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
I asked for an explanation, but I got a lecture. Which I fucking knew that I would.
But at least it was a short lecture. Short enough that I bothered reading it, so I guess you got that much over on me. Congrats, I suppose.
I won’t be switching to Linux, though. I am not interested in fixing that last 10%. That’s always what the Linux (and open-source) crowd always wants: at least a little bit of completely free labor, from everyone.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
I doubt it. It’ll just be bloated and annoying, for no reason. Even on the new machines.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
Boringly, this seems to be the consensus. I actually don’t give a fuck. Advertising doesn’t bother me on the red-hot-rage level that it bothers some people. I am under no obligation to buy anything, just because I’ve seen an ad.
Also, if ads support Windows being gratis, that’s basically okay with me. Having to drop substantial money on operating systems wasn’t fun.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
Windows 7 is 15 years old. That’s a long time to go with no new functionality
Did I say they couldn’t add new functionality? They could add whatever the fuck they want. There just wasn’t any reason to change the core system. Nothing about actual computer system architecture has changed over the last 15 years that would warrant that.
New CPUs? They will have drivers. New GPUs? They will have drivers. No problem. Anything else you can possibly think of? Drivers. Drivers will handle it.
There hasn’t been any need to majorly change anything about the core functions of any operating system, for the last 25 years. Conservatively.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
There’s talk of advertisements and sponsored links in the very Start Menu, so partnerships with advertisers to get closer to your daily activities?
That’s probably a big part of it. I’ve become so jaded about that whole thing that I’m almost past objecting to it, on any philosophical level. I just wish new Windows versions wouldn’t always add so much CPU and memory overhead.
I mean, shit, I’ve got an almost-four-year-old Android tablet that I use for watching YouTube (and pornography) from the comfort of my bed, and that thing manages to do whatever behind-the-scenes tracking of my activities, without sucking up 28 percent of the whole system’s resources, just to run the OS.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
many believe Windows 7 was the last really good version of Windows
That’s not a belief. It’s a fact.
As to why Microsoft wants you to upgrade IDK, maybe because it helps OEMs sell more machines, each with a paid Windows license?
How does that connect to me being borderline tricked into accepting a free “upgrade” on my desktop PC, in my house, over the top of my existing Windows 10 install. They think I’m going to get “hooked” on the new Windows bells and whistles, and go begging my boss to upgrade our workstations, at the office?
Microsoft may also have upped the level of advertising and found more ways to monetize it.
I think this is the bingo. The new version has more and more ways to make money off of user data, selling you services, whatever.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
I guess that’s the boringly probable answer. They need to eventually get everyone to switch, before 10 becomes unsupported anyway, so they might as well also try and get everyone onto the new spy-riffic, service-tastic version, as soon as possible.
Boring dystopia vibes.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 62 comments
- Comment on Exxxocomp (NSFW) 1 year ago:
Heartfelt upvote for “internal sploodge core.”
Also, Sploodgecore should be a music genre.
- Comment on Exxxocomp (NSFW) 1 year ago:
One question remains: when the Exxxocomp dematerializes the fleshlight attachment, does your load get recycled into the micro-replicaotor? Or does the sploodge just drop onto the floor…at which point, I guess you could order the Exxxocomp to replicate a squeegee to clean it up.
- Comment on I should be celebrating turning 40 1 year ago:
Just wait until 43. You’ll realize that your plan to do a bunch of awesome shit during your 42nd year (because that number is the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything) backfired, and you don’t even have the energy to jack off much, anymore.
The only consolation is knowing that your apathy will grow in proportion to your decay, so by the time you’re TRULY incapable and decrepit, you literally won’t be capable of giving a shit about the situation.