- Comment on (Not OC, mostly) Gowron Jumproping 2 weeks ago:
He jumps with honor
- Comment on For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered... Charting the unknown possibilities of existence. 2 weeks ago:
Hes probably like spok. Neutral enough to be the same on both sides. Mirror Voyager has gotta be wild tho
- Comment on The Stars of Star Trek: Section 31 Know Why You're Nervous About the Movie 5 weeks ago:
It certainly shows that the federation doesnt need a weird shadowy organization to skirt the rules and make morally ambiguous decisions.
- Comment on The Stars of Star Trek: Section 31 Know Why You're Nervous About the Movie 5 weeks ago:
I feel like the big issue is the difference in how it’s portrayed. In DS9 and even enterprise section 31 are the bad guys. They are portrayed as a shadowy organization that thinks it’s doing the right thing but when confronted gets in the way. In DS9 they even lose. Section 31 arent an example of the end justifying the means being a necessary evil, they are something from within for the idealistic federation to overcome and defeat.
As a concept section 31 doesnt make a whole lot of sense lore wise because the federation is a paramilitary organization. Sure they are scientists, explorers, and philosophers at heart, but they are also very much a military Navy. We also see that starfleet does have a non section 31 intelligence complete with spies that go deep undercover get the trust of their enemies and sell them out. The federation knows the galaxy is a hostile place which is why they explore in heavily armed warships with a crew that follows a strict chain of command.
I think part of the wish fulfillment and idealism of the federation lies in the implication that they are also very powerful and able and willing to defend themselves with great force. Even the cruise ship Enterprise D was able to take on multiple enemy warships at once and win.
The major difference between section 31 and standard federation operating procedures seems to be their appetite for genocide and civilians.
It is a thing that has made me nervous about this new project since it was announced. Section 31 appearing as a bump in the road for our idealistic federation members to deal with works and allows them to stay the badguy. Them as the protagonists of a show or movie puts us in a situation where we get told stories where the ends justifies the means. And they either do this by making the federation seem naive and incompetent(which they arent they have a prime directive where they sterilize all life on a planet) or it has them justifying some heinous crap.
- Comment on New Cyberpunk Netflix animation confirmed as 2077 tops 30 million sales 2 months ago:
Yeah if its trigger again then I’ll be down but otherwise I’m out unless i hear some big buzz.
- Comment on Tawny Newsome's Star Trek Sitcom Is Still Happening As Long as Paramount Doesn't Tell Her To "Shut Your Laptop and Throw It in the Sea" 3 months ago:
The concept of a trek sitcom seems a little silly and much, but with lower decks eventually coming to an end it does leave an opening for more lighthearted comedy startrek. Still I feel animation allows for more and easier shenanigans.
- Comment on Rent A Girlfriend Writer's "The Shiunji Family Children" Will Be Animated By Doga Kobo Studio 7 months ago:
Theres only so many animators and anime studios producing content. It’s kind of a shame this is the kind of stuff that gets picked up.
- Comment on lamp 11 months ago:
Cicadas can stay underground for up to 17 years for example and dragon fly larva live 2 years just to come out of the water and grow wings for a few months.
- Comment on lamp 11 months ago:
A lot of insects live for years as their “larval” or nymph form and then come out into the more recognizable “adult form” just to mate and die. In a lot of ways their larval form is their actual form with their adult lifestage being just a flash in the pan to continue the species.
- Comment on How Google is killing independent sites like ours 1 year ago:
Part of this is also our fault for how we allowed our browsing habits to change and adjust and make the issue worse. Like how many of us will just search random things even if we want to search in or go to a specific website as a goto?
In the old days we might search once or find the website through word of mouth or links on other affiliated websites, and then bookmark good website and search there first before turning to google. Now? Lord knows I immediately google even if I know I can go to another website. Instead of browsing websites directly we sit on social media, be it reddit twitter facebook and are spoonfed our content without actually going to the original source or if we do just to the page and never to check. g like rolling stone reviewing air purifiers.
Some of this is the result of convenient access, some of this is thanks to addictive predatory design, and for those who held out as long as possible the companies in charge of content sites would pivot to cater towards social media and search algorithms and enshitify their homepage making it harder to bother.
- Comment on How Google is killing independent sites like ours 1 year ago:
Top 10 lists have always been popular. Even before the internet you’d see it in magazines and on tv. Honestly if it’s well done I dont think theyre inherently bad especially if it’s clear the list is just a rough list and not a scientific ranking. I enjoy seeing articles listing movies of a type of genre or from an actor or from a director or etc in order to add to my movies to watch list for example.
The problem lies when its half assed or especially when its unrelated. Like how in the OP link rolling stones air purifiers. Or if you try and look up info on a game that happens to be or have had recently trended and you get flooded by sites that arent even game related.
- Comment on How Google is killing independent sites like ours 1 year ago:
Picked it up years ago too. Its worth it to check multiple threads, and read multiple comments, and then do an additional deeper dive from there, but the amount of guerilla marketing and astro turfing on social media is astounding. I do miss those early days when the old farts in charge of marketing didnt pay attention to message boards.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
I mean when you change a young baby’s diaper and you wrap it shut before throwing it in the trash it is wrapped sandwich sized and similarly warm.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
there is no ethical conumption under capitalism
I get this and understand to the point that I dont judge people too hard for just getting it out of convenience.
That said I feel like it’s an easy mark to boycott. At it’s best it’s just fast food chicken and the creators have an active hand in anti lgbt and weird religious fundamentalist stuff.
- Comment on Chick-Fil-A staff in the rain. 1 year ago:
At it’s best it’s fast food chicken. I’ll never understand the hubub.
Its closed on sundays(which is fun because they get contracts to operate in airports and throughway rest stops), and the owners have that whole anti gay thing going on.
- Comment on Income isn't keeping up with inflation, 76% of Americans say in new CBS News poll 1 year ago:
The worst thing over the middle of the pandemic was when news reporters started using the i word.
It’ kind of crazy how quickly the tone of interviews from industry reps and leaders shifted. From: “We’re sorry but we’ll all get through this. There are supply chain shortages due to not being able to transport or produce these essential goods and it leads to a chain reaction”
“YUP inflation. Sorry nothing we can do about it you know how that economy do.”
- Comment on Ifixit gives fairphone 5 a 10/10 on repairability and maintanence 1 year ago:
If the palm pre had better build quality and wasnt tied down to sprint in the US I sometimes wonder how things would have played out. It was a better OS than android(especially since it was competing with the g1).
- Comment on Windows 11 scores dead last in gaming performance tests against 3 Linux gaming distros 1 year ago:
Nvidia isnt so bad if you’re on a stable distro it supports and using x(though Ive heard wayland support is improving for it). On rolling or more cutting edge distros where the kernel is likely to change every few weeks and major DE versions might ship that proprietary driver will hurt.
That said while amd is generally better on linux for this reason it’s worth mentioning that it has two huge flaws:
1.Its not perfect like the fans mention. As someone who owned a 3500u and 6650u apu life under amd isnt always sunny. 3500u had a kernel regression for about half a year that prevented the cpu from idling and rembrant apus have an issue where the whole system locks up which seems to come and go(feels like it’s gone for now but Ive thought that before). Desktop gpus are better, but they still did suffer from driver bugs. I think my experience with my 5600xt was better than windows fans had for that generation, but it was not entirely stable and I did suffer from many kernel panics and system freezes. A few mesa and kernel releases fixed that, but it wasnt perfectly smooth. In addition to that no hdmi 2.1 support which is fine unless you game using your nice oled tv because no tvs come with display port. Proprietary drivers do allow for supporting some of the more obnoxious features that arent allowed.
- It can vary gpu/cpu to gpu/cpu for how fresh your software will need to be, but generally newer hardware needs very new kernels just for basic support and it may need a few more releases to get stable or good. So if you want to just sit back with ubutnu LTS or debian you need to make sure the release cycle lines up with support for your hardware. The other end of the spectrum is that being on a bleeding or cutting edge distro can mean stability issues and regressions. So for example a month or three ago fedora pushed a kernel update that had a regression where my 6800xt gpu wouldnt clock up when utilized so gaming framerates tanked and retroarch shaders were choking up. I could just use the old kernel but I had to make sure that the kernel updates didnt bump it away. Also an entire point release and several releases after that before the bug was fixed.
So while there is a lot of pro amd comments in the linux world and its worth acknowledging that the open source drivers are generally good it’s not perfect and the grass isnt always greener.
- Comment on Google admits it's making YouTube worse for ad block users 1 year ago:
I recently created another google account for youtube just in case. Was a huge pain to transfer over all my subscriptions but worth it for not having to worry.
- Comment on Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight 1 year ago:
While I understand the concern over the single appstore monopoly that we have on any device, I think it’s worth remembering what ecosystem android and IOS came into.
The old multimedia phones that were sold in the mid 00s were effectively “smart”. Many of them ran java and you could install programs, and freely install ringtones, and browsers that actually worked like opera mini/mobile. The thing is you couldnt by default. At least not in the US. The devices were locked down and everything you did went through the carrier’s store. And US telecom services are some of the greediest and scummiest companies out there so you couldnt even use your own mp3 files as a ringtone.
Apple combated this with their closed off ecosystem, but android did face issues with fragmentation in the early days and needed a way to prevent the telecoms branded phones from stinking up the ecosystem. They did this by leveraging the play services and play store. From the playstore they can also since mainline release various peacemeal updates which helps resolve their other issue with fragmentation and thats android device being abandoned.
Sure enough you can still release your own version of android without it, amazon’s tablets and tv sticks do pretty well.
That said I do think it’s a good to help people move past the default and open up the platforms more, I just wish it would apply to all smart devices,
- Comment on Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight 1 year ago:
Yeah and honestly Im fine with courts opening up the platforms more to make at ths point, but the issue is that apple got the win.
- Comment on Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight 1 year ago:
Yeah it still doesnt feel consistent to me. Apple is a large enough marketshare holder for a handheld computer and doesnt even give you an option to sideload another market place. The explanation doesnt make any more sense because google is more open.
- Comment on White House threatens to veto anti-EV bill just passed by US House 1 year ago:
Hybrids are still generally more fuel efficient than equivalent non hybrids especially in non highway conditions.
- Comment on Trek Club 1 year ago:
I always saw the “real food is better” as either a hipster thing or simply that the recipe they prefer just doesnt exist in the database. In TNG we see people from the past try repilcated food and absolutely LOVE it.
- Comment on Beeper reverse-engineered iMessage to bring blue bubble texts to Android users 1 year ago:
Sure, but they wont. The insidious thing about iMessenger is that it isnt iChat. It is the apple default text messaging app. Which is good because it means that all your messages are in one place, and you dont have to try to convince your older family member to install a 3rd party chat app. You just have a chat app. This tricks users not into thinking that texting is just better on apple.
But its bad because it only works between other apple products and users. This is objectively Apple’s shortcoming, however there are enough iPhones in the wild and enough people in the US who defaulted to just hitting the sms/mms icon instead of downloading a chat app that the odd man out might be the android user. And it’s not just about the green bubble being green. If you invite an a green bubble to a group text then all your rich chat messenger features go away and it turns into an MMS thread. Which is objectively bad.
But yes they could just download and use whatsapp,line, telegram, signal, facebook messenger(and in the early days things like aim/yim/msn) But they dont. The fact is their default messenger app works, and it works well with most people they talk to so the problem is the green text.
It’s especially silly when you consider the “there’s an app for that” generation of user and so many things are apps but they refuse to engage on other chat channels. People download different apps to get dates, the navigate, to browse websites that shouldnt even be apps, to order food, order groceries, order taxi’s, but a chat app just to talk with you? ehhhhhhhhh.
- Comment on PSA: If you're tired of political posts in Technology, block user L4 1 year ago:
Yeah we shouldnt mirror reddit posts. If its not busy enough in a sub instance to foster news and discussion then it isnt busy. Growth should be organic.
- Comment on Soon, Google has even more leverage against adblockers - gHacks Tech News 1 year ago:
A lot of chromebooks run linux pretty well since chromeOS is essentially just linux which is always an option.