- Comment on Netris is an open-source cloud gaming platform with Stadia-like features using Proton 9 months ago:
Why on Earth would they make it Nvidia exclusive given how thoroughly that company has screwed the pooch on open source drivers and consequently how dominant AMD has come to be in Linux gaming?
- Comment on Republicans / conservatives are winning the immigration and values game. Am I misguided? (read post) 10 months ago:
The demographics you describe in 1 and 2 are de facto an incredibly small minority compared to other, more typical forms of immigration. Just think about what percentage of the population is wealthy enough to emigrate, let alone engage in borderline sex trafficking.
As for #3, yes, we have a party who is currently succeeding in pitching populism and proto-fascism dressed up in culture war nonsense. The job of progressives is to address those same economic concerns in a manner that actually works rather than the trickle down myth from the right that has so thoroughly gutted the middle class.
- Comment on Lil late, but here is a Kirk on a Jerk... 1 year ago:
Looks to me like a smirk on a Kirk on a jerk.