- Comment on This post 6 months ago:
I watched a documentary about the situation of health care in the US and I think it was Texas’s gouvernement who was saying that hospitals are required to give you the health care needed in the case of an emergency.
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 6 months ago:
Some US friends are sharing with me their library cards and it is great. I use them few times a year but you get access to many content. It is just a a shame I can’t access CD Or DVD online.
- Comment on CEO Alarmed to Discover That Laying Off 1,500 Workers Had Consequences 10 months ago:
Why not? Some companies do have a fraction of Spotify users and have around 100 software engineers. Things do not run by themselves. Also they are in many countries so you need to keep up with legal changes…
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
Why not? No one can accumulate that much money without exploitation.
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
Aren’t they using that to get loans? They can easily buy anything they want using that as a collateral. So it is real money.
- Comment on Taylor Swift among 141 new billionaires in ‘amazing year for rich people’ 10 months ago:
They can, that number gives them power. They can use it to buy things…
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video drops Dolby Vision and Atmos unless you pay extra 1 year ago:
Didn’t they improve their DRM some weeks ago and many are having hard time ripping 1080p content?
- Comment on Looking for a job as backend developer, a Sankey diagram 1 year ago:
At one time the HR gave me the numbers but at the end of the process they told me there was a mistake (or it wasn’t the fixed salary but include benefits that you are not sure to get). Happened twice
- Comment on Weather app asking for permission to manage calls 1 year ago:
Isn’t it better though? You can install it if you want.
- Comment on Task failed successfully? 1 year ago:
You think the cops wouldn’t mark as a suicide?
- Comment on Be careful when you go for a pee 1 year ago:
For a moment I thought it is WPD.
- Comment on Europe inches closer to insisting gig workers are treated as employees / If it looks like a job, and is supervised like a job, it'll be classified as a job 1 year ago:
Ads and promise of big salaries. When it started people were making more money so even some people quit their work and started driving for Uber. But the control have shifted.
- Comment on YouTube is deliberately crippling Firefox on ARM systems 1 year ago:
I think they want everyone to use user agent switcher so that Firefox share will drop and then nobody will support it and will die.
- Comment on They are all true but the 3rd one is pretty serious... 1 year ago:
I started hating Seinfeld when they started doing this type of episodes (doing bizarre situation). I loved episodes like the Chinese restaurant.
- Comment on What's 1 more after 3? 1 year ago:
They the same, donuts also contain lot of sugar.
- Comment on Inside the 'arms race' between YouTube and ad blockers / Against all odds, open source hackers keep outfoxing one of the wealthiest companies. 1 year ago:
At least one popular ad blocker, AdBlock Plus, won’t be trying to get around YouTube’s wall at all. Vergard Johnsen, chief product officer at AdBlock Plus developer eyeo, said he respects YouTube’s decision to start “a conversation” with users about how content gets monetized.
Shitty AdBlock Plus.