- Comment on Toot toot 6 months ago:
He was also a taxonomist with a specialty in parasitology (I worked for him doing parasitology work on fish) turns out when he first met his to be wife (anecdote that came directly from him) he went fishing, and brought the fish to his to-be in-laws where he was sure to point out evert parasite in the fish that they would then go on to eat.
- Comment on Toot toot 6 months ago:
The rest is just the shits I guess.
- Comment on Toot toot 6 months ago:
I worked for a prof who prides himself on being an absolutely disgusting human being. Everyone has stories about talking with him in his office and then lifting his ass on one side to let rip. To make things worse, he had a fridge in his lab that he filled with booze and the stinkiest cheeses he could find, so his breath and farts were so bad they could make paint peel.
There’s crazy stories about him traveling to an international conference and puking on the guy sitting beside him and shitting his pants on the same flight.
Then on a university sponsored trip (with other viology profs/researchers) to recruit new students and research collaboration, he drank some brown bubbling “wine” that he vought from a street vendor, that everyone else refused to drink, he shat his hotel bed 3 nights in a row and every time the hotel tried to charge him for it he claimed it was just chocolate that he had been eating in bed. They then proceeded to a remote research station up on a mtn and when they arrived he rushed to the bathroom and broke the toilet immediately. They had to spend close to a week there, with no functioning toilet.
Hope your boss never reaches those levels of depravity, lol.
- Comment on Peak Fantasy 6 months ago:
That’s how conspiracy theory evolves into religion.
- Comment on Chat is this real 6 months ago:
Even more ridiculous is that according to this article the agreement even extends to the free trials, even if they don’t extend past the trial period.
- Comment on Elon Musk's X claims it's now a 'video-first platform' as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value 1 year ago:
Elon’s statements are the verbal equivalent of getting drunk and vomitting on a wall. Stuff comes up that you never expected to see, it creates a huge mess, and whatever sticks, sticks.
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Side note: They do make a damn fine dish washer! (Not European)
- Comment on The four houses dads belong to. 1 year ago:
Not a dad, but definitely team DeWalt.
- Comment on Don't even ask. 1 year ago:
Suddenly, there was a terrible roar all around us, and the sky was full of what looked like huge
batsparrots, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, and a voice was screaming: “Holy Jesus. What are these goddamn animals?”Fear and Loathing in the Pet Store.
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
I attended both a Halloween and Christmas party where the hosts had invited someone selling sex toys. Much hilarity and shenanigans ensued. They were both great parties.
- Comment on Pluralistic: "If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing" 1 year ago:
When tech companies say they want to “democratize” they typically mean they are making a service more widely available to the consumer. The democracy bit is that the consumer “votes” with their wallet. A notable early adopter was Amazon, and I would hardly think that the public, today, see that organization as a paragon of virtue. So, in this sense of the word we’re somewhat failing ourselves here.
In the context you present, he companies themselves become little democracies internally. This sounds nice but would ultimately lead to chaos and ruin for those companies. I think this would lead to highly unstable, unprofitable businesses that no investor would ever give money to, or at least not expect any returns from.
Furthermore, I don’t necessarily think it would benefit the consumer in the end. Maybe the employees mostly vote to have a good solid ethical company, or maybe they vote in their own best interests to bring home higher wages and/or just keep their jobs safe. One could argue we just witnessed one such example of this with the recent OpenAI debacle with Sam Altman. Board fired him for potentially going against the stated charter of the company (one that has an ethical basis of essentially putting the security and well being of humanity above all else), at the risk of destroying an $87billion company, yet the employees staged a mutiny forcing the board to reinstate him.
But I digress. At the end of the day I think the most we can ever really expect from companies is that they will, inevitably, find new and creative ways to extract ever increasing amounts of money from us, until such time that we simply cease giving it to them.
- Comment on Don't do Crunch Kids! 1 year ago:
Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
I had a VHS copy of the Empire Strikes Back that my uncle recorded for me when it played on one of our 3 local TV stations. For the holidays I had a recording of a bunch of the old holiday cartoons that would play in a marathon every Christmas, and one of Ghostbusters (for some reason it used to play every Christmas in the evening, so it became a Christmas movie for me).
Aside from that I’d mostly just rent the same VHS tapes from our local hole in the wall video rental place every weekend (Neverending Story and Inhumanoids) from the ages of 4-6. Then I think we got a real video store and my movie watching experience improved a bit. To be fair, the hole in the wall rental shop was probably only about 10 feet long and 6 feet wide inside, and the shelves of movies lined the walls, so there wasn’t a lot to choose from.
- Comment on Don't do Crunch Kids! 1 year ago:
We’ll never know…
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 12 comments
- Comment on What are some common everyday examples of this phenomenon? (see body) 1 year ago:
It’s a logical fallacy called “post hoc, ergo propter hoc”. The assumption that an event is caused/prevented by something that preceded it.
- Comment on His Spidey sense is tingling! 1 year ago:
Lol. It’s literally what I gave the AI. My intentions were certainly not pure, but it was very very sensitive about what I typed in.
- Comment on His Spidey sense is tingling! 1 year ago:
To be fair, I asked it to make it Coke brand flour. It came up with Coci-Cola all on its own.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
Oh same note too! If you dare start doing something before you’ve gotten those bags ok’d, or if you plunk down a bag before it prompts you to do so it’s like you’re committing a felony.
- Comment on His Spidey sense is tingling! 1 year ago:
That’s Coke brand flour. No responsible AI image generator would let you show spider-man sniff a pile of cocaine.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
I would’ve but I had just spent an hour getting a cart full of groceries and I wasn’t about to go do that again somewhere else. Plus I couldn’t imagine, at the time, they’d be gone that long.
- Comment on Walmart, Costco and other companies rethink self-checkout, some stores removing them 1 year ago:
Even worse, here in Canada at the Sobeys owned stores, you can opt to use your own reusable bag (plastic grocery bags are now outlawed) but if you do they prompt an employee to come check your bags. They never actually check, but if there isn’t an attendantbaround you just have to wait there until they notice and end the prompt. I waited for 10 minutes the other day because the employee went off for a break or something.
- Comment on His Spidey sense is tingling! 1 year ago:
I’ll have you know that’s Coke brand flour. He’s sniffing it for quality assurance. He picked up the bad habit of piling it on the table from Tony. Get your mind out of the gutter!
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 8 comments
- Comment on What a steal 1 year ago:
- Comment on No nut November is finally over but... 1 year ago:
That toilet is gonna snap one day, get tired of all the shit, and lay porcelain hands on the user.
- Comment on Safe to say peanuts into a US school too? 1 year ago:
In the larger sense, yes the owners tend to exhibit the behaviour that of an asshole.
In the context of what the previous commenter was saying, however, the employees would have to confront the individuals bringing in the food, and for what they are paid, they might rather not bother dealing with a potentially unruly patron. The patron in this case would, should they exhibit such unruly behaviour, may still be less ashole-ish than the owners, but still exhibit asshole-ish characteristics, relative to the poor minimum wage employee who’s just trying to do their job.
- Comment on Super Metroid 1 year ago:
I remember reserving a copy and renting it the first day it came into the local video store. If memory serves, it came out during our March break from school and I played that game all day every day for the entire break. It was magical.
- Comment on No nut November is finally over but... 1 year ago:
- Comment on What a steal 1 year ago:
Safety feature. In case of an emergency you can zip their lips.