- Comment on Banjo-Kazooie Patient Review: A classic in 2023? 1 year ago:
Yooka-Laylee is clearly a spiritual successor but also clearly not as good as Banjo Kazooie. In many aspects it’s just slightly worse: There’s less personality, clunkier movement, less good music, the humour is less funny. Perhaps the largest downgrades are the collectibles placement and the world size. The positioning of collectibles is not so much beckoning you towards exploration and platforming challenges, as it was in BK, but instead it’s just putting things in arbitrary places. The world size is a downgrade in the sense that the worlds are larger, yes, MUCH larger, but also more empty and it simply means you spend more time holding forward on the stick waiting for the next bit of gameplay. Banjo Kazooie beats the other 3D platformers by this team because it’s comparatively fast-paced (not as in adrenaline but as in giving you lots of new things to do every minute and has very little backtracking), and it has the strongest music, theming and humour. As an N64 game, the controller had four directional buttons and most modern takes map these to an analogue stick which works very badly, but that’s not the game’s fault. I bought a controller for emulating N64 games that has enough buttons to avoid this. Yooka-Laylee wins on graphics. If anyone prefers YL to BK I’d love to hear why you feel that way.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
What do you think of 3? I just couldn’t get into it and I think it’s that the 3D camera just makes it harder to see what you want to see and select what you want to select, as opposed to 1/2 where that was so effortless. That bad feeling stopped me from trying it thoroughly.
- Comment on [Zelda II]I did it! 1 year ago:
By the way, fans of Zelda 2 may well adore Star Tropics. it has a similar feel. Although it’s prettier, linear, and has more story, it also has challenging, rewarding combat. Your movement (and some but not all enemy movement) is on a grid and you can only move up/down/left/right and you can only face in those directions too, enemies deal contact damage, and you have mostly melee attacks so combat is a question of mastering a grid-based dance as you attack whilst avoiding damage. The soundtrack is wonderful too.
- Comment on [Zelda II]I did it! 1 year ago:
“explaining”… lol… I know what you mean but I have to laugh a little at that :P
It’s pretty useless info even if you do understand it IMO.
These hint texts are definitely a flaw. has some interesting discussion of how in several instances basically useful hint text got mangled into madness in translation.
- Comment on Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake announced 1 year ago:
Think outside the box. The remake could have support for up to 10 brothers, so long as you connect that many analogue sticks, and you control one per finger. Add a character creator, enhance it to a strand type game, support for more languages, skill-based online co-op, and reimagine it as an open-world sandbox. :')
- Comment on [Zelda II]I did it! 1 year ago:
You’re gitting gud. Keep going!
- Comment on [Zelda II]I did it! 1 year ago:
It’s obviously nothing like a modern title but I don’t think that’s quite fair - it holds up in the sense that it’s fun, it has good combat challenge and exploration, honestly it does. You do have to overlook lack of QoL features and the fact that you basically have to read the manual, but I don’t think it’s fair to mark a game down for lacking those things. It lacks the puzzles, NPCs and stories of later Zeldas but it doesn’t try to have those.
- Comment on [Zelda II]I did it! 1 year ago:
I did this too, on the GameCube collector’s edition. It’s hard but the difficulty didn’t feel unfair! It was so satisfying when I made progress. Honestly this is such an excellent game.
- Comment on Activision wants to recommend games to you based on the livestreams you watch 1 year ago:
Gaming NFTs are a great idea. If I’m playing chess I want to be able to transfer over my items from other games, like a portal gun, to enhance the experience. NFT technology will permanently improve the gaming industry.
- Comment on Activision wants to recommend games to you based on the livestreams you watch 1 year ago:
I would hate it if games changed based on what they to ought I wanted - I want to choose my content but if the content morphs underneath my hands according to a marketing algorithm then it’s not respecting my choice. There seems to be some assumption that each person enjoys exactly one emotion.
I’m pretty sure people can like more than one thing. Like if I’m playing Resident Evil and some algo decides that because I watched When Harry Met Sally last week, it should replace the zombies with awkward dates 🤣.