- Comment on Discord began blocking servers with information prohibited in the Russian Federation 11 months ago:
For someone in Russia, the impermanence might be a desirable feature. I mean, there’s always still IRC but Discord is all the rage these days.
Get off my lawn.
- Comment on Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent 11 months ago:
I would loathe permanent DST.
I work construction and for the past decade or so the General Contractors have only been paying the electricians to install “life safety” lighting. Basically, it’s enough light to navigate the hallways and especially the stairways. We are on our own to light any other areas. This is why nearly all construction workers now wear headlamps, it’s dark as shit in most of the site.
So, we just had the DST change obviously and now I have to use my headlamp for about an hour every morning even if I’m next to a window. The latest sunrise in Denver would be something like 0815 if we were on permanent DST. That’s two full hours every morning for at least a week stumbling around with a damn headlamp.
Detroit’s latest sunrise would be 0850, I think. That’s insanity. I feel for the people that are stuck in the 8-5 office grind and want to walk their dog after work but damn it would be a huge PITA for anyone who works at 0600. I don’t know if I could take it.
- Comment on Republican senator renews push to make daylight savings permanent 11 months ago:
“As funny as this sounds, several years ago, I was walking in a Veterans Day parade, and a veteran … that was watching the parade, an older gentleman, gets up from his lawn chair – he actually walks into the parade route, shook my hand and said: ‘Before I die, would you end daylight savings time?’” Lankford recounted.
“He said: ‘I hate it. I’m in my 80s. I want you to get rid of daylight savings time before I die.’”…
Lankford’s bill would eliminate the time change by making daylight savings time apply year-round in the US.
So basically Lankford is bragging that he wants to do exactly the opposite of this (probably fictional) constituent actually wants. They don’t grow 'em too smart in Oklahoma.
- Comment on Apple to stop selling its latest smartwatches after losing patent case to rival that says 'even the world’s most powerful company must abide by the law' 1 year ago:
Great marketing in the leadup to Xmas. It worked on me, I wanted to get my wife an apple watch for the holiday and when I saw this news I pulled the trigger instantly.
Nice timing, Apple. Dicks.
- Comment on How Can I Make this Legless Bed Rise 2-inches? 1 year ago:
If I see something that needs to be 1in higher my first thought is, “I should put a hockey puck under that.”
- Comment on How Can I Make this Legless Bed Rise 2-inches? 1 year ago:
8 hockey pucks
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I dunno man, you just seem very easy to annoy.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
lol, found the road rager?
- Comment on Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users 1 year ago:
Is there a self-hosted alternative to SMS push? That’s my main push notification, I can’t think of another “service” I use on my phone. I’m an edge case though, already degoogled and don’t let much push to me. SMS is a necessity for work and personal.
- Comment on Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users 1 year ago:
To turn that question around, what incentive do the corporations have to encrypt that data? Whole bunch easier to just not care.
- Comment on I Designed a 3D Printable Balisong Knife 1 year ago:
Oh, that’s silly as hell, I love it.
- Comment on It's like a foodie version of a fleeting love story. 1 year ago:
Drunk as fuck, someone took pity on him at the bar and gave OP some takeout.
- Comment on Fallout TV Show - Trailer 1 year ago:
Same reason I don’t ask people what they think about my work while I’m doing it, it’s a pain in the ass.
- Comment on Fairphone has created a smartphone that owners can repair themselves - This sustainable smartphone aims to reduce global electronic waste 1 year ago:
log into your google account in aurora
Yeah, no deal. Google login does not touch this phone. It’s just how I like it.
- Comment on Fairphone has created a smartphone that owners can repair themselves - This sustainable smartphone aims to reduce global electronic waste 1 year ago:
USB C Port is a little looser than I would like
Maybe yours is one that barely passed QC. That’s one of the replaceable modules though right? Might be worth contacting CS about.
- Comment on Fairphone has created a smartphone that owners can repair themselves - This sustainable smartphone aims to reduce global electronic waste 1 year ago:
Also I have not been able to purchase any paid apps
It’s the same on my Pixel 6a with CalyxOS and the Aurora Store (anonymous access to Play Store). We simply cannot get a paid Play Store app to work without logging into Google. I can get my bank app, local transit app, firefox, bitwarden, etc from there as well as what I’ve settled on for driving nav, HereWeGo.
That’s TomTom’s free nav app and it appears to get it’s traffic info from the commercial solutions TomTom provides to truckers (paid service for them). It’s good enough, but I do miss Google Maps sometimes. I like it better than Apple Maps.
Most everything else is handled through FDroid and the apps are decent to great, no show stoppers. I don’t use it for much that would leak privacy on the app side besides banking, browsing and navigation though. It’s not for everyone.
The only way I can think of to use paid apps is to pay the developer directly and then sideload. I don’t even know if any devs do that.
As long as /e/os hangs tough my next phone will probably be a FairPhone, I really dig the philosophy and repairability.
- Comment on How do you know if you can win in texas hold'em? 1 year ago:
Cool, wanna play cards?
- Comment on How do you know if you can win in texas hold'em? 1 year ago:
I was just going off of what you wrote, couldn’t know what you meant
- Comment on How do you know if you can win in texas hold'em? 1 year ago:
In 7-stud having card memory is important because there are no common cards. There’s a famous scene in Rounders where Matt Damon’s character comes in a reads the “Judge’s Game” cold and mentions that one of the players had folded a card that was necessary for one of the players to win (I think the one that was bluffing), securing his clerkship. Good scene
- Comment on How do you know if you can win in texas hold'em? 1 year ago:
AKK flop best hand would be KKKKA. Holding AA on an AKK flop gives you second nuts.