- Comment on The Atlantic: Nobody Knows What’s Happening Online Anymore. Why you’ve probably never heard of the most popular Netflix show in the world. 1 year ago:
I don’t know how many are like me who almost doesn’t watch tv shows at all. I tried to watch a few but at best it’s quite mediocre to me compared to a good movie, and they are too long for my like. Nowadays I only watch movies, or read books, besides playing games. I don’t know how much I’m considered a weirdo today for not watching tv shows at all.
- Comment on 1.8 Million Barrels of Oil a Day Avoided from Electric Vehicles 1 year ago:
Cant believe you are the one being downvoted this hard. As someone who worked in the renewable energy research institute, each time people equal ev to ‘clean’ automatically I get crazy. The article especially mentioned china, who has a significant portion of electricty generated by coal. Even its by oil, it would produce more co2 for energy loss in conversion. The article has no merit with such flawed comparison
- Comment on OpenAI leaders warned of abusive behavior before Sam Altman’s ouster 1 year ago:
Your summay said nothing mentioned in the title
- Comment on X sues Media Matters to silence moderation criticism 1 year ago:
As much as I hate twitter and musk like you, mastdon can not be used for news but solely a social network app, which I’m not intrested in any. Tried it for a while and mostly it’s cat pics.