- Comment on Facebook ate and then ignored the news industry 11 months ago:
i don't think we should act like journalism was in a great place before.
FB capitalized on a weakened industry, but it was the industry itself that was responsible for that state.
they really fucked themselves by not transitioning to the new market, instead insisting that it was the customers that were wrong. all these years later, i've yet to see a news outlet that would be worth the subscription fee. they're mostly recycling content from other, free sites anyway.
once the older crowd passes, traditional news outlets are done for. the ones that remain will be the ones that were providing the content all along.
- Comment on Reddit moment 11 months ago:
everyone knows, there's a certain amount of fucking around you get for free. the real problem is that the finding out part can happen quick, and seem to come out of nowhere.
- Comment on Microsoft's draconian Windows 11 restrictions will send an estimated 240 million PCs to the landfill when Windows 10 hits end of life in 2025 11 months ago:
phones and tablets are fine for consuming media. they are noticeably worse at creating it.
i couldn't imagine typing out long responses, sometimes with links, with a phone or tablet.
as for how many consumers still use PCs, hard to say. i know i don't go a single day without using mine. whether it's to play a game, type up a guide for someone to do something, or whatever else. on the flip of that, i also own a ultrabook that i use when i'm away from home. it's capable of doing many things, but it's no where near as capable as my desktop setup.
- Comment on Yuzu is gone. 11 months ago:
let's be real here.
none of us are happy with the outcome.
pretty much ALL of us would have settled for $2.4 million.
- Comment on The FTC isn’t too happy with Microsoft’s Activision Blizzard layoffs 1 year ago:
i'm all for the government breaking up corps, or stopping mergers, but this one needed to happen. however much it cost to get Bobby Kotick gone, is a net positive.
besides, we're talking about spending Microsoft's money. they fucking got it. so what's the fuss?
if the deal had been blocked, how would that have been better for the industry? also, probably the more important question, how would that have been better for the consumer?
- Comment on Will this run GTA 6 and why not? 1 year ago:
for those curious, it would be something along the lines of a AthlonXP and a Geforce 6000 series. there were Win98 drivers for that stuff.
- Comment on Dissing car brands is console wars for boomers 1 year ago:
mine was always, Ford: At least they circled the problem.
- Comment on My children when I tell them “no” for literally any reason 1 year ago:
- Comment on How do people carry notebooks without bending it 1 year ago:
i'd look for a small folio type case. something durable, maybe leather-ish.
- Comment on Amazon's Union-busting training video 1 year ago:
Don't scab for the bosses
Don't listen to their lies
Poor folks ain't got a chance
Unless they organize - Comment on Does anyone wish they could go back to the beginning of schooling and re-live their education/school experience from the start? 1 year ago:
when i was about 10 or so we moved to a new neighborhood. obviously that meant exploring the new area, and making new friends. the first people i met in that area lived down the road from me. two of my new friends were brothers, one a bit older than the other, both several years older than me. they had a neighbor, who was my age, and we attended 3rd grade together.
the older brother was a bit wiser and kinder, the younger brother could be a bit bullheaded at times. when i was about 15, i left to live with my dad. those 5 or so years seemed so incredibly formative on my upbringing, for good or bad. around that time the younger brother died in a car wreck, and i really hadn't spent much time with them since i moved away.
to this day, i remember something the older brother taught me, which was to try to learn something new everyday. you won't always succeed, but it's still important to try.
i'm 40. the amount of time i lived there was really only about 1/8th of my life. but i still try to learn something new everyday.
- Comment on What DID Apple innovate? 1 year ago:
most of the things they're known for, they didn't invent. but they've always been better at packaging these ideas and tech up, and marketing them well.
- Comment on Supercomputer that simulates entire human brain will switch on in 2024 1 year ago:
- Comment on Supercomputer that simulates entire human brain will switch on in 2024 1 year ago:
it's kind of like how Data and Lore's retarded brother was called B-4.
- Comment on life got you down? 1 year ago:
beer goes in, piss comes out. you can't explain that.
- Comment on poggers 1 year ago:
I never made it far enough in math to understand this.
- Comment on Discuss 1 year ago:
the whole point of having captains out in the black, is for them to make a judgement call on when the rules should be ignored.
Picard had a conversation with Data about this very thing, when Data went with his 'gut' to disobey a order.
- Comment on Discuss 1 year ago:
aka The Motherfucking Kirk Maneuver.
- Comment on TIL that TNG comics exist 1 year ago:
Q is basically inflicted on humanity, the same way humanity is inflicted on the rest of the world.
- Comment on Apple has seemingly found a way to block Android’s new iMessage app 1 year ago:
same. there seems to be a lot of people that don't realize some things don't get done, not because they're impossible, but because as soon as they do it a company will put a stop to it.
it's like cracking a Xbox or something. the very next patch will render the method obsolete and nonviable. when i heard this workaround was coming for Android, my immediate reaction was how long it would last before Apple just changed something so that it doesn't work.
- Comment on Air: Where did that bring you? Back to me. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Air: Where did that bring you? Back to me. 1 year ago:
they had a tendency to overheat in hot conditions, and when stuck in traffic. this is because they need a certain amount of air flowing in order to cool properly.
they also weren't very good for heat in the winter.
air cooling is a simpler system, and as such has less to go wrong with it. that doesn't make it better or worse. there are pros and cons to both systems.
- Comment on Q-Tips: Sponsored by IFPTE Local 1701 1 year ago:
i mean, Which Side Are You On?
- Comment on Yet they immediately forgot again 1 year ago:
one of my favorite jokes about this is on TNG. i think it's the episode where the bridge gets cut off from the rest of the ship, and Troi is in charge of running the ship. O'Brian makes a comment to Ro about how you can't 'just reroute power from things'.
it's a funny little nod from the writers.
- Comment on Microsoft's Bing search engine claims Australia doesn't exist 1 year ago:
Bing gets you answers fast.
they didn't say they'd be the right answer tho.
- Comment on ‘Punish the molesters after my death’ School girl ends life ,The girl wrote her suicide note that despite her family lodging complaints, police took no action because the accused are rich. 1 year ago:
well that's a fucking Punisher origin story if i've ever heard one.
- Comment on USS Nauvoo 1 year ago: