- Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
the subject is superboring, I need to study in a short time and I am not a schoolboy (unfortunately) anymore. I need to do it for a teaching recruitment competition. The book – probably written by a bot – is foul. I love study and I love reading, but this is a torture. I turned to technology to save some of this torture. That’s all.
- Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
- Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
is that a Joke? Subtle but I like it
- Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
I appreciate the irony 😀 😀 .
There you go: manuale per la provascritta del concorso scuola con schede di sintesi su competenze pedagogiche, psicopedagogiche e didattico metodologiche. Really, a digital copy doesn’t exist. - Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
the title is a bad translation I did from Italian. If you are very very curious I can write down a list of book I desperately want to read but I can’t because of this friggin’ book
- Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
Oh man, you don’t want to know: Manual for the Written Exam of the School concourse with Summary Sheets on Pedagogical, Psychopedagogical, and Didactic-Methodological Competences
- Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
to be kicked in the balls? or to find ocr resource?
- Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
unfortunately yes, it is. I rather prefer to be kicked in the nuts than read the whole thing. Believe me.
- Comment on AI tools (chat gpt 4) 1 year ago:
THanks for the info: is there any resource online?
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 24 comments
- Comment on Evidence that we have been living in an increasingly risk-averse culture 1 year ago:
Thinking that a politician is like a hero, someone who comes to save the world, that is rather naive. The politician must be checked and kept in line by his her base, his electorate.
- Comment on Evidence that we have been living in an increasingly risk-averse culture 1 year ago:… Read this chapter turns out to be always useful
- Comment on Evidence that we have been living in an increasingly risk-averse culture 1 year ago:
Until people won’t vote a socialist party things will go the way you’ve described. People can’t childishly complain about politicians when they have voted them. In America, during the elections, a meager minority go to vote. Until people won’t become politically active, why should things change?
- Comment on Evidence that we have been living in an increasingly risk-averse culture 1 year ago:
I totally agree with that conceptual knot: people who live precarious lives aren’t going to make any risky moves because they live drenched in anxiety of ending down on the street. And it’s patent that every advance in technology will benefit an handful of mega rich, and the trickle down economy was a bull****. (Very interesting about this is Varoufakis and his concept of techno feudalism). Now, having said that: the only answer is political, the governments must build consistent safety nets to allow the growth of middle class, alleviate them the angst of turning into an army of homeless, so that when the basic needs are met: a house, cures and food, one can concentrate about how to plan and thrive in the future. The only method is taxing the rich, the tragicomically rich.…/this-scrolling-visualization-of-jeff-b…
- Comment on I am tired of corporatist technology and I need help to get away from it. 1 year ago:
I totally agree with you and this is the opportunity to call on the tech savy who are here. There’s a lot of people like OP, like me, drenched in frustration, because we realize we are the product, but we don’t have the strength and the knowledge to emancipate ourself from this position of semilliterate. Yes, you could say: just study, but when one works the time, having some organized free time is the Neverland. I think it’d be something memorable, that will endure times if people of good fill could put together some sort of wikipedia that explains simply how to come back to be a user, or even better an explorer and not just a product.
I know there’s something like but I do not have the skills to install it. I do have a proton account, I use DDG, mozilla firefox and I tend to use f-droid for every app, before going to Google play to download what I need.
I began to pay for the Internet services or make donations (small ones) to organizations who are respectful toward the person and bring/offer interesting contents to the net (Intercept.
But what misses is the will to communicate and literate people like us that suffer the Internet without having to tools to take back our right to be just a curious person who want to wander through the world rather than into a mega mall center. - Comment on How Reddit Crushed the Internet's Largest Protest 1 year ago:
I did the same, but athough I love this place, there’s still a huge scarcity of contents. Sometimes, as a lurker, to find more stuff. Here we’re just an handful, thus I cannot still find here what I used to find on Reddit.
- Comment on Common Voice - Donate your voice to teach machines how people speak | Mozilla 1 year ago:
Why Google pays these money to Mozilla?
- Comment on Amazon exec says it’s time for RTO: ‘I don’t have data to back it up, but I know it’s better’ 1 year ago:
I read a lot of comments of angry, rightfully angry, people toward Amazon and its exploitative work policy. I do not buy from Amazon since 2012; I’ve thrown away my Kindle and told myself F**k that predator. (You cannot hire workforce that has to live with food stamps because your wage isn’t enough, I mean, how corrupt one must be to do something like that?)
I wonder how many of you are actually boycotting Amazon? Out of curiosity. I’m Italian and I am petrified that here is imported the Amazon model. And I’ll fight with all the energy to stop this Hun who, btw, does not pay taxes. It’s immoral and it’s unexplainable how his business can be legal.
- Comment on Fairphone has created a smartphone that owners can repair themselves - This sustainable smartphone aims to reduce global electronic waste 1 year ago:
How do you do if you need for work to use Google products? I would love to use alternative OS, but I cannot because of my job