- Comment on Making Perovskites from the Hardware Store | Extractions & Ire 3 months ago:
I love this guy. Pure mad scientist vibes, just loves playing with chemicals in a shack.
- Comment on How does a car cigarette lighter work? 7 months ago:
I should’ve seen the bimetallic strip coming. I’ve watched enough technology connections
- Comment on Failbetter's next game will be "gentler" than Sunless Skies: "you won't go mad or eat your crew" 11 months ago:
Aw man…
- Comment on Fixed the meme for my sleep cycle 1 year ago:
The covenant is born
- Comment on Fixed the meme for my sleep cycle 1 year ago:
I ain’t using my soul anyway. I would gladly exchange it for a nice meal with an eldritch horror.
- Comment on Fixed the meme for my sleep cycle 1 year ago:
You could at least buy me dinner first
- Comment on Brought to you by the vertical mouse gang 1 year ago:
I’ve got a left handed mouse with switched buttons. I’m so used to it now that it takes a good 5 seconds for me to figure out how a normal mouse works.
- Comment on They forgot the LGBTQ... 1 year ago:
That’s fine. I’m not using it right now anyway.
- Comment on No-Bullshit Games 1 year ago:
Glad to see Underhand made the list. Wish there was a sequel.
- Comment on YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users 1 year ago:
I haven’t noticed any delay in Firefox. I have noticed that the ui fails to load sometimes. Video works just fine, but there’s nothing else on the page. So hey, Google, if you could keep that up that’d be great.
- Comment on Games that my non-gamer girlfriend can watch me playing? 1 year ago:
I like the low ominous sound when you accidentally erase yourself.
“Ah, but what if baba is key? Oh…oh no”