- Comment on Is Croc coming this month? They said Q1 2024 but no new info. What are the chances it'll be delayed again? 1 week ago:
Well I’m in full speculation mode. Apparently GOG is still saying they’ll ship the physical game in Q2, and the digital release is still officially slated for Q1. But Limited Run Games also said the physical copy would ship in December of last year before it got delayed, so it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I’m just wondering if it’s likely it could get delayed again. There was also an interview with the creators of the game where they didn’t really say anything about when it was releasing except explained the reasons for the delay.
If they’re on track to release digitally in Q1, that’s this month (March). Is it really feasible that it could drop this month considering they haven’t announced a specific release date yet (aside from the Q1 window they gave near the end of last year)? Surely they would first make a more accurate release date announcement, and then want there to be some time in advance notice before it actually releases? Is less than 1 month enough time between announcement & release? If so what’s the least time they would realistically leave it before announcing, 1 week before release? Seems like if it’s going to meet the predicted window (which after they already delayed it past the previous one they may be disincentivised from doing, also considering some reviewers have already played the game) wouldn’t the date have to be announced any day now as per usual game release protocol?
- Comment on Is Croc coming this month? They said Q1 2024 but no new info. What are the chances it'll be delayed again? 1 week ago:
Thank you … I hate Reddit
- Comment on Is Croc coming this month? They said Q1 2024 but no new info. What are the chances it'll be delayed again? 1 week ago:
Q1 2025*
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on Which is less religious: Xmas or Christmas? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
Those are great lmao.
And wow yes, I hate it when someone says “I’m going to pee/piss” or “I need to take a shit”. Like just say you’re going to the bathroom, or, you know, voiding (jk) like a normal person.
- Comment on The barbieheimer debate rages 1 year ago:
Old meme, this is not the debate raging on because I saw this exact image ages ages ages ago. Just saying
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
Brilliant! Thanks
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
Thank you for your contributions.
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
I think this is the one.
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
What if you’re in the jungle?
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
Urinate > micturate tbh… micturate sounds like you’re doing something ungodly to a mouse.
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
I guess it does, but it also seems to imply a small snack or small drink rather than being able to refer to meals and drinks of any size…
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
This sounds like a different thing I’m imagining now. If anyone’s seen Upload…
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
“1s and 2s”? … no, not good enough.
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
I feel like a complete dumbass saying “vinctuals” just now. What a dumbass I was a minute ago.
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
I realised and corrected it just as you commented, lol. Thanks
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
You were getting more vinctuals 😉 (food and drinks)
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
Sorry I didn’t mean to make fun, bio break is an excellent term
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
“Entering meatspace for a lil bit” 🤓
- Comment on Word??? 1 year ago:
If anyone is interested, you can call food and drink collectively “vinctuals”. That’s another one I was looking for.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 45 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 68 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 34 comments
- Comment on Why using the search bar to find emojis, does it display the male and female forms, but never show the gender neutral version even though such an emoji does exist? 1 year ago:
Could someone explain why the downvotes? Lol
- Comment on Why using the search bar to find emojis, does it display the male and female forms, but never show the gender neutral version even though such an emoji does exist? 1 year ago:
Yes, orange = neutral, purple = female, blue = male. They just did it like that
- Comment on Why using the search bar to find emojis, does it display the male and female forms, but never show the gender neutral version even though such an emoji does exist? 1 year ago:
To be honest it does, but also I just feel silly asserting my gender when I’m trying to simply convey a reaction. I’m not nonbinary but I try to make things non-gendered by default unless there’s a reason to. Why does anyone care about my gender as it relates to a shrugging reaction? That’s where I’m at.
- Comment on Why using the search bar to find emojis, does it display the male and female forms, but never show the gender neutral version even though such an emoji does exist? 1 year ago:
Another reason to switch to iPhone I guess. I was compelled by their recent announcement that they’re switching to recycled cobalt (which is more sustainable and doesn’t use child labour) by 2025, which might make them the only major smartphone company to do so. Fairphone is another option as far as that goes.
- Comment on Why using the search bar to find emojis, does it display the male and female forms, but never show the gender neutral version even though such an emoji does exist? 1 year ago:
Thanks, but I can get that too, it’s just when you use the search bar to type in a term, like “shrug”, " tipping hand", “kneeling”, “massage”, or “haircut”, that it only displays the male and female forms (for me)