- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 3 weeks ago:
I don’t think I have intrusive thoughts. I’m happy, generally pretty creative (hobbies, coding, etc.). Sometimes politics and world affairs get me down, but I don’t feel like they are “intrusive”, more like affecting my mood. I like how /u/ put it–I kind of let my mind do whatever it does, and I try to be an observer of what unfolds. I think meditation practice has helped with this practice (Vipassana or Insight meditation specifically).
- Comment on What determines whether people are likely to purposely (but mistakenly) put two words together (without a space)? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on DeepSeek Proves It: Open Source is the Secret to Dominating Tech Markets (and Wall Street has it wrong). 3 weeks ago:
It’s tricky. There is code involved, and the code is open source. There is a neural net involved, and it is released as open weights. The part that is not available is the “input” that went into the training. This seems to be a common way in which models are released as both “open source” and “open weights”, but you wouldn’t necessarily be able to replicate the outcome with $5M or whatever it takes to train the foundation model, since you’d have to guess about what they used.
- Comment on Please Don’t Make Me Download Another App | Our phones are being overrun 5 months ago:
This is almost completely true, but I would add the caveat that PWAs (progressive web apps) are not as easy to discover and less familiar to install as an app in an app/play store. It might also be because it’s in Apple and Google’s best interest to not streamline that. But it’s still an obstacle nevertheless.
- Comment on Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace? 6 months ago:
Word of advice–be a good person to your colleagues, and let friendship possibly develop after one of you leaves. I’ve made many friends throughout the years once we each know there is no pressure to be friends. I’ve had many job leads throughout the years because people I previously worked with thought I was a great colleague.
- Comment on Authy got hacked, and 33 million user phone numbers were stolen 7 months ago:
Check out Aegis if you’re on Android. (See my other comment).
- Comment on Authy got hacked, and 33 million user phone numbers were stolen 7 months ago:
On Android, I replaced Authy with open-source Aegis app. It’s just as functional, allows exporting, and doesn’t tie your data to your phone number (or store it on a central system–not sure if Authy does this or not).
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Here’s my take:
We’re built for about 150 relationships max (Dunbar number), and yet we benefit from cooperation above that threshold. Rather than make it so we have to have a personal relationship with everyone who could possibly benefit us, we accepted a ramped down version of relationship we call “transactions”. This is a very weak replacement for a relationship, but it is a sort of “micro-relationship” in that for a brief moment two people who don’t know each other can kind of care about each other during an exchange. Through specialization, we can do something well that doesn’t just benefit the handful of friends and neighbors we have, but tens of thousands and possibly millions of people via transactions.
There is a process called “commensuration” in the social sciences, where people start to make one thing commensurate with another, even in wildly different domains. For example, to understand the value of a forest and to convey its importance to decision makers we might say “this forest is worth $100 billion”. It’s kind of weird to do this (how do leaves and trees and anthills and beetles equal imaginary humoney?) But slowly, over time, we have made many things commensurate to dollars at various scales. (I don’t think this is a good thing, but it does have benefits). In short, more and more things that were part of an implicit economy of relationships (e.g. can the neighbor girl babysit tonight?) have entered the explicit domain of the monetary economy (e.g. sittercity).
IMO, in order to participate in the huge value generated by this monetary economy, people sometimes lose the forest for the trees (so to speak) and forget what really matters (e.g. excellence of character, deep relationships, new experiences, etc.) because it seems like we might be able to put off those things until “after” we square away this whole money thing first. But maybe “after” never comes–and the hollow life of a consumer capitalist drains the inner ecological diversity of a soulful life.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 9 months ago:
“We know better than you” has never been an effective way to change other peoples’ minds, in my experience.
- Comment on Why do people still eat beef when we know it's terrible for Earth? 9 months ago:
I appreciate your question, but I think “we know” is problematic:
- who is “we”?
- how do we “know”?
- can some people know one thing while others know the opposite?
I’m not trolling, either, just asking questions from a philosophical point of view. I’ve changed my mind about several things I took very seriously and thought I was 100% right about. Could others be dealing with similar changing-mind-through-time processes? Could you?
- Comment on What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group? 11 months ago:
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 75 comments
- Comment on what has worked for you to stop getting angry thinking about people who hurt you? 1 year ago:
From “Verissimus”, a comic about the Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius:
My favorite two are “Being unlike your enemies is the best form of revenge,” and “Goodwill is a virtue, the opposite of revenge, the desire to help rather than harm our fellow man. So replace your anger with its antidote: kindness.”