- Comment on Huawei's tri-foldable phone hits global markets in a show of defiance amid US curbs 2 weeks ago:
It would be enticing even with that price for some, IF ( THIS IS BIG IF) they could use Google apps. It’s quite useless without Google’s android, and in Western world you can’t use it for banki g purposes due to lack of security
- Comment on Reddit is profitable for the first time ever, with nearly 100 million daily users 4 months ago:
I am in between both platform’s and honestly Reddit still is good source for me for almost anything, Lemmy users seems to be pretentious LINUX users who attacks me all the time when I say Linux is not useful, no variety of content ( of course that right I’ll take time) but I can go through contet of Lemmy within half day at most bit reddit is vast. I do use only rdx so no ads for me, no replies from me. I totally agree with you on Lemmy that we need more communities and also simplification on how to access different federated worlds
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
On lemmybyes Linux is tech no ? Checknit out in any Lemmy community if you say Linux is anything but superior its a NO NO
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
I am.looking for more people who does not haate you because you don’t use Linux on Lemmy. Even the community where one can say Linux is not usable for everyday, till it stands on cruches of terminal to do anything and don’t have to get multiple down votes
- Comment on CrowdStrike broke Debian and Rocky Linux months ago, but no one noticed 7 months ago:
Hah not true in many many many cases
- Comment on CrowdStrike broke Debian and Rocky Linux months ago, but no one noticed 7 months ago:
Tell me where to find executables for programs installed without using Terminal
- Comment on An angry admin shares the CrowdStrike outage experience 7 months ago:
Thank för addressing Lemmy circlejerk för Linux . They really take it far
- Comment on Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status” 7 months ago:
Are you joking or are you a shill? All of Western world has multiple protections and amenities in place firmly yet. If you talkn about economy, where is the money? I mean we would not have stories about soldiers being asked to use tampons, dealing with North Korea out of all countries. Are you sure you are talking about v same russia we are seeing in 2024?
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
In atleast 3 distros I wanted to add program at start-up, easy peasy on windows , Linux is mess , some has gui for that but these three distorsion HAD ZERO option for it and I still don’t know how to do it.
In windows i want to serch for here is program installed, so easy to know and find . In Linux I had to fight multiple terminal commands ( in 2024 no less) and ev n then indid not come across whwre is the program installed
In Linux I plugged in hdd and wanted a program to acess its content, turns out I can’t do that without mumbo jumbo or wv n with it Whwre as in windows , inplug it and VOILA! I can access it across anything.
Linux MAY be good at something , but it still sucks for real Common usage.
- Comment on VPN by Google One shuts down 8 months ago:
And guess what , when I asked what is replacing VPN as part of services, they say they don’t know and tried to move me over to 20 eur a month plan. So reducing the service and staying same prices …
- Comment on VPN by Google One shuts down 8 months ago:
I hate sygic for this, i bought lifetime för my part of World, and now it mails me every day to get subscription. never i will get it, every time i need it i will use cracked one. It was one of the good company, but now its just a nag.
- Comment on Nintendo Switch Is Removing Integration for X, Formerly Twitter 9 months ago:
Do you know if
- Having switch is without hardware modification of any kind? And
- Can i play my “downloaded” copies of owned games on modified switch?
- Comment on The job applicants shut out by AI: ‘The interviewer sounded like Siri’ 11 months ago:
I have a question , there are 2 inputs i use to make a cover letter , 1. My resume and 2. Job description
How do you manage to mangler them together with chat gpt? Cause ibensure that its very specific to the job ALWAYS.
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
Hello leave AutoCAD, what about word and EXCEL. now you and Linux dudebros will tell me there are alternatives on Linux like libre office and what not. To them I say this
- Make a document in libreoffice , try to save it as docx and see what says libreoffice, or make a doc in word and adjust formatting, try to open same doc in libre office and see what shit show it becomes
- Hand down no body can beat ms excel, on multiple platforms, the versality is not just complex formulas but functions like xlookup, index match , combined with VBA scripting with formulas that can low-key fight python , power tables are unparalleled, if you can replicate these without A SINGLE COMMAND line input for dumb users like us That would the win.
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
Linux dudebros think everybody can use terminal and everybody understand commands like rm-rf is a joke basically they think Linux is superior in every which way and millions people are just dumb that they dont use linux .
- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
Or how about
- You can’t easily define what apps start with startup
- Even when wine is installed , lot of programs won’t run in wine
- You cannot easily find where the program is installed like you can in windows
- You attach a external disk but some apps won’t see it mounted making it Impossible to explore in their file picker , not all but some
- There is almost huge lack of programs , for which there is huge possibility that a windows program exists.
- There is constant need to use terminal for lot of things for which you can’t a program see point 4.
I keep telling Linux is still not for common home use for users who are in between power users and people only using it for browsing. This will get me downvotes here on Lemmy all the time . Linux edge lords are their own bubble.
- Comment on Sign up on services without phone number? Is it possible? 1 year ago:
Thanks for reply .In don’t want to be stuck with a temporary phone at all. It will be just to sign up and that’s all. I am not bound tonany country for signup , I can be any country in world as you said a phone number is a phone number. Can you let me know details?
- Comment on Sign up on services without phone number? Is it possible? 1 year ago:
Thanks for reply, what is paid app burner? Can you point me in right direction?
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 15 comments
- Comment on For those who lurk on Reddit - my read-only, ad-free, open source Reddit viewer RDX is better than ever now 1 year ago:
Does not work on android with Firefox at all
- Comment on Google Photos Alternative 1 year ago:
Hi thanks for your reply. I have laptop with external drive that i use as server at home. Ideally as easy part1 i would only upload pictures home, and would access them home only. This is not a public intelltual property, it’s our photos so public IP needed.
What i am looking is
My and familys phones are getting full of pics and videos, so instead of using Google Photos can we upload it our own server at home easily and wirelessly. If need be we can watch them on tv . That’s it.
- Comment on Google Photos Alternative 1 year ago:
Hi Thanks for reply, I would be putting it in zorin os laptop (that is linux) , What do I reserve proxy för ?
- Comment on Google Photos Alternative 1 year ago:
Hi is there a guide for Complete Newbie like me , right from how to download this software(I could not find link or anything resembling.exe for installation,) upptill how doninput it on my zorin os laptop and setup my and my familys phone to upload photos to our own laptops via immich. Like a a book idiots guide to xyz… Kind of thing
- Comment on The American mind cannot comprehend this 1 year ago:
Not car free but i can definitely tell you there is possibility to walk, public transit in MOST of EU cities. Starting from Scandinavia, almost any city with pop , 10k or more will have generally bus transport, and probable connectivity to nearest big city by train/bus, big cities have metro (Stockholm) that I know of Germany has vast network of rail(although it’s schisse at moment with DB) , within cities its bus , that I know of . France almost any big city will have bus, tram and/or metro and long distance trains Same for spains cities , Netherlands is famous for its Public transport This is from what I know
Cars are severely slow and given less prio in these countries, in any of big city e.g. Barcelona, Paris, Hague, you can see you can go faster by public transportation or almost same time as car for same destinations , check it out in Google maps with comparisons
- Comment on Self-Hosting Email - Software Recommendations? 1 year ago:
What service do you have for 1usd?
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
Same here
- Comment on Average Lemmy Active Users by Month 1 year ago:
It’s sometimes unbearable on Lemmy. I have stated that using Linux is very hard for noobs and it’s not useful still for general audience. I have got so many downvotes just because of this, you won’t believe. It feels like community is Linux users , who are acting as nerds or are nerds, and they are somewhat inclusive of outsiders. Lemmy feels like a club for only the so called intellectuals and they want to barr regular person getting in. This is also evident with Lemmy worlds or alternative of subbreddits. If you try to find some they still don’t exists. Further Lemmy is very hard to understand , even I struggle to understand how it works. But the access to different Lemmy’s is good, via boost app. The Lemmy worlds though they don’t look as polished as Reddit does but that’s cause Lemmy is evolving. So in summary Quality of posts, strong sense of non inclusivity by lemmye’rs , understanding of how Lemmy works and old feel of Lemmy are the reasons is keeping people out.
- Comment on Free returns disappearing from retailers | The era of free returns — an essential part of the rise of online shopping — is ending 1 year ago:
Det inte sänt,eller?? Även med Biltema, Stadium ? Aldrig har provat, jag tar grejer direkt till butik. Om det är sänt jag vill gärna stoppa köra att bära retur.grejerna.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
Go to Linux Lemmy and search for Minecraft. There was a post few days ago on how to run it in Linux. Nobody had answer in how to run it natively nobody. It was not far long that Linux on any version had problems accessing YouTube b cause of flash, and installing flash was no easy job with multiple dependencies. Now it may work here and there may be 80% but as easy as windows .no way , it’s not a everyday OS who don’t want to touch Terminal ever.
- Comment on Your Windows 10 PC will soon be 'junk' - users told to resist Microsoft deadline 1 year ago:
)leave aside old games , despite what Lemmy Linux Community have you believe, even new version of many s/w don’t work with Linux , package managers are crap and “everything is easy with terminal” is a lie. I am not fan of MS either but Linux just does not work.