- Comment on 2021 Nigerian Prophecy Calander 8 months ago:
I’m not sure if you’re pulling my leg, but sure, I get that. But what is a single/double/triple stripe month?
Now I am really curious…
- Comment on 2021 Nigerian Prophecy Calander 8 months ago:
What do the number of black stripes under the months designate?
- Comment on I knew it 10 months ago:
Well, to be honest, apart of the aliens thing, everything you said is true.
So how is your housemate wrong?
And aliens? That’s an American thing. Only Americans are abducted and only America gets attacked by aliens in the movies. (And South-Africa)
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
You’re playing a dangerous game with those kind of words makker
- Comment on LinkedIn Isn't Just for Jobs Anymore. It's Now a Dating App Too. 1 year ago:
Your Miles May Vary, an acronym saying that it’s his/her opinion/experience, and your experience may be different.
- Comment on Kids are brutal 1 year ago:
I think you refer to the movie “Chef” where the kid tried to serve a burned Cubano (Cuban sandwich)?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
No, you’re being downvoted because your post suggests that you basically reward them by not leaving. That their scummy change doesn’t affect you is lucky for you, but don’t ‘gloat’ in a topic where the TS is saying it does affect them.
You know, empathy? Or at least show some solidarity.