- Comment on 6/10 'murican cinema supremacy 7 months ago:
“Don’t toy with me Nagatoro” and “Uzaki chan wants to hang out” are the 2 middle ones
- Comment on New Laptop Memory Is Here! LPCAMM2 Changes Everything! - iFixit Video 9 months ago:
I wouldn’t really trust this site. Videos that go through a lot of different benchmarks /programs and games are way better. This shows the M2 being pretty average/normal between other laptop CPUs: youtu.be/FWfJq0Y4Oos
And this shows M2 Ultra vs the top Intel CPU at that time: youtu.be/buLyy7x2dcQ
The things that’s impressive about the M[x] chips are their efficiency. Apple basically lying with the performance graphs they put out is really frustrating when they have an actual amazing metric they could show: power consumption. That’s what a RISC architecture is good at
- Comment on nuclear fear-mongering is a ploy by Big oil 10 months ago:
When nuclear was cut more gas was used
Thats just wrong. Fossil fuels actually went down while renewables went up. Image
Im sick and tired of the right wing imports “argument” from people that clearly have no idea how the European electricity market works. Germany has the capacity to easily produce all of its electricity but its way wiser to not do that and import from other countries since that can be cheaper than ramping up power plants. In the past Germany used to keep running coal plants even for export but CO2 emission certificates keep getting more expensive while other European countries have been expanding their renewable power plants resulting in cheaper electricity which results in Germany exporting less and importing some of that cheap electricity now because 1. exporting electricity produced via coal is less profitable now and 2. importing a certain amount is getting cheaper than powering up a reactor yourself. 2023 most of those imports (~50%) were from renewables btw. 24% of imports were from nuclear which is 3.6% of the whole electricity production and even that keeps decreasing.
tagesschau.de/…/ein-jahr-atomausstieg-deutschland… agora-energiewende.de/…/A-EW_317_JAW23_WEB.pdf#pa…
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
If the hold on to their existing vehicle than thats just another upside. If they buy a new gasoline car instead of an EV this is bad. But EVs dont have to be insanely heavy if we stop the whole cars getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger crap. They will still be heavier than their gasoline counterpart but one solution might be 2 tax brackets: One for gasoline cars and one for evs that has the same taxation levels but allows for, lets say, 500kg more weight in them
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
I have never said you should buy a new or even a Fairphone to begin with. You’re trying to deflect from the actual discussion and make it look like I said certain stuff I never even said
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
No you didn’t list any facts. “Every time”. Dude I’ve just told you ONCE that you can’t compare massive cooperations against a small company. I don’t even own a Fairphone and have never owned one. I keep my phone as long as possible. I’m literally not the type of consumer you think I am. But sure just because I listed literal facts you can’t seem to accept, I’m a fanboy of a brand I’ve never bought from and just pointed out some facts once. Whatever makes you feel better I guess
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
Eh nope. Just stating facts that’s all
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
Yes they are obviously not perfect but they are at least trying to change something, while the massive cooperations just dont acknowledge that problem at all.
And the updates thing: Apple controls the ecosystem and are a huge company. They dont have to worry about manufactures for a processor or other parts not supporting it longer and stop giving it driver updates. Same with Samsung and especially Google. They are huge companies that can basically do what they want. They will be able to get a hold of drivers and firmware because they are a huge customer to the manufactures. And they only just started promising those long updates. Meanwhile Fairphone has been trying for years to support their devices that long and had to struggle because they are not a massive cooperation that can influence manufactures like that to the point they now dont use normal consumer grade chips but ones with extended support.
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
Other phones can be much cheaper because they don’t care about slavery or child labor in their production line and don’t support their phones that long
- Comment on Real! 1 year ago:
French people are busy hating on themselves. I’ve heard about French people hating on people from Paris so since Ive ment French people during my exchange/foreign semester I tried asking them if they really hate people from Paris and they confirmed it for me. All non Paris French people hate on Paris French people lol
- Comment on Good morning. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Virtual Girlfriend 1 year ago:
Don’t wanna be that guy but I’m a German so I have to ruin the fun: We don’t call it “Antibabypille”. “die Pille” is what most people just call it
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
Same with a lot of news outlets in Germany. Although it’s not that difficult for me to use only sites that allow disallowing every cookie or just bypass the cookie popup
- Comment on special characters are dope 1 year ago:
But that’s just how it’s supposed to be written if ä, ö, ü can’t be used. And since URLS don’t accept them, they get changed to ae, oe, ue. In crossword puzzles you also have to write them with the e
- Comment on Average website visit in 2024 1 year ago:
The cookies being pre selected is illegal in the EU. Although I’ve seen sites that don’t care and still enable them by default
- Comment on life hacks 1 year ago:
I guess it’s fine if it’s been a bit after brushing lol. But eating at work actually sounds kinda nice. Easing into work like that and starting it slow etc
- Comment on life hacks 1 year ago:
You can still brush them in the morning. Just after you’ve eaten breakfast
- Comment on life hacks 1 year ago:
Which psychopath brushes their teeth first and then eats breakfast like he’s in some kind of stupid movie
- Comment on Europe 1 year ago:
But I can see some parts of Africa at the top. What a shitty map 😡😡