- Comment on After 40 years of being free Microsoft has added a paywall to Notepad 1 week ago:
My understanding of the different operating systems
MacOS: One time hardware payment for their service (plus for every other device)
Linux: Free as in price free and freedom
Windows: 30+ subscriptions to edit 1 file, then cooldown till next day or upgrade subscriptions to enterpise version for a kidney/per user/per month.
ChomeOS: Communism for the children, supported by the Education System
- Comment on Microsoft is cracking down on people upgrading to Windows 11 on unsupported hardware 4 weeks ago:
The year of the Linux Desktop is coming!!!
- Comment on Lorax Flashback 3 months ago:
I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees, and the trees speak Vietnamese
- Comment on Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet 5 months ago:
Sammy over here listening to death metal
- Comment on What other poetry could be simplified like this? 6 months ago:
FBI documents be like:
- Comment on Ain't no way 6 months ago:
I didn’t understand this meme till I turned brain into dad mode
- Comment on Can somebody explain to me why this needs Bluetooth? 6 months ago:
You would be surprised what some are capable of
- Comment on Hello I think you'll love this house. 8 months ago:
.text { justify-content: center; justify-items: center; justify-self: center; align-content: center; align-items: center; align-self: center; text-align: center; }
⍑ᒷꖎꖎ𝙹 ∴𝙹∷ꖎ⟍̅
- Comment on How do you even call that? 9 months ago:
You need some uranium to cook it all the way
- Comment on Godzilla (2014) was pretty good, except for Muto having that electromagnetic pulse weapon. Why would a biological evolutionarily develop such a thing? It's useless against Godzilla. 9 months ago:
I recently watched Godzilla Minus One, honestly I liked it more than all the newer Godzilla movies with other titans
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Apparently not, I’m not as chronically online so I’m like still in 2015 era, heck I recently ditched all my playlists and started listening to songs from 1960s like Elvis Presley
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Never heard of that subreddit, then again I wasn’t on Reddit for long when the API migration began
- Comment on 99% of Lemmy users 9 months ago:
I want to comment more and more, but I need to stop myself half the time, because I know it doesn’t add anything, not funny, or will just get hated on cuz I’m ignorant of most situations/people
- Comment on As a leftist when I saw this post in twitter I had to be rushed to the hospital. My blood pressure read 2567 over 1547 9 months ago:
My mind is playing tricks on me, I keep seeing and unseeing a hair strand in his fingers.
- Comment on The Patriarchy 9 months ago:
I’m having flashbacks of… fades to black
Ralof: Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X can’t invent its own copyright law, judge says 9 months ago:
Musk gotta cut back on that weed, or whatever he is smoking
- Comment on Online dating apps be like 9 months ago:
I guess it already has been 3 weeks since I last posted this is someone’s comment sections
- Comment on Never look rule 9 months ago:
You need to wear a pumpkin
- Comment on Lower your emissions 9 months ago:
It got no trains, -1 point, but looks interesting, +3 points
- Comment on Lower your emissions 9 months ago:
Me downloading a game that is only 0.5GB
- Comment on Marriage 9 months ago:
Not anymore
- Comment on Everyone who reads this was at some point(s) in their life seconds away from death, without realising it. 10 months ago:
Better title would have been:
Someone out there is reading this while taking a shit instead of working!
- Comment on Guys, think this is legit? 10 months ago:
Ask him what the conversion rate is for soda tabs to bottle caps
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
At least you have the option to ditch your phone to live in the woods like big foot, but a chip would require a way to cut it out of yourself like surgery.
- Comment on ⭐ rockstar developers ⭐ 10 months ago:
- Comment on RTX 40090 10 months ago:
Gotta build a time machine to steal neighbors power from the distant future cuz modern power grid just doesn’t cut it anymore for these gpus
- Comment on I feel so old. 11 months ago:
What a violent generation, jk jk
- Comment on I feel so old. 11 months ago:
What is HMU? The only thing that sounds right if I rack my brain, is “holler me up”, but idk I’m mentally old and can’t keep up with “hip” culture.
- Comment on If managers are so good at managing things, how come they can't manage to manage themselves? 11 months ago:
Ah, same as a real mathematician can mathematically mathematise mathematics in a mathematical mathematiculation, so if a mathematician can mathematise mathematics in a mathematical mathematiculation, why can’t you mathematically mathematise mathematics in a mathematical mathematiculation like the mathematician who mathematically mathematises mathematics in a mathematical mathematiculation…
- Comment on Router recommendations? (under 100CAD) 11 months ago:
A cheap (or used) mesh system is better than any router + extender crap, especially if you have a modem router combo that can’t even output decent speeds 10 feet away in straight view, at least this is my experience with it.