- Comment on Historic step: National Geographic Society’s includes fungi in its wildlife definition and launches the short film “Flora, Fauna, Funga” | Fungi Foundation Blog 11 months ago:
They also said Cantharellus only grow on trees in their print issue, likely AI generated text. Their last video on fungi was full of errors as well. They have really gone downhill
- Comment on All grown up 1 year ago:
Nice! I think all of ours are A. chrysoblema now
- Comment on what kind of mushroom is this? Portland OR 1 year ago:
These are an Agaricus species
- Comment on Just popped up today 1 year ago:
The goo is edible too! Flavor intensifies with this process. Some folks like to use it for pasta or sauces, kind of like a vegan squid ink
- Comment on Just popped up today 1 year ago:
No, they don’t. Coprinus comatus does not contain any benzocoprines, and does not interact with alcohol. Coprinopsis atramentaria is the one you are referring to. Completely different genus - and not one I’d recommend eating anyways, besides the alcohol interaction they have been found to cause testicular lesions!
- Comment on Shaggy Inkcap in various states of decay 1 year ago:
Other fungi
- Comment on I think this is a ringless honey mushroom. Anyway, already made stir fry out of it and I'm not dead. 1 year ago:
Galerina look nothing like this
- Comment on I think this is a ringless honey mushroom. Anyway, already made stir fry out of it and I'm not dead. 1 year ago:
Your ID is correct. Maybe don’t eat stuff if you only “think” you know it though haha
- Comment on Looking for some confirmation that these beauties are Oyster Mushrooms? 1 year ago:
Compare to Pleurotus, growing from buried wood. The ones to rule out here would be the worrisome Clitocybe dealbata group
- Comment on All grown up 1 year ago:
What’s your general location? Assuming you’re in the US, we have several muscarioids but A. muscaria s.s. doesn’t really occur here outside of the extreme PNW (barring the rare hitchhiker on conifer transplants)