- Comment on FOSS scanner app surpasses Microsoft for usability 10 months ago:
Glad you found a better solution. At home, I scan every letter I get, getting me to 99% paperless. Imagine my shock, when I doscovered that Gnome’s “Simple Scan” took sharper scans at one tenth the filesize than “HP Smart Print”… on my HP printer. No login bullshit, no “oh, we analyze your scan for content to suggest a file name”, no nothing. Just the possibility to click a button, and get a great looking pdf at a ver decent file size.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
My bad, I wasn’t being clear. Firefox now supports passkeys, but afaik doesn’t have a service for it. So you can use e.g. Bitwarden in Firefox, with Bitwarden storing the passkey, and Firefox just “handing it over”.
I’ve had however a couple of sites that refused to create passkeys in Firefox for my Bitwarden, but that seems to be site specific.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
It has had it for one or two versions now
- Comment on If you live in the EU - you may also be faced with this Meta prompt. Info in text. 1 year ago:
This exactly. Facebook can only advertise to EU users with targeted ads if they explicitly opt in. The paid version only exists to give us a “choice”, making targeted ads legally acceptable as we now have an alternative by paying for the service. German newspaper sites have been applying this practice for quite a while now. Those that get fined are only those that ise the wrong legalese.