- Comment on 1 year ago:
I’ve been saying this to my friends for a good while. The most recent iterations of the Xbox almost didn’t happen, it was ready to be axed after the nightmare the 360 and xbone launches were.
My prediction has long been that since they were thinking about getting rid of it anyway, and they are shifting focus, that what you predict will happen and that eventually either Xbox will not exist or the Xbox of the future will just be a streaming dongle like the firestick. Just a little app store with controller and you stream all of your games over wifi.
They sell it for dirt cheap and no legit console can compete for basic gaming. Sony will still have a hardcore market, especially with vr and their first party titles, but most of the casual crowd would buy a 50-100 dollar “Xbox” so fast and just pay for game pass. It is a no brainer for Xbox, consoles are always a major loss of money and they don’t want physical media anyway.
- Comment on Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals 1 year ago:
I’m an American living in Denmark. Everyone here knows how to drive them even if their current car is automatic. They are becoming more popular, though.
- Comment on Tesla's reputation slumps as GM, Ford climb - Tesla ranked 62nd by reputation among the 100 most visible brands, tumbling from 12th last year and 8th in 2021. 1 year ago:
Pretty much as you would suspect. In the late 30s they changed over to manufacturing for the war effort, business was booming for them, turns out war makes a lot of money. Eventually they were making bearings and tools for Germany. Allies found out started targeting their factories and they moved them. Got bombed again after moving.
- Comment on Apple loses bid to stop UK investigation over cloud gaming and browsers in reversal 1 year ago:
I don’t see anything wrong with being gay or a pervert. Might just be me but I’d put my money on most people being “perverts” by any definition a delusional prude could come up with. Nothing wrong with coming onto anyone either, actually. I’ve been hit on by men, and while I’m not interested I was flattered. Respecting their response to your flirtation is what matters.
The only real thing that could be an issue in this fever dream of a comment is if he repeatedly did come onto him but I have to say there is no shot I’m going to take anyone with all of your bias seriously. Jobs had a few screws loose and I would be willing to believe that the reason he would turn anything down is because he believed his alternatives would cure him. However I’m also willing to acknowledge my own bias, because I don’t think the man deserves the respect he gets, he seemed to do nothing but take advantage of others around him to get what he wanted.
Step back and ask yourself do you really think that being gay or being a pervert is an issue or are you just told to think it should be? Is it really a thought point you came to on your own? Or maybe when he came out the article you read on it was written by a journalist with homophobic undertones and you internalized the homophobic response, after all it’s going to be easy to do if you already believe that gay = bad.
It can be scary to think for yourself, especially if the people around you do not try to do so and be open minded themselves. You’ll feel lonely and isolated by the people closest to you, I’ve been there and it was hard. I hope you can change for the better and maybe you’ll be a little less miserable, in my experience I grew to be happier and less lonely in the long run.
- Comment on X Is The Biggest Source Of Fake News And Disinformation, EU Warns 1 year ago:
I’m an American living in Denmark and have done so for years, I love it here and have no intention of leaving. I’ve heavily considered giving up my citizenship in the US because I have no intention of returning, but I’m not Danish. Sometimes people say “you look Danish!” To me and internally I feel really uncomfortable. I wouldn’t even call myself European, honestly.
However, that’s my opinion, and to be honest musk embraced the American way more than I ever did so he’s probably more American than I am. To each their own.
- Comment on X Is The Biggest Source Of Fake News And Disinformation, EU Warns 1 year ago:
Unless south Africa is also America he is in fact, not American. I don’t even want to start on all the other asinine things you’ve stated.
- Comment on YouTube tests AI-generated comment summaries and a chatbot for videos 1 year ago:
I legitimately do not understand, who wants this? Sure, maybe I’m biased and maybe lemmy is going to be an echo chamber and be like “yeah, stupid Google!”. However, for the life of me, I just don’t understand. Maybe I am really just getting old, I feel like every company now is just trying to stick “AI” into things every way they can. If I cared about the comments, I’d read the comments. if I did care about those comments, that means I would want to read THEM. Who does this serve? I watch a video because I want to watch a video, I don’t want a summary of the content I came to see. As a bonus to this rant, If I wanted shorts I’d watch them, hell you can’t even remove them anymore, not that I could before since they always came back. It’s like my doctor saying I shouldn’t have a surgery to remove my reproductive ability because I might want it later. No thanks, I don’t want kids and i don’t want shorts, let me remove it.
It’s getting harder and harder to do anything the way I want to do it on any platform. Things I value get taken away, like down votes, and i have to use other means to return them and yet stuff gets shoved in my face that I don’t want. The algorithms are terrible too, half the time my suggested to watch are just tons of videos I’ve already seen from the most recent creator i watched. I love adam savages content but its background that I usually put on, I don’t need every other suggested video being that, maybe pepper in some of the other creators. I follow hundreds of creators and those videos ive seen are all that can be suggested, really? Oh and by the way, have fun with trying to block ads 😊 Sure, what I’m doing now works, but for fucks sake I would watch an ad if it wasn’t so toxic to do so. I just want a service that actually seems to care about serving. Not trying to tell me what I should want.
Tldr: angry man shouts at the internet, contributes nothing or any real solutions.
- Comment on What are some alternative to soulless videogame franchises? 1 year ago:
Larian (baldurs gate 3) is massive for being indie. I think where your misconception comes from is the term indie. The term comes with a lot of predetermined expectations and definitions, but in spite of this fact very large studios can be indie.
Of course it feels weird to label a studio as large as larian indie when compared to the likes of supergiant(hades) or two brothers of bay 12 who created dwarf fortress. None of the three are technically any less indie, but one certainly feels more indie, doesn’t it?