- Comment on put that in your pipe and smoke it 1 week ago:
So can we smoke it?
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Dont worry when Pierre Poulivre (PP head) gets elected shit will get americanized we are already halfway there with the dismantling of public healthcare and schooling. Actually even he doesnt get elected Trudeau is doing nothing to stop the provincial governments from dismantling the public system already
- Comment on Zelda 64: Recompiled for PC - Majora's Mask Release Trailer 9 months ago:
Just find the original you left on archive.org
- Comment on Bruh, take a break already 9 months ago:
They already took you if you seen them why do you think you feel like you’ve been just looking at memes all night?
- Comment on we love those power laws 10 months ago:
Lol fucking america of course its already made
- Comment on we love those power laws 10 months ago:
Until they make the Fat Man
- Comment on Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining 10 months ago:
Idk if you love or hate windows but I hope your job switches to linux for your sanity lol I would be going crazy. Just reading your rant gave me anxiety
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
That is such a weird way of putting it I believe its more the single consciousness wants to like experience because knowing everything is like pointless so it fragmentes into these piece of its conscienceness and we populate the universe experiencing. Maybe different theories but also not my theory lol
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
OK but what is a “conscience entity”
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Yeah I don’t see it being any different then them using windows they were already stuck with a system they didn’t know. And now their computer will last much longer as well
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
The recent nvidia drivers have been good imo
- Comment on I knew it 10 months ago:
Austin powers was trying to tell us this
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Generally People don’t give a shit. Ive learned you gotta use the same tactics as windows and shove it in their face. My parents think they have been using windows for over a year now but I secretly installed Linux mint on their systems made it look like windows. They haven’t even fucking noticed they only use a browser for emails and Facebook. When my friends ask me to help build their PC and bring a windows os I bring a Linux os and say its all I will install and troubleshoot
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
Oh my gosh I’m so dumb I never even put that together. That’s so cool. He does have interesting theories but he’s also saving old growth forests well trying and he’s doing breakthrough research in the medical attributes of mushrooms.
- Comment on Professor meow meow 10 months ago:
Are you guys serious the cat obviously wrote the paper and just needed the Professor human for credibility. This is just like that movie with the rat in the chef hat , but it’s a cat and a physicist
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
People should look up Paul Stamets. Dude is doing amazing things in the field of mycology and showing the power of mushrooms!
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 10 months ago:
Its all circular because pogs was first
- Comment on This 7-year-old has a lemonade stand to pay for her mom's tombstone 11 months ago:
It’s their goal to make you just comment on internet forums and then go to work the next day. Repeat
- Comment on Elon Musk's X pushed a fake headline about Iran attacking Israel. X's AI chatbot Grok made it up. 11 months ago:
It was never that site the FBI was literally using it for narrative control before Elon bought it
- Comment on Valve: Windows 11 market share on Steam drops to 41.61% 11 months ago:
I agree, other than the sea of change happening quickly I see it as a long grueling process of denial then some sort of retaliation and finally ends with adoption
- Comment on Valve: Windows 11 market share on Steam drops to 41.61% 11 months ago:
Yeah I believe the 2020s are gonna be paradigm shifting. But I think numbers do matter because the only way to get people to play on Linux is have other people play on Linux first to show them it’s good.
- Comment on Valve: Windows 11 market share on Steam drops to 41.61% 11 months ago:
Yo thats awesome that’s like 1 percent higher then last year
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
I can obviously ponder it. I’ve shown that. It’s just that there’s no reason to believe it’s any more real than Harry Potter is. It may make you feel nice, but it doesn’t do anything. If consciousness can’t be defined by whoever is positing the idea then it’s not useful to consider.
You thought about it for a second and actually thought yeah living things having a conscience is fiction? What I don’t really know how to respond to that If consciousness is just derived from the activity in our brain it’s not hard to assume that animals atleast are aware of their conscious being on some small way. That is most definitely more believable then god or Harry Potter.
Just because something can’t be defined yet doesn’t mean we won’t eventually be able to. But you know we gotta get there and again I am not saying these theories are right I commented on a meme.
I love what you said about string theory I would agree but you said it’s wrong and maybe this is too and maybe something useful will come out of it but maybe not.
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
Nothing here has anything to do with consciousness. You can recreate this experiment with no one in the room and it will behave exactly the same, and has a sound (if very confusing conventionally) mathematical cause.
First I was commenting on a meme wasn’t expecting these comments lol. but we are active in the experiment that is the point to show that it changes states because we observe Why does that happen and why don’t we don’t know it’s position til observed. It doesn’t matter if we are in the room or not we could be 1000 miles away watching on webcam and the same thing happens because we observed it and my side note QM is fucking magic dude
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
If the conscious observer thing were true, what would it decide is consciousness? Would it require sapience? Sentience? Does it happen for dolphins? Apes? Monkeys? Mice? Tardigrades? What level of synapse connections is it waiting for to decide that’s enough? What about humans born without a brain? Can they not see anything? This hypothesis requires so many weird assumptions that it’s less than useless. A god existing makes more sense.
Idk why that is so hard for you to even ponder
Science requires testable and verifiable hypothesis. If they can’t be falsified they aren’t a part of science. They’re a belief system. That’s fine to have, but don’t mix it with science. All you’ll do is end up not accepting more data as we learn it because you’re filtering it through faith.
So string theory isn’t science either show me where strong theory has been proven in any sort of fashion
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
There is a case for even the most fundamental particles having a basic form of consciousness. And there is studies and theories being created this is just new science and extremely hard for materialists to wrap their heads around I understand that. here are some other sources you can check out for data that I posted on another comment as well Donald Hoffman Ted talk Papers from bernardoAnd I want to finish off I do not fully believe these theories. They are that just theories just like most things in science start off and still are today.
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
Sure I agree it could be that as well but there is no actual way to prove that. Since we don’t actually understand what it is or how it works we can’t remove it, therefore with materialism it’s not provable either way. it’s also another theory and why I started my original comment with maybe. It’s better to explore that data in my opinion then outright deny it without any actual evidence proving it’s not. Occams razor is a cop out here
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
Your my favourite person in this comment section never stop learning!
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
Thanks for being open minded and at least looking at the data before you draw your conclusion
- Comment on double slit 11 months ago:
What is magic dude Fucking biobots man