- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
Yeah I can imagine it taking time getting used to as a new player. I played the original as a kid on DOS so the UI is deeply ingrained lol.
- Comment on What are your most played games? 2 months ago:
Baldur’s Gate 3 (~600 hours), (~550), Cities Skylines (~300), Space Engineers (~300), 7 Days to Die (~250) and Satisfactory (~230).
These are all stats from Steam and probably not fully representative. Satisfactory for example I used to play on Epic when I got it as a free game over there, probably logged at least another 500 hours or so on that platform.
My most played game of all time is most likely TES: Oblivion, which I started playing at release back when I was a teenager and had almost infinite free time. I’m not sure if I still have my oldest save to confirm, but I suspect it would be at least 1,500 hours, probably more across several characters.
- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
- Comment on SHUT UP EDDINGTON! NOBODY LIKES YOU! 3 months ago:
Didn’t he become a Commodore, not an Admiral?
- Comment on Most Amazon workers considering job hunting due to 5-day in-office policy: Poll 5 months ago:
My old boss actually thought it was a waste of time bringing everyone back as well. This was a big enterprise, all the RTO orders were coming down from the C suite and senior leadership.
- Comment on Most Amazon workers considering job hunting due to 5-day in-office policy: Poll 5 months ago:
I quit my last job because management wanted us back into the office at first one, then two, then three days a week - all so that we had to commute into an office pointlessly and then either spend the entire day on Teams calls, or just sit at desks writing exactly the same code that we would have at home.
When I accepted my new role, I made very sure that my contract of employment was explicitly set up for full time remote work only.
- Comment on Are LLMs capable of writing *good* code? 6 months ago:
I’ve tried Copilot and to be honest, most of the time it’s a coin toss, even for short snippets. In one scenario it might try to autocomplete a unit test I’m writing and get it pretty much spot on, but it’s also equally likely to spit out complete garbage that won’t even compile, never mind being semantically correct.
To have any chance of producing decent output, even for quite simple tasks, you will need to give an LLM an extremely specific prompt, detailing the precise behaviour you want and what the code should do in each scenario, including failure cases (hmm…there used to be a term for this…)
Even then, there are no guarantees it won’t just spit out hallucinated nonsense. And for larger, enterprise scale applications? Forget it.
- Comment on Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen 1 year ago:
I can’t speak from experience as I don’t own any Amazon devices, but I have read reports that it seems to work fine with the FireTV variant of Android.
The dev has only tested it against Chromecast with Google TV, with that said I’m using it on a Shield TV and a Shield Pro and it runs fine on both.
- Comment on Own a Roku TV or streaming device? You're about to see a lot more ads on your home screen 1 year ago:
Google is already doing this with their default Android TV launcher. I tolerated their home screen ‘recommendations’ for a while as they occasionally highlighted something interesting to watch, but one day I switched on the TV and was greeted with a huge advert banner for a fucking watch on the home screen.
At that point I spent a few hours setting up FLauncher on all my ATV devices.
- Comment on Elon Musk demands another huge payday from Tesla 1 year ago:
Same. Coming up to 4 years owning my Model 3 with no major issues and no work needed other than normal serviceable items common to all cars (tyres, wiper blades, cabin filters, etc).
On the flip side, one of my old coworkers who got his Model 3 at the same time as me had a litany of problems from day one. We used to joke that his car had been built by an intern on a Friday night before a major holiday.
I don’t do enough miles these days to justify getting rid of a perfectly good, functional, almost brand new car and buying a new one - I plan to just run it into the ground instead.
I don’t think I’d buy another Tesla, though. Not necessarily because I care what people think of the car I drive, but because Tesla has made some astonishingly stupid decisions with their new/refreshed cars. No physical drive selector? No TURN SIGNAL STALK? Yes, because I love having critical vehicle controls on a movable surface. Come on now.
- Comment on CALL NOW! 1 year ago:
Worf is in the opening scene because he’s trying to sue Picard over that blue barrel.
- Comment on Dunder Mifflin working hard to beat Wall Street 1 year ago:
Kevin and Toby as O’Brien and Barclay fixing the transporter again.
- Comment on YouTube’s Loaded With EV Disinformation 1 year ago:
Unlike oil, rare earth minerals can be recycled to a degree. What is today your car battery may end up in 10+ years as someone’s house battery, or a power bank or other low-load energy store. The raw materials can eventually be recovered to an extent as well.
A resource disaster is inevitable either way as nobody wants to give up the convenience that we have become accustomed to. Encouraging affluent economies to adopt EVs is pure damage limitation at this point, our biosphere is already fucked from over a century of waste emissions, the least we can do is try and find solutions that don’t involve burning fossilized plant matter for every car journey.
- Comment on Now, whose turn was it to use the russian roulette machine next? 1 year ago:
I think you’ll find the holodeck is the cause of (and occasionally the solution to) most Trek problems.
- Comment on An unusual scene 1 year ago:
- Comment on Bi women love Star Trek. Source me. 1 year ago:
Also the recent SNW crossover where she >!is thirsting over young Spock!<.
- Comment on Linux vs Windows tested in 10 games - Linux 17% faster on Average 1 year ago:
Doesn’t really surprise me, I’ve had a Steam deck since launch and the performance on Windows titles has always been impressive, even considering its relatively low-end hardware.
The only thing preventing me from switching my desktop over is lack of software RAID support in most distributions (by this I mean RAID configured in the BIOS but not using a dedicated hardware controller).