- Comment on [OC] Frog Samurai Leather Stamp 6 months ago:
For sure. I just dragged and dropped the jpg into 3d Builder. That program is rudimentary but if it is a simple drawing it does a great job creating a model.
- Comment on [OC] Frog Samurai Leather Stamp 6 months ago:
I make some small things for gifts and being able to make a custom stamp for a few uses is a cool concept.
- Comment on [OC] Frog Samurai Leather Stamp 6 months ago:
I went over the stamp with blue sharpie and wet the leather with water and a small amount of isopropyl alcohol. When you compress the stamp into the leather with a press the alcohol reactivates the ink in the recesses.
- Comment on [OC] Frog Samurai Leather Stamp 6 months ago:
This was my first attempt with a 3d printed stamp. Worked great!
- Submitted 6 months ago to 3dprinting@lemmy.world | 9 comments
- Comment on Dad? 7 months ago:
I remember getting a legendary bat that did more damage the more drugs you were in withdrawal from and I renamed it “step dad”.
- Comment on What is your least favorite retro video game? 7 months ago:
FFT is a game I have played through 3+ times with probably 1,000+ total playtime and I’ve played all the games you mention. I recommended FFT to a friend a few years ago and watched him play through the first couple missions and it’s easy to forget the difficulty curve of that game if you haven’t played an older style TRPG. A lot of the mechanics aren’t really explained well (stat growth for example), there’s permadeath, a few instances of possible softlocking, and a bunch of really obscure requirements to access some of the content and recruit some of the characters.
I think it suffers from sequel syndrome where the newer TRPGs have better quality of life aspects to them. That said there are rumors of a remake that maybe will address some of that.
- Comment on What is your least favorite retro video game? 7 months ago:
I never tried that one but I did play the The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia and it was not bad. I swear I am not a typing game enthusiast but it is weird there are two zombie typing games.
- Comment on What is your least favorite retro video game? 7 months ago:
I always wanted Mario Teaches Typing.
- Comment on What is your least favorite retro video game? 7 months ago:
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing.
- Comment on What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish? 1 year ago:
Nethack is like the Jumanji of games. You finish it by introducing someone else to it.
- Comment on Best games that can be completed in under ten hours? 1 year ago:
You absolutely must play Doki Doki Literature Club if you have not. It’s free. Do not look up spoilers or be put off by the type of game or the setting. Just play it.
- Comment on CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens hand out medical records to cops without warrants 1 year ago:
Yes, without a warrant. It’s in the Privacy Notice in any retail pharmacy.
Impersonating a cop is a pretty big step that’s illegal in its own right but we did have moms trying to see if their adult daughter was on birth control, but that’s pretty easy to stop. Just lock their profile and ask the patient to make up a passcode or only deal with them in person.
- Comment on CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens hand out medical records to cops without warrants 1 year ago:
Yeah, I didn’t say any of that but ok. HIPAA actually requires you do give law enforcement information in a variety of situations, including specifically the situation I mentioned:
To report PHI that the covered entity in good faith believes to be evidence of a crime that occurred on the covered entity’s premises (45 CFR 164.512(f)(5)).
HHS - When does the Privacy Rule allow covered entities to disclose information to law enforcement
- Comment on CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreens hand out medical records to cops without warrants 1 year ago:
I worked at a pharmacies listed and the only time it actually happened was when a patient tried to sell their Vicodin to an undercover cop outside the store. The cop came in and asked for the information about the prescription and we gave it to him.
- Comment on What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 1 year ago:
I once got Lufia II for SNES for $5 from Blockbuster. Absolutely amazing game and I still have it!