- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
You should take this as personally as possible: you are involuntarily celibate for a reason.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
And so therefore a rape victim should just put up with rape and move on. They’re still alive so it doesn’t matter, and their rapist should be able to live with no consequences.
By your twisted logic, you can justify doing anything to anyone as long as you don’t kill them. Rape does affect everyone for life, especially the ones who have claimed they moved on from it.
What makes you think someone won’t turn around and use your own reasoning to justify doing something to you?
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
They’re rape apologists. Everything they’ve been doing is part of a framework of Motte and Baileys they have constructed to justify and defend rape, and rapists.
Notice they’re talking about the nature of trauma in life when this is actually a thread about OP dealing with a known sexual predator at work? How they have been talking about redemption, punishment, and the death penalty when NONE of those things are eve tangentially related to OP? That is purposeful and intentional.
They derail threads like this, where there are clear-cut cases to hold someone off, because they oppose accountability on a moral level.
They do it because they’re rape apologists.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
I would like you to stop being a rape apologist and actually think about someone other than yourself.
Helpful hint: Responding to this requires one line not 20 paragraphs.
You wouldn’t know it for the walls of text you and your ilk have been dropping on people in the thread non-stop all day, but sure, go ahead and completely ignore everything you were told so you can avoid facing how monstrous your stance is.
Hopefully you won’t ever be in a situation like OP. But then again, if you were, you’d destroy your relationships with your coworkers defending the rapist, so 🤷
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Wow, holy shit 🤣 Okay, let’s break this down:
This is an understandable sentiment, but telling everyone about the charges for which this person has served their sentence in order to rally the rest of the workplace to look for ways to get them sacked is super-likely to see you face consequences for bullying.
Uniting with other people who feel the same way isn’t bullying, it’s a sign the complaint is legitimate. If a group of people complaining about another coworker is bullying, then nothing could be done about anyone. And they couldn’t unionize either.
Bottom line is, employees coming together over a common problem, even one employee rallying others, is done for many legitimate reasons, situations like this included. Even if you don’t agree with anything standing in the way of a known rapist working around women.
If you don’t want to work with this person, consider explaining the circumstances to HR (noting that your friend was a victim), and say it’ll be too traumatic to work alongside them. This seems like a reasonable request to me, which should be accommodated - particularly if HR are already aware of the conviction.
Which will force the victim, or potential victim, to cede territory to the rapist, enabling the rapist to continue harming others. 🤔 Legally, it may or may not benefit OP depending on how they respond, but it’s really not asking enough. They need to ask for the rapist to be moved. For which they’ll need the backing of other people.
If you want vengeance, figure out a way that isn’t going to put your livelihood in jeopardy.
No one even mentioned vengeance. Strawman elsewhere.
Don’t squeeze more negative consequences out of an already shitty situation.
Hahaha you just come right the fuck out and say it.
No negative consequences for rape allowed, rapists should be able to rape and live their lives unabated.
And if we say otherwise, well, negative consequences might come upon us.
Finally, you need to consider the society you’re advocating for -
Ironically I agree with you. This is a horrifying authoritarian slave racket masquerading as a representative democracy, which is run by rapists. And we unironically do have to consider their feelings, because they are the cops, judges and employers who tell others what to do and can do anything they want to you with no consequences. If we let offenders experience consequences on others for doing terrible things, that means they might have to face the music, and we all know they shouldn’t have to handle that.
No man should have to experience consequences for rape. It’d be too much of a threat to the society that built itself on rape.
if we’re abandoning the rule of law to keep people out of work and unable to support themselves after serving their time, we’re relegating them to be either wards of the state or homeless. We’ve already seen the issues caused by felons being barred from voting and its interplay with racial and political dynamics - how do you think manufacturing a desperate criminal underclass will work out for society?
A company is not an agent of the law and what it does has no bearing on the rule of law
Banning rapists from working around women in no wa would break the rule of law if it was an actual law. We already have sex offender registries and yet somehow the world will keep on turning
Rapists can go take jobs that doesn’t require them to be around other people.
Blackmailing and threatening us with the implied threat of harm from disenfranchised rapists is the exact same vengeance you accuse your opponents of having. You literally became exactly what you claim to hate. You. The one wielding it like an emotional cudgel when no one brought it up. But it is certainly like you to project your faults onto others. It’s what rape apologists do, after all.
- Comment on Major western news outlets continue to manufacture consent for israel's Genocide 1 year ago:
Yeah, they do, because it works and because it is the more just option in some instances.
I, for example, am on .cafe allowing my account to be downvoted by rape apologists who are arguing rapists have an absolute right to participate in the community regardless of what they do and the fact that their actions put the community in danger. I oppose rape on principle and think rapists ought to be jailed for life. You think shit Lemmy users are going to listen? No, and the downvotes prove it. But will it affect or change anything? Or change their minds? Absolutely not. Because humanity is inherently evil and violent, and nothing you and I say or do will change that.
You can’t make violent evil people change their minds, and you can never stop violence just as I can never stop enablers from keeping rapists in the community.
Deontological morality like the kind you and I apply to such situations therefore doesn’t work, and we both need to rethink our approach. You want to make the world a better place? Stop focusing on changing the zoo animals and just feed and cage them, where they belong.
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
OHH GOD YES! I’M CUMMING! 👨❤️💋👨👨❤️💋👨👨❤️👨👨❤️👨♥️♥️🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
Ohh yeah, just like that! Harder, baby! ♥️♥️♥️😘👨❤️👨👨❤️💋👨🍆🍆🍆
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
Make me. Hard. 😘👨❤️💋👨🍆
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
And that’s not gonna happen, because you have no actual power over me and you know it.
You could just ask a mod or an admin to ban me, and they’d be happy to do so so no one else can continue calling out their corrupt, hypocritical, and power-hungry leadership. But then I’d just make a new account, and do it again, ad infinitum.
I won’t go along with your bullshit anymore, and you can’t make me.
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
And now we’re onto the “Russian spy” talking point as if that hasn’t been beaten to death already.
You’re really, really not convincing me to go along with your charade. And you need my vote far more than I need anything from you.
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
It’s about to be tiny and horrific for everyone regardless of their stances, but you can keep pretending voting for Biden will help at all. Meanwhile, I am going to just vote No Confidence and then not worry about it anymore. Deal with it.
- Comment on Major western news outlets continue to manufacture consent for israel's Genocide 1 year ago:
I am not demanding shit.
You don’t have to like it. But if humanity wants peace thry have to choose it.
Yeah, dream on, no one is ever going to give up the conflicts, values and issues that matter to them just because you get the icks from something that is ultimately not your business.
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
Blue Hitler over Rer Hitler
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
Oh, are we all on the “Russia Did It” train for this election cycle? Can’t wait to see what other regurgitated meaningless talking points people are gonna dig up to convince dumbasses to keep playing the political game.
- Comment on Major western news outlets continue to manufacture consent for israel's Genocide 1 year ago:
No one is ever rejecting violence for any reason. And you’re immoral for demanding it.
- Comment on Major western news outlets continue to manufacture consent for israel's Genocide 1 year ago:
No that’s NOT the purpose of society 🤣, the purpose of society is to meet our needs, and no amount of arguing from you is going to change that.
Human society has succeeded for thousands of years despite violence within its walls and will keep doing so because humans are selfish, evil little goblins who only care about shoveling McDonald’s into their mouths.
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 1 year ago:
And you can’t enforce ANY rule without protecting your people against bad faith arguing. It’s a foundation of ALL communities, whether explicitly written in its guidelines or not, because meaningful debate is the foundation of ALL human interaction and is primarily what abuse and harassment is.
The needs of your people are more important than your laziness, selfishness, and unwillingness to do your job. Don’t like it? Step the fuck down.
- Comment on It was in self-defence 🙃 1 year ago:
Then what good is your moderation? The whole fucking point of having you around is TO police bad faith arguing. That’s what mods are for
- Comment on It takes a village 1 year ago:
Either you’re doing a good job of playing along or I am actually hearing about something legitimately worse than the abuse I suffered as a child. I don’t know whether to give you kudos or sympathy.
- Comment on It takes a village 1 year ago:
Blinding stew isn’t actually real. It’s the fact that people apparently would use it wholeheartedly, on children, if it was that’s horrific.
- Comment on It takes a village 1 year ago:
That’s exactly the sort of thing you don’t want your kid remembering. All it will do is foster in her a vengeance against you, and she would have a pretty legitimate grievance. Who blinds a child, no matter how temporary?
- Comment on It takes a village 1 year ago:
Then watch her learn how to echolocate and then blind him permanently 🤦
Jesus Christ. Kids do stupid shit like that. They don’t even say how old the kid is. You literally could just bitch at them and make them stop if they were old enough. Or put something harmless but bad tasting on a wig or something and have the kid chew on that, breaking the cycle.
Why do people have to be like this?
- Comment on You may want to wear sunglasses though 1 year ago:
13 by 2 rectangle? 🤔
- Comment on A ‘Shocking’ Amount of the Web Is Already AI-Translated Trash, Scientists Determine 1 year ago:
*you’re sure
- Comment on A ‘Shocking’ Amount of the Web Is Already AI-Translated Trash, Scientists Determine 1 year ago:
🤔 It could be if you removed anonymity from the internet, though that would open a whole different can of worms.
- Comment on OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare” 1 year ago:
Learn how to spell “femininity” right and how to take responsibility for your own actions and then we’ll talk.
Oh, and fucking learn how to actually act around men instead of blaming them for all of your problems. It’s not the patriarchy, honey, it’s you.
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
Do people seriously think there’s something wrong with doing that?
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
And this is why we use Newpipe
- Comment on OpenAI Quietly Deletes Ban on Using ChatGPT for “Military and Warfare” 1 year ago:
Because only the right wing understands the true danger of AI.